Yesterday, in studying this week's lesson from
`Creative Thinking' (by Lucille Cedarcrans) with my 101 year old friend ... it occurred to me that the chapter we were on has
everything to do with
`The Secret' and with The Law of Attraction. This was even one of the topics, coming under Lesson 34 on Definitions of Love.
First there are six definitions provided from Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Then there are some things pointed out which I think are pertinent to our discussion. An excerpt follows:
Love is a divine energy that is a constituent part of the One Life. It is the magnetic, cohesive, informing, qualifying Son Aspect or Christ Principle of the One in Whom we live, move, and have our being. It is the essential energy of which consciousness is made; the reality behind, underlying and informing, sustaining and qualifying the "I". It is radiatory and altruistic in nature, constructive in purpose, and it is the basic law of the Universe.
The lesson goes on to point out, by way of example, how many relationships between men and women, which
seem in our modern world to be founded on love, are actually quite sentimental and emotional-astral in nature, and are in fact based on such selfish motivations as vanity, the desire of being needed, and the desire to punish or be punished. This is not love at all,
yet such relationships are being conditioned - and imperfectly so (because of our imperfect grasp of it, and application of it) - by the Law of Attraction.
A quotation from Matthew 5:38-45 is provided, and it is demonstrated that Jesus pointed out what
true love looks like in practice, then it is asked,
"What happened?"
Again, an excerpt is relevant to the esoteric presentation and understanding of things:
Students (at this point of realization), lift their attention to love from the astral-emotional plane of life to the Spiritual World of the Christ, and see it as cause. Love is that cause for which and by which they were created. It is then above their instrumentality in frequency, above even their own soul, though it is the stuff out of which their soul is made. They recognize it as the Nature of Christ, the Christ principle overshadowing and indwelling their self. They call it down and out: first into their mind, then into their emotional feeling nature, and finally into their physical life and affairs (as a divine energy which reveals, purifies and transmutes, clarifies and makes whole). They call upon it as a cause, ask to be shown the way of love, and endeavor to embody that way, recreating those effects they have defined as love to more perfectly convey and express the truth.
They are bringing the energy from above, downward and outward. They are then, finally freed from the astral limitation of the old misconception of "falling in love." They do not fall. They rise, and in doing so, they lift their earth in frequency into heaven, and bring heaven to earth.
In Nature of the Soul, Lesson Seven, it is stated, "Love, then, produces comprehension. It is the energy which relates many experiences in such a way as to produce a pattern, an evolution, and, finally, intelligent, productive thought." [N.S., p. 89]
It is this basic relationship (between Love as a a divine energy and the mental capacity to know, to understand, and to initiate the createive act which brings harmony out of conflict or order out of chaos) that must be grasped with clarity by the student who would wield the Law of Love.
Remember, anyone familiar, that some students regard the Master R. as having been Francis Bacon in a former incarnation - and thus as having been the arhat author of all those masterful plays we find written under the name,
William Shakespeare. This made me smile, as I read the next paragraph, despite the subject in question:
The human race trains its children to fear, resent, and to hate those of its own species who are different from themselves. Groups of individuals are trained to hate other groups because of a difference in color, ideology, class or sect. Such hatred, which is covered with the term "prejudice," prevents any possibility of understanding or of right relationship between these various groups of people. Thus, the human race is being constantly divided into all sorts and kinds of camps unable to relate for the common good, or to live together in peace. If it were not so tragic, it would appear to an onlooker as a masterpiece of comedy created for the sole purpose of throwing into relief what not to do.
Yet it is not a comedy. Men and women dedicate their lives to killing each other, to fostering fear, to creating a world in which evolution without undue pain and suffering is impossible. And in the majority of these situations the average persons believe, with a fanaticism peculiar to the old inquisitions and the holy wars, that they are right, that their inhumanity to their brother is justified. A plea for peace, for understanding, or for the practice of the Golden Rule brings a quick accusation of "subversive" in the many languages of humanity, and the voice of love is quickly hushed around the world.
Yet, all of these humans, who are in truth brothers in the family of God, aspire to greater intelligence.
Let us reiterate: "The energy of love in the mind produces right understanding or Wisdom."
Thus writes a Great One, thus speaks the great Brother of the Christ, the
Lord of Civilization, and this is no spurious or "New Age" teaching - save inasmuch as we find the
Eternal Truths reformulated in a fashion that
Aquarian man can appreciate them and apply them
practically to life in the current day and age.
Each Era there is a new presentation; this is why we call it the Wisdom
We do not have to stumble over an unfamiliar language, the problem of (mis-)translation, or
social, cultural, national historical context. What is written is written for all, and I daresay it is a clearer presentation than we will find in many other instances (even in some other examples of the Ancient Wisdom) ... of the Law of Love, and final excerpts I will include on the Laws of Attraction, Repulsion and Integration are likewise.
For clarity on the Teaching on the Law of Attraction, then, even if I do not find that
`The Secret' gives out an unadulterated or error-free presentation, I would offer the following:
The Law of Attraction
Love, like the focused will, is magnetic ...
On the soul levels, this law means simply that the soul, which is an evolving consciousness of love, attracts unto itself all that which is needed to form a complete picture of whatever is the subject of its attention.
The Law of Repulsion
Love repels as well as attracts. On soul levels, it holds away from the form bulding activity whatever is not in harmony with the activity or its purpose.
The moment the energy of love enters the mind it casts out of it all thoughts that are out of harmony with the purpose and goal entertained by that mind.
The Law of Integration [or Synthesis]
The energy of love is cohesive. It not only attracts into right relationship the many parts of a whole, but it also causes those parts to adhere to one another. That plan which is conceived in love will become an integrated, living reality upon which a human being may act.
Truth is not only seen and understood in sudden or a gradual illuminating flash of insight, but it is integrated into the mind-stuff and eventually into the subconscious of the individual so that it becomes a living part of that individual.
It can be seen from an observation of these three Laws of the Soul that when love dominates the quality of a human being's thought-life, that thought-life takes on harmony, order, clarity, and right understanding is born like a light in the brain that illumines any concept, problem, or situation with which the person is faced.
What this Master has just said, is not something attainable only by the few. It is something we
all can accomplish.
For the benefit of those who are
dedicated to such an accomplishment, I would provide the most inspirational part of the chapter, imo, which are the final, five
`Suggested Aids to the The Embodiment of Love':
- Practice calling the energy of love from its point of entry upon this planet, The Christ, through your own higher consciousness and into your mind. Flood your mind with this energy, blue-white and golden in color, as often as you can remember to do so.
- Visualize those whom you love, and those whom you do not love, and direct with the mind and via the mind, the energy of love to them in an outgoing motion which does not return to yourself.
- Use this energy of love in the mind as the basic energy of every relationship in the outer world. See it always moving outward from yourself, never returning, along the threads of all your relationships, acting behind the scenes as an unknown source of strength, stability, healing, and transmutation for others.
- With love in the mind, control all emotional responses that are related to love as its effects in race-mind consciousness, so that they reflect love as cause, into the mind.
- Acquire a broad and wise point of view by directing the energy of love in the mind to all those situations and circumstances or problems that are perplexing to humanity in this time and place.
I would note the difference, between Master R.'s teaching and those in `The Secret,' that the emphasis is on the
flow of love at outgoing, never returning. It has been said that
Love gives all, asking nothing for herself. And I think this is what is being stressed.
We are all learning to
reverse the flow, and if we were to apply the Law of Attraction for our own, personal gain, we would be
misapplying one of the Divine Laws of Being. An esotericist believes that what befalls the personality, and our life within the three worlds (mental, emotional, physical), does so
in accordance with karma - and with a Purpose that is Divine, never random.