imagine there is nothing to fear

Why is it that we make God come and clean up our messes, instead of trying to make things easier on God?

Think about it. No parent turned on their child in anger, who tried to do right by the parent.

I have a story: In 1992 (27 July), I bought a new Ford Ranger. Now Ford had come up with this neat plastic "guard" coating that goes around the outside of the wheel wells of the rear tires. Hard to see the edge of the "guard" and the actual fender's metal, yet children have very good eyesight, and a simple sense of right and wrong.

Now I went into the house to make supper, while my six and five year olds were playing in the back of the pickup (I'd filled it with water so they could have a mini pool to play in).

Then when supper was ready, I came out to get them, only they were no where to be seen, and the water had been drained out of the truck's bed. As I walked closer to the truck, something odd caught my eye. The rear fenders had what looked like "scar lines" going all the way around the wheel wells exterior. Upon closer inspection I saw where somebody with pretty steady hands, had "painted" along the line where protective cover met fender metal. The paint was the same color as the truck, but it was brushed on, not air brushed.

My first thought was, what the hell? Then I saw the little bottle sitting on the dash in the truck. It was the touch up paint jar that came with the truck (for scratches and dings).

I went around the other side, and sure enough the other rear fender well had the same "paint" scar line over the fender's perimeter.

I began the chuckle, and then to laugh with delight as the reality of it all hit me. Despite the obvious that my brand new truck's paint job was messed up, the fact was that my children had seen the "big scratches" on both sides of the truck, and decided to take the touch up paint from the glove box, and "fix" daddy's new truck's paint job.

I kept that truck for 10 years (and 200,000 miles) and never once tried to remove the scar lines from the fender wells. And when anyone asked about the lines, I told them with a smile how my sons attempted to fix the scratches on my new truck, before I saw them.

In short, my children were attempting to make things easier on me, and IT WORKED! Because of them, I had the coolest ride in town, and was proud to show anyone what they did for me.

I think that is how God feels when we try to make things easier for Him. I think He feels proud and boastful of His children...

my 2c


"Fear Jehovah!" How important it is for all of us to cultivate that wholesome fear! "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalm 111:10) This fear is no morbid dread of Jehovah. Rather, it is a profound respect for his awesome majesty and godly qualities, based on the insight we receive through a study of God’s Word. At Revelation 15:3, 4, the song of Moses and of the Lamb declares: "Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are your ways, King of eternity. Who will not really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal?" In loyalty to his worshipers, Jehovah has "a book of remembrance . . . written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name." They are rewarded with everlasting life.—Malachi 3:16; Revelation 20:12, 15.
fear! judgement! death!

seems like the bible has a lot of threats

what would we think of a political system that used these kind of tactics?
(Proverbs 8:13) The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. Self-exaltation and pride and the bad way and the perverse mouth I have hated.
why is it fine? becuase in many definitions of god, hes the one that matters and we dont!

As I have said in a few of your threads... You need to lighten up lol... You do not seem to have any self respect or pride, if you are getting to the point where you think humans (YOU) are useless, hopeless and do not matter, I would suggest you sit a few plays out, take a breather...(in regards to religion.) It may not be that way, but you do seem hung up on this matter in a way that maybe this is also what you are starting or do believe. christianity, is a belife set that can be taken many ways, and people come out of it with different conclusions say to the next christian, I would say you have quite a morbid conclusion.... If there is such a thing as god, then you would matter. You'd be apart of his plan and what not, if you were pointless and didn't matter. He wouldn't have created you, what would be the point? To sit around looking down just complaining at how useless and worthless you are? And if he did indeed make you, then that would be his fault, not yours ;)
As I have said in a few of your threads... You need to lighten up lol... You do not seem to have any self respect or pride, if you are getting to the point where you think humans (YOU) are useless, hopeless and do not matter, I would suggest you sit a few plays out, take a breather...(in regards to religion.) It may not be that way, but you do seem hung up on this matter in a way that maybe this is also what you are starting or do believe. christianity, is a belife set that can be taken many ways, and people come out of it with different conclusions say to the next christian, I would say you have quite a morbid conclusion.... If there is such a thing as god, then you would matter. You'd be apart of his plan and what not, if you were pointless and didn't matter. He wouldn't have created you, what would be the point? To sit around looking down just complaining at how useless and worthless you are? And if he did indeed make you, then that would be his fault, not yours ;)

Quite poignant, and well put.
Quite poignant, and well put.

I dont see why I should have self repect or pride. god damns everyone to hell because how rebellious their nature is to him. I dont even know if im one of gods children, due to my voices and craptacualr mystical experiences I would say that I am either a demon, a child of disobediance, or one of the devils followers.

and even if I was one of gods children I would still be screwed if I didnt submit to my "fathers" will

plus my parents arenty gonna convert so they must not be called or chosen.

and I cant honestly condemn people in pother spiritual paths, and I find it impossible to be serious about "god" and the bible as others are. the whole world and gods percieved plans for it, and all the crappy things that happen because of religion (and yahweh sanctions this kind of tripe)

I just feel like I will never get god, and I also nkow that it doesnt matter because he is god and Im not.

remember folks

Hi shadowman :)

If I may ask--have you forgiven your parents for whatever you think it is they have done wrong? I am just wondering, because forgiving others is one very important way to understand forgiveness in itself. I mean, I think it might help. Just offering a thought....

I dont see why I should have self repect or pride. god damns everyone to hell because how rebellious their nature is to him. I dont even know if im one of gods children, due to my voices and craptacualr mystical experiences I would say that I am either a demon, a child of disobediance, or one of the devils followers.

and even if I was one of gods children I would still be screwed if I didnt submit to my "fathers" will

plus my parents arenty gonna convert so they must not be called or chosen.

and I cant honestly condemn people in pother spiritual paths, and I find it impossible to be serious about "god" and the bible as others are. the whole world and gods percieved plans for it, and all the crappy things that happen because of religion (and yahweh sanctions this kind of tripe)

I just feel like I will never get god, and I also nkow that it doesnt matter because he is god and Im not.

remember folks


Self respect and personal pride has nothing to do with God damning anyone to hell. Like Dor states, we damn ourselves. Arrogance and conceit is what set us on the path to hell. There is a HUGE difference.

So does self pity and self immolozation. Why? Because that is arrogance and pride turned inward. I think the warning signs are narcicism.

Look. God designed us in such a way that we can't pat ourselves on the back so easily, nor kick ourselves in the ass too hard...and I think He did that for a reason...:) :D

Take care man.


going to hell is a pretty hard kick in the ass.

and the idea that we choose it is silly. just a guilt trip. god is the creator, hell was his idea.
going to hell is a pretty hard kick in the ass.

and the idea that we choose it is silly. just a guilt trip. god is the creator, hell was his idea.
Indeed? Tell that to the drug addict in the gutter...I'm pretty certain he feels he's on his way to hell, and God didn't choose the path. He did.

I opine there is nothing to fear, but what we call up for ourselves. Becuase we have free will, God will not interfere with our decisions, or our intent. But He does wait with baited breath for us to even begin to turn towards Him.

So does all of heaven...
the world of addiction is a funny one. people can be addicted to a lot of things
That's because they refuse to turn to the one thing that could set them free.

Oh yeah? What would that be Halo? lol...

Oh Pico... Seen this?

god damns everyone to hell because how rebellious their nature is to him.
This is a belief, a perception, shared by a percentage of our world...

If we examine modern-day religion in a global context, some interesting patterns come to light:
  • No religious group even comes close to enjoying a global majority. The largest single group, consisting of all the various Christian sects, is outnumbered two-to-one by non-Christians worldwide.
  • Christians vastly outnumber non-Christians in Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. In Asia, however, where the majority of the world's population resides, non-Christians outnumber Christians more than ten-to-one.
  • Muslims are the second-largest religious group, and Hindus the fourth-largest. The Muslim population is perhaps the most evenly distributed about the globe, whereas 99 percent of the world's Hindu population is concentrated in southern Asia.
  • The third-largest group, making up almost one fifth of the world's population, comprises unbelievers and disbelievers. Secularists make up about 1/3 of Asians, 1/5 of Europeans, 1/8 of the population of Oceania, and 1/10 of people in the U.S. and Canada. They are most outnumbered in Africa and Latin America.
  • Though a minority in the U.S., Roman Catholics account for fully half of all Christians worldwide, Protestants and Anglicans together for only about a quarter.
  • Roman Catholics are the world's largest individual religious sect, yet they are slightly outnumbered by secularists.
  • Spiritual non-theists — e.g., Buddhists, Confucians, spiritists, etc. — number about twice those who classify themselves as atheists. If this number is added to the number of secularists, we find that the number of people who do not believe in a god in the conventional sense of the term make up between one fourth and one third of the world's population. Spiritual and secular non-theists together number more than any single theistic group except Christians.