Salvation not restricted to Christains

Namaste Juan and Cyberpi,

No I realize Mother Theresa couldn't help everyone...and we also would have issues trying...

I just think it worthy to see our goatness as Jesus described. And yes drink and food don't always mean drink and food, but far be it from me to indicate that to a literalist who considers that one a goat and this one a sheep.

By Jesus's words just indicating someone is a goat is indicating Jesus is a goat. And yes, while we can't physically help everyone, I think what the statement makes is that it is our job not to vent, not to provide ill will on anyone. Love your enemy not only includes the enemy inside but the enemy outside...controlling our thoughts toward others...oh he's just a bum, too lazy to work...oh so and so 'called in' 'back problems' AGAIN...we are all children of G-d, all works in progress...

If we can change our mind about each other, change our perspective, we will begin to change reality.