imagine there is nothing to fear

i say again - shadowman, you need to speak to a doctor if you are hearing voices. please deal with what is likely to be a medical issue.

and can everyone else please lighten up. "fear" in the hebrew bible at least is a poor translation of the word "yira" which can be more understood as "awe". you know - knock you flat, gasping, wrung out with wonder: awe. not "fear". what a waste of everyone's time for us to be "scared" of G!D!


"fear" in the hebrew bible at least is a poor translation of the word "yira" which can be more understood as "awe". you know - knock you flat, gasping, wrung out with wonder: awe. not "fear". what a waste of everyone's time for us to be "scared" of G!D!
Namaste BB and thank you for that...I had heard 'respect' as the more proper word....awe...I like that! Translations are so difficult with such multiple meanings and often when no word fits exactly right...and of course the intent of the translator...

I'm gonna have fun reading "awe" in there...
That's because they refuse to turn to the one thing that could set them free.
I heard freedom is like crack

once I was free, my parents loved me and the world was a sacred place full of beautiful ideas and cultures... now people but on holy armor everytime they meet someone who has a different explanation for god. people fight wars, god encourages it, and hell is a good idea
i say again - shadowman, you need to speak to a doctor if you are hearing voices. please deal with what is likely to be a medical issue.

and can everyone else please lighten up. "fear" in the hebrew bible at least is a poor translation of the word "yira" which can be more understood as "awe". you know - knock you flat, gasping, wrung out with wonder: awe. not "fear". what a waste of everyone's time for us to be "scared" of G!D!



if god existed, why would voices be a medicaL situation?
Just thought I would join in and quote something that Jesus said:

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith, you will be able to tell a mountain to throw itself in the sea, and it will be done." -That was my paraphrasing. Didn't have time to look up the exact versus.

My point is, is that if you have enough faith, then even fear itself will turn inside out and become your strength.

Example: You fear spiders (aracnaphobia or something like that).

You overcome your phobia by building up your faith that there is nothing to be afraid of.

You then have the capability of learning more about the spider family and can use your knowledge and experience of spiders later on in life. This becomes your new found strength.
Because man messed this world up. Thanks to our relative, Adam, the whole world is cursed and stained by sin.
yes as ROMANS 5;12 says
That is why, just as through one man(adam) sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned...........
For since death is through a man,(adam) resurrection of the dead is also through a man.(Jesus) For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.
if god existed, why would voices be a medicaL situation?

He has a point..... I'd say he is simply schitzoprhenic, but if god did exist... And many of you really do believe, then is he in need of medical help? People such as Noah, or Jonah, or Abel, Cain.... Abraham, Moses... And so on... They'd be seen as riiiiiight nutters :D Did they not "hear voices" ?
there is a difference between prophecy and illness. perhaps he's saying he's a prophet? is he seriously suggesting he's getting messages from G!D? if so, congratulations, because as far as we know, prophecy ceased after the destruction of the Temple.

besides, does our friend seem like a prophet to you, or like someone who needs help?

sue me for trying to be responsible, why don't you.


actually, they didn't only hear *a* voice but had visions and, moreover had a written record of what was said. and, if you rely upon these things, there is a small matter of miracles happening. so moses may have "heard voices", as you put it, but the red sea also split and so on in front of large numbers of witnesses. that would tend to give his claim to prophecy a leetle more credence than merely saying "i hear voices".


word, I feel that, god is like a poisonous spider

I may be misunderstanding what you're saying here, shadowman, but I wouldn't say that God is a poisoness spider.;) Even though he does tend to bite you when you get off

I remember when I got off a track with my faith by a long shot and He took a 2x4 and bashed it upside my head. Lets just say that I got my head out of the clouds and said "my bad!"