I think we all have past lives. I am a Christian, the religion that wouldn't advocate such a thing, yet the christian scriptures sort of support it. God says to one of the prophets that "before you were in the womb I knew you". Christ is the "first born of all creation", yet he was not born of Mary til the 1st century, and he, along with all of us were foreordained from the foundation of the world; this means that Christ was here as the first being, and we also somehow existed, at least in the spirit world. The Bible also says that we go from "glory to glory", which appears to mean that we evolve from one level to the next, one life to the next and one understanding to the next. We are also eternal spirits, and eternity goes in both directions of time. Even though we were created "after" God existed, we still have had quite a bit of time in the universe, not just on earth. Maybe our past life was with God in a heavenly abode. Maybe we had chances, here, to come to know about God, and each life we got closer to knowing, until finally we accepted him or something. From then on we were given permission to bring his message to others, or something like that. That would give a reason for having past and future lives, which I personally need. The pagan idea that we just keep having lives for no aparent reason kind of baffles me - to just correct a mistake from a past life seems a sort of torment. So for me, IF I had a past life, then it was a progressive situation where I was allowed to keep living until I came to truely understand and recognize God and accept him. That is why Christian scriptures say that God is "long suffering so that none will be lost" - he waits and waits for us to believe in him so that none of us will be lost - who is to say that his long suffering, his waiting, does not span several of our lives? Perhaps it does. Once we make the decision, our lives either continue or they don't. A believer is allowed to choose whether to continue in God's presence or come back to the world to share God with others, repeatedly until the world comes to a conclusion and God begins a new era. To me this makes the most sense for a past life. The other thing that impresses me about past lives is that maybe my "past" life is tied up somehow in my own genetic and family background. Why am I attracted to thoughts about the ancient Teutons and Celts? That is my heritage, for sure. But if past lives were random, I would maybe have ideas about being Chinese, or Greek or something. But I never have. I did used to have mental pictures of American Indians, and just recently found out that I have 1/64th Cherokee heritage. Maybe our "lives" are really our experiences as we reside inside our ancestors, waiting to be born. Because technically we are there, inside their eggs and sperm, living with them as they live their lives out. Inside them is an entire universe of life, and only a few are chosen to carry on, until we are finally born. Maybe that is all a past life is - the memory of who we were when we resided inside someone else long ago. I know we can not prove anything scientifically, but we do "feel" eternal in spirit, most of us. I think that is because we truely are.