Past Lives

However, I remember my NDE-like experience our True Selves were not only vast, but that this True Self was experiencing multiple lifetimes across space at the same "time". The whole process worked completely outside of time, instead happening pretty much instantaneously. Therefore all of those "past lives" were actually occurring in the same frame, or at least, in a way that was completely different to our normal idea of linear time. The only reason the progression seems linear is because of our limited human perception.

Brian, I've definitely mulled this over periodically over the years. While I remember "past" lives as if they were linearly in the past, it comes with a strong sensation of it not really being the "past." So my cognitive functioning doesn't match my intuition on the matter. This all gets quite complicated when I try to sort out the information from the "past" and what it would mean if it were really simultaneously occurring or is in the "future," given my particular set of "memories."

I'm pretty sure some of the other memories are of myself, but I've also always had complicated dreams and visions of many other places and events, most of which I do not think had anything to do with me. It's a different feeling I get when I feel like I'm exploring some other person's life/place. Ultimately, however, I don't think anybody is really themselves but part of a broader process as a whole... so those distinctions are only meaningful to me at this moment, perhaps?
One of the theories for parallel universes, is that there are multiple 'copies' of any given universe, and that simultaneously, in all the bazillion parallel universes, you are living out every possible experience of this life. Add past lives to the equation, in the multiple lives happening instantaneously, across time yet out of time. Think of all the information that our higher selves, or spirit selves, are acquiring each second. Krazy kool to think about, lol.

See ya!
Part of my perception of us as manifestations of the eachness of the allness is we are here experiencing for the one. We'll continue to experience until we have the experience and the stimulus that required of us here in 3d, and then we'll head to the next venture.

Ok... um, rewind, slow down. My widdle brain don't get it. :confused: It sounds interesting though. Um, a little help pwease? :eek:

Kitty wants to know too. You can't say no to the kitty eyezes. ;)
Past lives are not just feasible but physically natural to all. Consider anyone you know and who they resemble mother, father, sibling. Families go through generations with distinctive features e.g. eye colour/hair colouring/ stature. a cocktail of genes ensures this and although the cocktail may get diluted there are characteristics that keep going over generations.
The brain is made up of genetic material and the workings of it are at present not fully understood and in some cases mis understood, however some "natural instincts " and programmed auto reactions may in fact come from previous existances which are imprinted in our brain cells. Available under certain conditions and possibly even a little mixed up but nevertheless being identified as a "past life"
I am not saying that there is no spiritual side just that the physical may be larger and more complicated than it is given credit for.
I am not saying that there is no spiritual side just that the physical may be larger and more complicated than it is given credit for.

I'm with you OG. What our current understanding fails to explain is seen as magic. What was once mysterious and unknown, when comprehended becomes natural. This little dance has been going on as long as humans have existed, yet it still seems to take people by surprise.
I am not saying that there is no spiritual side just that the physical may be larger and more complicated than it is given credit for.

Welcome to the forums, and quite agree - DNA is an incredible piece of programming, and we have barely begun to touch the surface of our understanding of it.

Perhaps as an aside, I tend to think as the DNA amino acids as like notes, with active genes as being like pieces of music.

By that analogy, science we can appreciate that amino acids can be like notes, and genes as like music - but does not understand either the music, or the rules by which the music is composed.

I'm with you OG. What our current understanding fails to explain is seen as magic. What was once mysterious and unknown, when comprehended becomes natural. This little dance has been going on as long as humans have existed, yet it still seems to take people by surprise.

I think that man's quest for knowledge of the unknown is the whole point to all of this. What would suprise me is if we ever figured out everything. That'd be interesting, and maybe that's what we're headed for. Reincarnation and the accumulation of knowledge go hand in hand in my mind though.

I'm just one mixed up critter.... :D Can't see anything like everybody else does. ;)
I think that man's quest for knowledge of the unknown is the whole point to all of this. What would suprise me is if we ever figured out everything.

I don't think we'll ever figure it all out. Every discovery seems to uncover more questions. Some information will be beyond our ability to measure or comprehend. There will still be plenty to mystify us.
Past lives are not just feasible but physically natural to all. Consider anyone you know and who they resemble mother, father, sibling. Families go through generations with distinctive features e.g. eye colour/hair colouring/ stature. a cocktail of genes ensures this and although the cocktail may get diluted there are characteristics that keep going over generations.
The brain is made up of genetic material and the workings of it are at present not fully understood and in some cases mis understood, however some "natural instincts " and programmed auto reactions may in fact come from previous existances which are imprinted in our brain cells. Available under certain conditions and possibly even a little mixed up but nevertheless being identified as a "past life"
I am not saying that there is no spiritual side just that the physical may be larger and more complicated than it is given credit for.

Hi Gordy and welcome to the forum,

I agree with you, and Brian, that it is extremely likely that DNA is passing far more information than generally perceived. I was especially fascinated last summer to read of work that studied the 8% of our DNA that is so called viral DNA, DNA that is of viral origin. I think it safe to assume that in the coming decades we are going to have our minds blown by the scale of micro management that goes on in areas we thought nothing to do with our DNA.

You may be interested in this older thread:
I don't think we'll ever figure it all out. Every discovery seems to uncover more questions. Some information will be beyond our ability to measure or comprehend. There will still be plenty to mystify us.

Well, good. ;)

Life would be a bland lasagna indeed, if not for the spices of mystery!

:D :D :D :D

See ya!

PS: Now you can't say that no one's ever made you contemplate how life is like a pan of lasagna!
:p :p :p
Honestly, I have no idea if that's the right spelling or not, but there was no little red underline under it so I trusted the computer. Oh, but do I know the differences. My da is obsessed with grammar, and England, and so ya see my dilemma!

Are there people in the UK obsessed with US language differences, and stuff? I don't get it, but it's my da, so whatever.

I have no idea how anyone manages to understand me let alone everyone else! Don't ask me! lol
Past lives are not just feasible but physically natural to all. Consider anyone you know and who they resemble mother, father, sibling. Families go through generations with distinctive features e.g. eye colour/hair colouring/ stature. a cocktail of genes ensures this and although the cocktail may get diluted there are characteristics that keep going over generations.
The brain is made up of genetic material and the workings of it are at present not fully understood and in some cases mis understood, however some "natural instincts " and programmed auto reactions may in fact come from previous existances which are imprinted in our brain cells. Available under certain conditions and possibly even a little mixed up but nevertheless being identified as a "past life"
I am not saying that there is no spiritual side just that the physical may be larger and more complicated than it is given credit for.
Interesting thought. I see your avatar is Buddhist. Perhaps then you're aware that in some schools of Buddhism, they see folks as a mind-body unity that dissolves in "parts" or "sheaths" at death-physical, then mental constituents with our various physical and mental propensities, (karma), "stored" in a form of consciouness-the alaya-vijnana-and when rebirth occurs it all sort of runs in reverse. So, from their perspective you could propose that the state of our consciousness conditions our DNA.:) Now whether the state of our consciousness subtly affects the unfolding of DNA within a lifespan..hmm, interesting possibilty. earl
I do not know if my experience is relevance to the forum topic or not but just wanna share with you people.

It was my childhood days. That time i was not socialy trained in any faith. It happened 5-8/10 years in my life. I can not remember my age if it was less than 5 years. Whenever i was fitt and happy and tired of playing, during deep sleep I felt that my whole body is very lite, soft, floating and expanding. It was a bit scaring feeling to see myself expanding but very pleasing. In dreems i feel expanding all body parts and it was most pleasant also.

After wakeup i felt vety happy, resting, energized and happy. Some time after wakeup i forcively tried to see the same dreem but hardly success. As much as i became older frequency of this dreem disapear. I think this dreem completely stopped after 14/15 years. One thing i am much sure is that "Every time i see the dreem, that evening i was carefree,happy, tired of playing". Today i am 33 year but i think if this will happen again it will be same a mix bag of a bit scarry and much more plesant. Alos!! i can not get the dreem again.

Royal monk:: buddhist tour guide in india
Past lives are not just feasible but physically natural to all.
.. some schools of Buddhism, they see folks as a mind-body unity that dissolves in "parts" or "sheaths" at death-physical, then mental constituents with our various physical and mental propensities, (karma), "stored" in a form of consciouness-the alaya-vijnana-and when rebirth occurs it all sort of runs in reverse.
Sure, there is a rebirth. Physical death does not destroy the atoms. So, the atoms on disintegration of the body become parts of living and non-living things. You can take that as re-birth. I am not talking of the buddhist moment-to-moment death and birth.
To Brijesh , that sounds a little like and out of body experence , or astral projection . It has been covered on this forum a little and on many other forums and sites over the web , and in many books . A lot of people have floating or flying dreams , many people think this from being out of body . desert rat
I freely admit I've experienced brief yet very vivid and lucid visions of the distant past in a waking state - but never enough to work out an identity, let alone the geographical location or time period. Sometimes there are clues, but rarely enough to construct anything useful.

Dreams ... had plenty set in other time periods -not just the distant past, but the far future also. Though I've learned never to take my dreams at face value.

Are they images and/or experiences of past lives? Well, it would be too closed minded of myself to decide what was true or not in the instance. It is a possibility. Then again, so is temporal lobe epilepsy! ;)

I've noticed that a lot of the past life experiences or imagery seem to occur with familiar themes. I've read alot about the ancient mediterranean cultures, and had imagery seemingly related to some. I have read very little on China, and never experienced imagery for there. Does it take familiar clues to set off the imagery? Or is this because of imagination, empathy, or some other cause?

I tried to read everything, so as not to repeat something that may have been said earlier, but then i realized: no one else had given MY opinion, and i skipped a few pages....

I have experiences in Higher Realms due to deep mind meditation and Altered States (with absolutely no drugs....). As is normal I think, I was extremely caught up in past lives...
But I have had experiences that make me wonder seriously about the possibility.
On one hand, in my mind; with the experience I have, I have to admit its the only way things make sense. But in another way I know it is not possible. SO, I dont have an answer; I have two possibilities.

One: My most long standing belief: A souls goes through a very long period of development, incarnating over and over to assume reliable qualities, and eventually reaching the stage of maturity, from where ascension is possible, and the personality is transmuted and lives forever from that point.

Two: There is one attempt, it happens using recycled "parts" from those who came before and did not make it, and were recycled as personalities. These parts impart the "flavor" of those who came before, and it is enough to tap into the record and view that persons incarnation. This does not mean that you were that person.

Because of the inability for conceptualize happenings in multiple dimensions at once, perhaps I fail to understand that they are both operating at the same time somehow....
but I do know this with a certainty: I am no longer certain, where once I was....
I do not know if my experience is relevance to the forum topic or not but just wanna share with you people.

It was my childhood days. That time i was not socialy trained in any faith. It happened 5-8/10 years in my life. I can not remember my age if it was less than 5 years. Whenever i was fitt and happy and tired of playing, during deep sleep I felt that my whole body is very lite, soft, floating and expanding. It was a bit scaring feeling to see myself expanding but very pleasing. In dreems i feel expanding all body parts and it was most pleasant also.

After wakeup i felt vety happy, resting, energized and happy. Some time after wakeup i forcively tried to see the same dreem but hardly success. As much as i became older frequency of this dreem disapear. I think this dreem completely stopped after 14/15 years. One thing i am much sure is that "Every time i see the dreem, that evening i was carefree,happy, tired of playing". Today i am 33 year but i think if this will happen again it will be same a mix bag of a bit scarry and much more plesant. Alos!! i can not get the dreem again.

Royal monk:: buddhist tour guide in india

That was how my experiences started. I explored it thoroughly, and found interesting things. :)

The scary feeling is from the ego, because it fears the approach of death as it feels the energetic body separate. But the ego can be overcome, because there is no fear of death, even though it feels likely! That scary feeling goes away when you prove to the ego, by practice, that you will always come back to the body. :)

edit: sounds like the classic way that "mystical experiences", mentioned in another thread, ACTUALLY happen; not from trying...