Pentateuch Wisdom


A few, choice quotes about Theosophists and Esotericists (in the tradition of Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedercrans, et al) ... not just for your benefit, but for anyone who wants to know something about this path, and about the character of those who tread it.

As a note, I would not be so bold as to consider myself among their number - without careful hesitation - and thus I sometimes mention that I am an aspiring esotericist, nothing more.

From William Q. Judge's article, `Musings on the True Theosophist's Path' (The Path, May 1886, pp. 57-8):

Giving thought to self will most truly prevent and overthrow your aims and objects, particularly when directed toward the occult.

Again there arises the thought "I am a student, a holder of a portion of the mystic lore." Insidiously there steals in the thought "Behold I am a little more than other men, who have not penetrated so far." Know then, oh man, that you are not as great even as they. He who thinks he is wise is the most ignorant of men, and he who begins to believe he is wise is in greater danger than any other man who lives.
You think, oh man, that because you have obtained a portion of occult knowledge, that it entitles you to withdraw from contact with the rest of mankind. It is not so. If you have obtained true knowledge it forces you to meet all men not only half way, but more than that to seek them. It urges you not to retire but, seeking contact, to plunge into the misery and sorrow of the world, and with your cheering word, if you have no more (the Mystic has little else) strive to lighten the burden for some struggling soul.

It has been written that he who lives the Life shall know the doctrine. Few there be who realize the significance of The Life.​

It is not by intellectually philosophizing upon it, until reason ceases to solve the problem, nor by listening in ecstatic delight to the ravings of an Elemental clothed -- whose hallucinations are but the offspring of the Astral -- that the life is realized. Nor will it be realized by the accounts of the experiences of other students. For there be some who will not realize Divine Truth itself, when written, unless it be properly punctuated or expressed in flowery flowing words.​

Remember this: that as you live your life each day with an uplifted purpose and unselfish desire, each and every event will bear for you a deep significance -- an occult meaning -- and as you learn their import, so do you fit yourself for higher work.​

There are no rose-gardens upon the way in which to loiter about, nor fawning slaves to fan one with golden rods of ostrich plumes. The Ineffable Light will not stream out upon you every time you may think you have turned up the wick, nor will you find yourself sailing about in an astral body, to the delight of yourself and the astonishment of the rest of the world, simply because you are making the effort to find wisdom.​

He who is bound in any way -- he who is narrow in his thoughts -- finds it doubly difficult to pass onward. You may equally as well gain wisdom and light in a church as by sitting upon a post while your nails grow through your hands. It is not by going to extremes or growing fanatical in any direction that the life will be realized.​

Be temperate in all things, most of all in the condemnation of other men. It is unwise to be intemperate or drunken with wine. It is equally unwise to be drunken with temperance. Men would gain the powers; or the way of working wonders. Do you know, O man, what the powers of the Mystic are? Do you know that for each gift of this kind he gives a part of himself? That it is only with mental anguish, earthly sorrow, and almost his heart's blood, these gifts are gained? Is it true, think you, my brother, that he who truly possesses them desires to sell them at a dollar a peep, or any other price? He who would trade upon these things finds himself farther from his goal than when he was born.​

There are gifts and powers. Nor just such as you have created in your imagination, perhaps. Harken to one of these powers: He who has passed onward to a certain point, finds that the hearts of men lie spread before him as open book, and from there onward the motives of men are clear. In other words he can read the hearts of men. But not selfishly; should he but once use this knowledge selfishly, the book is closed -- and he reads no more. Think you, my brothers, he would permit himself to sell a page out of this book?​

Time -- that which does not exist outside the inner circle of this little world -- seems of vast importance to the physical man. There comes to him at times, the thought that he is not making any progress, and that he is receiving nothing from some Mystic source. From the fact that he has the thought that no progress is being made the evidence is gained that he is working onward. Only the dead in living bodies need fear. That which men would receive from Mystic sources is frequently often repeated, and in such a quiet, unobtrusive voice, that he who is waiting to hear it shouted in his ear, is apt to pass on unheeding.​

Urge no man to see as yourself, as it is quite possible you may see differently when you awake in the morning. It is wiser to let the matter rest without argument. No man is absolutely convinced by that. It is but blowing your breath against the whirlwind.​
It was at one time written over the door: "Abandon Hope, all ye who enter here." It has taken hundreds of years for a few to come to the realization that the wise men had not the slightest desire for the company of a lot of hopeless incurables in the mysteries. There is to be abandoned hope for the gratification of our passions, our curiosities, our ambition or desire for gain. There is also another Hope -- the true; and he is a wise man who comes to the knowledge of it. Sister to Patience, they together are the Godmothers of Right Living, and two of the Ten who assist the Teacher.​
And from `A Key to Theosophy,' (Section 4) by H.P. Blavatsky, in an example conversation between an enquirer and a (true) Theosophist:
ENQUIRER. Is moral elevation, then, the principal thing insisted upon in your Society?

THEOSOPHIST. Undoubtedly! He who would be a true Theosophist must bring himself to live as one.

ENQUIRER. If so, then, as I remarked before, the behaviour of some members strangely belies this fundamental rule.

THEOSOPHIST. Indeed it does. But this cannot be helped among us, any more than amongst those who call themselves Christians and act like fiends. This is no fault of our statutes and rules, but that of human nature. Even in some exoteric public branches, the members pledge themselves on their "Higher Self" to live the life prescribed by Theosophy. They have to bring their Divine Self to guide their every thought and action, every day and at every moment of their lives. A true Theosophist ought "to deal justly and walk humbly." [Note, along these lines, St. Paul, who says, "The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Should a Theosophist be judged by any different standards, when it comes to the pledge made to the Inner God?]

ENQUIRER. What do you mean by this?

THEOSOPHIST. Simply this: the one self has to forget itself for the many selves. Let me answer you in the words of a true Philaletheian, an F. T. S., who has beautifully expressed it in the Theosophist: "What every man needs first is to find himself, and then take an honest inventory of his subjective possessions, and, bad or bankrupt as it may be, it is not beyond redemption if we set about it in earnest." But how many do? All are willing to work for their own development and progress; very few for those of others. To quote the same writer again: "Men have been deceived and deluded long enough; they must break their idols, put away their shams, and go to work for themselves -- nay, there is one little word too much or too many, for he who works for himself had better not work at all; rather let him work himself for others, for all. For every flower of love and charity he plants in his neighbour's garden, a loathsome weed will disappear from his own, and so this garden of the gods -- Humanity -- shall blossom as a rose. In all Bibles, all religions, this is plainly set forth -- but designing men have at first misinterpreted and finally emasculated, materialised, besotted them. It does not require a new revelation. Let every man be a revelation unto himself. Let once man's immortal spirit take possession of the temple of his body, drive out the money-changers and every unclean thing, and his own divine humanity will redeem him, for when he is thus at one with himself he will know the 'builder of the Temple.'"
Here, then, are some proscriptions ... just a small selection from many volumes worth in Theosphical and other recent esoteric writings.

Whether you judge me according to your own religion's moral components, or even in terms of internal criticism according to Theosophy or more recent teachings, you will find that I fall short. But is it so hard to see - for anyone who is willing to speak openly and plainly - that there is but one Sun that shines alike on Jew, Christian, Muslim and agnostic? That this same Sun does not deny its warmth, its light and its life-giving Rays ... even to hypocrites, or to imperfect men?

Quite true it is that a wise man will climb to higher ground and sit himself upon a rock, in order to more directly receive what the Sun has to offer, while only a fool will seat himself in the shade and expect to receive the full benefits. But what if the need of the hour calls the wise man down from his rock ... would he still be wise if he chose not to respond? Wouldn't the fool in the shade be less foolish, if he acted, while the "wise man" still sat there, sunning himself?

HPB has also said, "Inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin." And from one of the world's most ancient scriptures (`The Voice of the Silence,' Fragment I) dating to Atlantean times, no matter what the disbeliever may assert), we read:
Let thy Soul lend its ear to every cry of pain like as the lotus bares its heart to drink the morning sun.​

Let not the fierce Sun dry one tear of pain before thyself hast wiped it from the sufferer's eye.​

But let each burning human tear drop on thy heart and there remain, nor ever brush it off, until the pain that caused it is removed.​

These tears, O thou of heart most merciful, these are the streams that irrigate the fields of charity immortal. 'Tis on such soil that grows the midnight blossom of Buddha more difficult to find, more rare to view than is the flower of the Vogay tree.​

You said,

"...I am ignorant about much within Judaism..."

--> The funny thing is, Theosophy teaches a lot about Judiasm.

You quoted Blavatsky,

"He who would be a true Theosophist must bring himself to live as one."

--> How true! And to me, the most important part of that is, we need to model the type of behavior we want everyone else to have. We teach by example, first and foremost.

We must remind ourselves that we are Theosophists only because of good karma. We must not do evil in the name of Theosophy, for we may lose this privilege in our next life. We cannot allow ourselves to come down to the levels we see in people of other religions and philosophies. Not only it is not allowed, it only leads us down the path of not knowing Theosophy in our next life. Do not squander this great privilege.

"Whether you judge me according to your own religion's moral components, or even in terms of internal criticism according to Theosophy or more recent teachings, you will find that I fall short."

--> You must learn to ignore judgemental comments from other people. Only respond to questions and observations about the Ancient Wisdom. Just because the person next to you is creating bad karma, you do not have to create bad karma at the same time. Remember, karma never forgets. The day will come when we will be held responsible for every bad thing we do. Many times I have stopped myself from doing a bad thing just by realizing it is just another piece of bad karma I will have to burn off somewhere down the road.

"...there is but one Sun that shines alike on Jew, Christian, Muslim and agnostic?"

--> This is the very center of Theosophical teaching, and also the very thing non-Theosophical exclusive-ists are trying to deny.

"That this same Sun does not deny its warmth, its light and its life-giving Rays ... even to hypocrites, or to imperfect men?"

--> There is no need to point this out. They are earning their bad karma and they will eventually have to burn it off — I guarantee it.

You quoted Blavatsy,

"Inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin."

--> I believe this can only be fully understood by someone who understands karma.

You quoted from "The Voice of the Silence". It reminded me of the Golden stairs which you yourself have quoted before.

"A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual perception, a brotherliness for one’s co-disciple, a readiness to give and receive advice and instruction; a loyal sense of duty to the Teacher, a willing obedience to the behests of Truth, once we have placed our confidence in and believe that Teacher to be in possession of it; a courageous endurance of personal injustice, a brave declaration of principles, a valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression and perfection which the Secret Science depicts -- these are the golden stairs up the steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom."

- H. P. Blavatsky
Thank you, Nick ... I am taking all of this to heart, even in ways I hadn't before been open to (! :)) ... and finally I think I am becoming truly grateful for the wonderful opportunities that have been provided for me here (and elsewhere) - especially by bananabrain, Thomas, and others.

This spiral has many, many levels ... and not a single arm, or turn, or level is without its lessons! :eek:


AndrewX said:
I admitted freely - and gladly - that I am ignorant about much within Judaism
oh, i understand that, andrew and i appreciate your humility, but what is bothering me is that the people you consider as your spiritual authorities don't appear to be terribly educated about it either, at least not more than the knowledge of kabbalah i would expect from any C19th occultist that had read mcgregor mathers or other "golden dawn" literature. you and nick rely on them, which means you end up with incorrect ideas about judaism. that is my only point.

I'm focusing more on Torah before diving headlong into Kabbalah.
there is an idea that kabbalah can be studied as the "esoteric wisdom" in isolation from Torah as its "mere exoteric shell". this idea is, to those of us who have any knowledge of both, unsustainable.

Anyway, I would be more than interested to hear about the things you've mentioned ... but quite honestly, words like "ma'aseh bereishit" and "menekot" mean absolutely nothing to me!

menachot is a tractate of the babylonian talmud (hence the BT - it's standard nomenclature) - the story referred to can be found here: Tales of the Tzaddikim just under halfway down the page. ma'aseh bereishit is the term used for the sections of genesis dealing with the creation of the cosmos/universe/earth/space-time and the garden of eden narrative - the development of humanity as we understand it. if you search on the term here at CR you will find me discussing it elsewhere.

Nick the Pilot said:
The funny thing is, Theosophy teaches a lot about Judaism.
and that's what bothers me, in that it presumes to do so without demonstrating any real understanding of it.

"...there is but one Sun that shines alike on Jew, Christian, Muslim and agnostic?"

--> This is the very center of Theosophical teaching, and also the very thing non-Theosophical exclusive-ists are trying to deny.
firstly, i am not an exclusivist, as i have already tried to make clear. i am a particularist as regards the parts of judaism that are intended for jews and i am a universalist as regards the Torah wisdom that is accessible to and intended for a wider audience and for the betterment of humanity and so forth. the two are neither mutually exclusive nor contradictory. i can't put it any clearer than that.


menachot is a tractate of the babylonian talmud (hence the BT - it's standard nomenclature) - the story referred to can be found here: Tales of the Tzaddikim just under halfway down the page. ma'aseh bereishit is the term used for the sections of genesis dealing with the creation of the cosmos/universe/earth/space-time and the garden of eden narrative - the development of humanity as we understand it. if you search on the term here at CR you will find me discussing it elsewhere.
Thanks for the refs, and information, bananabrain.

Regarding the following ...
bananabrain said:
what is bothering me is that the people you consider as your spiritual authorities don't appear to be terribly educated about it either, at least not more than the knowledge of kabbalah i would expect from any C19th occultist that had read mcgregor mathers or other "golden dawn" literature. you and nick rely on them, which means you end up with incorrect ideas about judaism. that is my only point.
I have but two things to say.

First off, HPB as an authority really should not be called into question. Sure, Nick and I may consider it a bit like tilting at windmills (I certainly do!) ... but really there's a better reason. You see, of the many, many charges leveled against HPB, one of the most easily contended is the accusation of lack of academic rigor - which you and Thomas have repeatedly mentioned.

For starters, one can visit an online article entitled,One can find Ananikian's original Note here.

But I will go on to add, by way of short testimony, that the study of esoteric teachings, since Blavatsky's day and perhaps earlier ... is best combined with the additional discipline of meditation (including Concentration, Meditation & Contemplation, treated in great detail in Eastern teachings), plus an active life of altruistic, selfless Service. If any one of these components is missing or too lacking, then a student cannot progress properly, and safely, upon the Path.

All I will say further, is what I have already asserted. Sufficient meditation and service to Humanity, once combined with earlier study, will - at some point - conclusively demonstrate, for any student seeking serious answers (and not just a casual inquiry, or the fulfilling of an idle curiosity), both the reality, and the authority, of HPB and of the Eastern (and Western) Mahatmas. [Note, however, the CONTEXT of this authority! See below ...]

It will also become clear, at some point, that although HPB was not a/the "perfect" disciple (and none are, until the Higher Initiations), not even error-free in all of her writings, she was nonetheless the one chosen by her Adept Teachers ... meaning that she was the "best available at the time," given Humanity's own karma, and other unique factors of the world situation in the mid-nineteenth century. The conclusion will arise with the student intent on finding correct understanding ... that both HPB, and the Masters, are "the real McCoy" or legitimate, although for most of us this will but open the door to more questions, and invite a deeper exploration of any number of (related) subjects!

Nick and I would both invite you to such exploration, along whatever lines are of interest to you! :)

One further point may be noted, as pointed out recently by Nick on another thread -->

HPB represented one Branch only of the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet, sometimes called `The Hierarchy,' in Alice Bailey's teachings. On Nick's other thread, although the title of that thread is the Theosophical Hierarchy, the `Lodge of Masters,' or the Elder Brothers, as they are sometimes called, really only occupy a small role ... while from the perspective of Humanity, they represent the SOUL Principle of the entire planet.

Anyway, the point I would make is that HPB never intended to represent ALL of the Hierarchy, in terms of the various other Branches ... nor did the Eastern Masters presume to speak for these other Branches, or give out Teachings in their name. BY DEFAULT, anything concerning the Kabbalah or a Middle Eastern esotericism, would fall under a different Branch of the Greater Lodge.


Blavatsky only spoke for the Trans-Himalayan Branch ... there is also a Southern Indian Branch, branches concerned with a prior cycle of human evolution (the Atlantean), a School of the Occident that is in the process of forming ... and additional branches in Lebanon, Egypt, South America, etc.

I really, honestly, do not have the complete picture, or even much more than an elementary understanding ... because I have chosen to focus in my studies on how all of this affects Humanity now, and more so in the West ... so that much of what I have learned about these other lodges, while interesting, is somewhat incidental.

Perhaps some speculations ... are best left to a time when there is a more widespread understanding of the Schools of Esotericism.


Regarding the beginning of the Theosophical Society, only two Mahatmas were involved. As a matter of fact, some of the other Mahatmas were opposed to the idea of releasing such information -- the idea was that mankind was not ready for such information. (I believe we have proved them wrong.)

Indeed, in the beginning (and through all the years that Blavatsky was alive), the two Mahatmas were quite on their own.

One more point needs to be made. Although the two Mahatmas in question were only a small number of the total Mahatmas on Earth, the sacred scriptures they quoted from were the same sacred scriptures all Mahatmas use.

Also, if you wish to invite BB into further discussions, it would be best to invite him to discuss how the ideas of Theosophy agree/disagree with Judiasm. Do not let him sidetrack the discussion into who spoke which words. The words and ideas matter, not who spoke them. His criticisms of Blavatsky only go in one of my ears and out the other. A comparison of the Sephiroth to the Theosophical teachings of our Round, on the other hand...


...would get my attention.

(The above picture, by the way, is a good example of the commonality of all religions. It shows a perfect relationship between the Hindu Gupta Vidya and the Chaldean Kabbalah -- The Jews got the Kabbalah from the Chaldeans.)
Nick, et al,

See what you think about Lecture VII from Rudolf Steiner's `Foundations of Esotericism,' regarding Humanity's prior and future cycles of evolution! I never realized how closely my own understanding dovetails with Steiner's Anthroposophy ... at least on some subjects, as this:
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in the Secret Doctrine, called Jehovah a Moon God. There is a deep reason underlying this. In order to understand it we must be clear about the further development of man. In man as he is today, his higher forces are intermingled. His further development depends on the emergence of his higher self from the sheath of the lower forces and organs.

The beings whom we meet with on the Old Moon had not as yet incorporated their power of thinking in a physical brain. The power of thinking in the case of the Moon-Nirmana-kayas, Bodhisattvas, Pitris and pure human beings did not yet work in a physical brain but in the ether masses surrounding them. On the Old Moon the environment consisted not only of air, but also of ether filled with wisdom. On the Old Moon thoughts were not in the individual beings but they flew hither and thither in the ether. In occultism therefore the Old Moon is also called the Cosmos of Wisdom.

The Old Moon was surrounded by Warmth Ether and other forms of ether. In these ethers lived intelligence and reason, as they now live in the human brain. Underlying this however there was development. At the beginning of the Moon evolution wisdom still impressed itself into beautiful forms. The beings who only possessed the lower human members, physical body, etheric body and astral body, were directed by these streams of wisdom. In the course of further development the three lower bodies descended more deeply. When the Old Moon evolution came to an end the beings who were wise, but did not possess wisdom in a brain, had progressed so far that they could completely relinquish these lower bodies. These beings who had now become Pitris and who no longer needed to enter into such physical, etheric and astral bodies, were the hosts of the Elohim in different stages.

The lowest rank of these Elohim is the Jehovah stage. Jehovah therefore is an actual Moon divinity, who on the Old Moon passed through physical development. Nevertheless on the Moon he was never able to work on the physical surroundings, using a brain as the vehicle of thought. Only his physical, etheric and astral bodies had worked on the physical environment. This however he did through pictures. Thinking hovered above.

The name Jehovah does not designate a single being, but a rank in the order of the hierarchies. Many beings can take on the Jehovah rank, or assume it for a purpose. Eliphas Levi repeatedly emphasised that with the designations Jehovah, Archangeloi, Angeloi, we have to do with ordered ranks of beings.

The first human beings to receive teaching on the Earth received it from Jehovah in pictures. That is why Genesis is a sum of great pictures, pictures which Jehovah had experienced on the Old Moon.

What took place in the pre-Lemurian Age is a preparation. The human body is so worked upon that Atma, Buddhi and Manas can sink into it. These principles enveloped themselves with Kama-substance. Let us now imagine a jelly-like being which had freed itself from what had come over from the Old Moon. This provides a physical foundation. In addition to this there are Atma, Buddhi and Manas, and an astral body which these principles organise around themselves. They work on the jelly-like masses from outside until they are able to take possession of them from within. Finally the spiritual penetrates the physical. Now two kinds of beings have amalgamated. The moment the brain is formed they interpenetrate one another. Through this, birth and death entered into Earth-evolution. Previously human beings had themselves built up the physical body; in the future this will be so again. But because two beings are united who are only partially suited to one another we have birth and death, and every period of time between birth and death is a continual attempt to make these two beings fit together better — a swinging to and fro of the pendulum until eventually a rhythmical condition is brought about.

Up to the middle of the Sixth Root-Race (epoch) this will continue, until this rhythmical condition is attained and the one being has become completely adapted to the other. And Karma is nothing else than the measure of balance which the human being has already brought about. In each single incarnation one attains a certain degree of adaptation. After each incarnation man must ascend again to Devachan in order to survey what has still to be done. Only when the balance is achieved is Karma overcome and the human being can take up something new, the true Wisdom, Buddhi, which until that time must be fostered and cherished.​
Much more is said, and I'm gonna hafta look into Steiner, now that I've come across this lecture. I could as easily have posted this to the `Theosophical Hierarchies' thread, but it really does focus on Humanity's early stages of evolution in this manvantara, and on the prior (Moon) Chain ... plus elucidate how Theosophists (and Anthroposophists) understand `Jehovah.' By no means is Jehovah intended to represented `Highest God,' as I think Nick has already pointed out.

This may not be the position of Jewish orthodoxy, or even of certain mystical understandings. Perhaps these various positions are not as exclusive as we might like to maintain. Nor should it be assumed that anyone has set out to "correct another person's errors," or enlighten his fellow man regarding (that man's own) faith. As a Theosophist, or one inclined to this way of understanding, I have no intention of doing this for my Jewish Brother ...

... nor am I the least bit interested in anyone telling me that, "my Theosophical understandings" are incorrect, or ill-founded, or full of poppycock, and so on - unless this be offered in a positive light, and in the Spirit of Service. In such case, it doesn't matter to me whether it's a Theosophist, a Jew, or the fella down here at the gas station who has the advice. I'm quite open to it ... :)

... while, as I say, Jehovah/YhVh means something definite for me, and for many an esotericist, essentially male-female and concerning the previous, hermaphroditic or androgynous phase of Human evolution here on planet Earth. Steiner sheds light on a much, much earlier cycle, taking place on the planet now decaying before us, as the "moon" ... yet HPB also taught us all this in The Secret Doctrine.

From Purucker's Glossary:

Blavatsky writes that the rendering Ja-ho-vah is "a perversion of the Holy Name": that the majority of the Jews themselves were ignorant of the true pronunciation. "Alone, out of all their nation the high priests had it in their possession, and respectively passed it to their successors," before their death. "Once a year only, on the day of atonement, the high priest was allowed to pronounce it in a whisper" (IU 2:398-9).

The Hebrews were not the only ones who knew of and revered a divinity whose name when written was conveyed by vowels mainly, as for instance the Gnostic Iao, Ieuo, or Iaou. All these ancient peoples by these vowel-words desired to express the fluid life-giving energy of the globe, of the moon, and of the planetary source -- in this case, Saturn.

The early Christian Fathers connected the moon and its functions with Jehovah -- as the proximate but not causal "giver of life and death." Moreover "With the Israelites, the chief function of Jehovah was child-giving, and the esotericism of the Bible, interpreted Kabalistically, shows undeniably the Holy of Holies in the temple to be only the symbol of the womb. . . . This idea must certainly have been borrowed by the Jews from the Egyptians and Indians . . ." (SD 1:264). Jehovah is likewise identified with the serpent or dragon that tempted Eve, the dragon often standing for the primordial principle.

In the Qabbalah, Jehovah is regarded as hermaphrodite and connected with the female Sephirah Binah. The Qabbalists show the word to be "composed of the two-fold name of the first androgyne -- Adam and Eve, Jod (or Yodh), Vau and He-Va -- the female serpent as a symbol of Divine Intelligence proceeding from the One-Generative or Creative Spirit" (IU 2:398).
From the standpoint of the Jews, Jehovah was their patron deity, the regent of the planet Saturn.
And, as Theosophists, not as Jews, do some esoteric students maintain this ... while likewise, Adonai-Elohim has another, and a different connotation, referring as it does - LIKE `Jehovah/YhVh' - to a class of Spirits (Angels) ... and not to a single being at all.

Again, from Purucker (Blavatsky):

Adon 'adon (Hebrew) plural 'adonim [from 'adan to fix, determine] Commander, lord, master, ruler; "The Adonim and Adonai . . . which the Jews applied to their Jehovah and angels . . . were simply the first spiritual and ethereal sons of the earth; and the god Adonis, who in his many variations stood for the 'First Lord' " (SD 2:452). Used by Blavatsky also to signify the celestial or angelic hierarchy of the Codex Narazaeus (IU 1:301).
Applied by the ancient Hebrews and Phoenicians not only to gods or divinities, but to kings and priests. See also ADONAI

Adonai 'adonai (Hebrew) [from 'adon lord] My Lords; through usage, Lord, a plural of excellence. Originally a sort of appeal or prayer to the hierarchical spiritual powers of the earth planetary chain, and more particularly of the planetary spirit of the earth itself; later it became a mere substitute for the unutterable name of God, usually for Tetragrammaton (YHVH).

"As the inner nature of YHVH is hidden; therefore He (YHVH) is only named with the Name of the Shekhinah, Adonai, i.e., Lord; therefore the Rabbins say (of the name YHVH); Not as I am written (i.e., YHVH) am I read. In this world My Name is written YHVH and read Adonai, but in the world to come, the same will be read as it is written, so that Mercy (represented by YHVH) shall be from all sides" (Zohar iii 320a). Adonai is rendered Lord in the Bible, although it means "my Lords"; whereas 'elohim is translated God in the English Authorized Version.
In the Sephirothal scheme, the Divine Name of the Sephirah of Malchuth was 'Adonai. The Gnostics taught that Iurbo and Adonai were names of Iao-Jehovah, who is an emanation of Ilda Baoth. According to Origen the Gnostics considered Adonai the genius of the sun. Blavatsky writes: "Both Aidoneus and Dionysius [Dionysus] are the bases of Adonai, or 'Jurbo Adonai,' as Jehovah is called in Codex Nazaraeus. . . . Baal-Adonis of the sods or Mysteries of the pre-Babylonian Jews became the Adonai by the Massorah, the later-vowelled Jehovah" (SD 1:463).
It should not be expected that the Theosophical and esoteric understanding of all this conform itself to an orthodox, or even necessarily a popular Kabbalistic one ... for then there would be no Theosophy, and what we would have is Judaism (or Kabbalah), plain and simple.

Thanks, Nick, all good points ...

My unfamiliarity with the Sephirothal Tree will handicap my understanding, but I am familiar with the chart you posted ... and I am quite aware of the parallels - they exist, after all, with every tradition! :)

I think I know even less about Kabbalah than esoteric astrology, but then, these are all related disciplines in the esoteric sciences, and the pieces begin to fit after a certain amount of pondering ...

Speaking of pondering, here's one for you:

Somewhere, in some writing about HPB's travels into Tibet, I am somehow sure I recall seeing a mention of her meeting a young Tibetan student of the Master KH. It's entirely possible that the meeting occurred in the subtle world, yet I thought it was physical (perhaps unlikely, I'd have to find the reference). At any rate, it is made plain - that the young chela was the Arhat, now Master, DK!

Leadbeater, of course, speaks much of Master DK, and Alice Bailey confirms in several places that he is one of the most recent Masters to take Initiation, become Asekha Adept in 1875 (and also a true `Master,' taking on many of the students of other Masters to help free Them for other obligations).

Anyway, we find out later, at least according to AAB, that Master DK was quite involved in the authorship of The SD, for in Alice's first book, Initiation Human and Solar (dictated by `The Tibetan Master'), DK writes of himself in the 3rd person saying:
He it was Who dictated a large part of that momentous book The Secret Doctrine, and Who showed to H. P. Blavatsky many of the pictures, and gave her much of the data that is to be found in that book.
Master DK didn't intend for his identity to become immediately known to the public; hence the reason for writing in 3rd person. Only through an oversight was his identity even revealed, and he made a statement regarding this mistake of Alice's, essentially exhonerating her, but mostly pointing out that it was of no matter ...

Interestingly, students have long speculated that DK's former incarnations include Kleinias, the closest diciple of Master KH's as Pythagoras ... as well as Arya Asanga, Gaspar of the Three Magi, Dharmajyoti (meaning `Light of Truth') - a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha, and even Benjamin, figuring so prominently in Hebrew Pentateuch Wisdom!

Amazing, then, to me ... that we see so much doubt, so many disparaging comments, slandering and vilification - and I am reminded of the words, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." How well they seem to fit ... :eek:


Masters M. and KH, both Senior Masters, or very high Initiates, are of course usually identified as `Theosophical Mahatmas,' or HPB's Adepts ... yet as you know from the Mahatma Letters, we also see contributions from the Egyptian Brothers Serapis and Tuitit Bey, the "Greek" (Cretan) Master Hilarion, and the Maha Chohan at the time (possibly another Great One than Master R.).

Some movements, as the "I AM," become rather enmeshed, or glamoured, in a sort of deification, or master-worship ... turning these into "Ascended Masters" rather than accepting them as Great Beings, Nietzsche's `Supermen.' I can recall reading a few of E. Clare Prophet's "channelings," and being quite caught up in it all ... but gradually the true Light eclipsed these lesser twinklings.

Alice Bailey presents a view of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy as containing, essentially, 63 Masters, including the Christ/Bodhisattva, Manu and Maha Chohan. She does speak of Seven Ray Masters, or `Chohans,' heading up the Seven Rays, or Ray Ashrams. Masters M and KH are listed for Rays 1 & 2, respectively. Other Ray Chohans may include `Paul the Venetian' (once Paolo Veronese), Master Serapis, Master Hilarion, Master Jesus, and Master Rakoczy. Master R. is also mentioned (by DK) as gradually assuming some of the responsibilities of Maha Chohan.

Master Jupiter (one of the most senior) - the Rishi of the Nilgiri Hills and HPB's `Old Gentleman' - comes up in writings by David Anrias, the latter being trained in esoteric astrology by Master Jupiter, who is the Lodge's expert in that area (Master DK is also well versed).

Master Polidorus Isurenus (formerly Philo Judaeus) was Geoffrey Hodson's own Teacher, as we learn from Geoffrey's Diary, Light of the Sanctuary. Cyril Scott learned from `JMH,' or Justin Moreward Haig, yet we know that this is a pseudonym. I never did figure out whether this was a British, or an American, Master. But DK speaks of "two English Masters," as well as American, Russian, and yet other Masters, of various nationalities.

It might be worth considering, also, that Master DK began dictation via AAB in 1919, and MUCH changed with the World War(s). So, while early on, the 5th Initiation (`Asekha Adept') is provided as being Humanity's Spiritual `Goal' (Individually speaking) ... this requirement gets bumped up by the time DK's later books come out (1949 was the last date) - to 6th, or Chohan, Initiation! :eek:

On the `Moon,' we were supposedly charged with attaining Arhatship (4th Degree) ... and that shows how seldom these things shift, and how rare such changes really are. Yet the Door of Initiation is swinging open to the entire Race (Planet, to ALL of Humanity) ... and DK mentions that "word came from above" to stiffen the requirements. This speaks volumes, I think, about `Divine Efficiency,' and it also shows that the Spiritual Hierarchy(ies) is not inflexible!!! ;) :)

Of course, the list of 63 Masters mentioned in AAB's books is never provided in full, for Master DK clarifies that most of Them need to preserve anonymity for the nature and success of Their Work. Only a handful even take students, this being the difference between `an Adept' and `a Master' in the esoteric sense. There are Seven Ray Ashrams, each already "headed," yet there are also an additional 42 - or 49 (?) - subsidiary Ashrams, found upon the sub-rays of these primary Seven. Each of these, in time, will have its own Master and complement of disciples and Initiates, yet not all are already actively functioning ...

Every now and then, I do try to ponder, the notion that we know about 63 Adepts or Masters ... and that we can also estimate the number of Initiates of the 1st and 2nd Degrees (`Stream-entrants' and `Once-returners' according to Buddhism) as being in the many millions (those within whom the esoteric Christ principle, or Buddha-nature has been born, and those whose lower nature has been esoterically Baptised).

In-between, the number of 3rd Degree Initiates, those who are Entered Apprentice on the Great Lodge of Sirius, and HAMSA, or `Swans' of the ancient Hindu teachings ... must also be fairly large. Perhaps there are not as yet hundreds or thousands or Arhats (arhans, lohans, rahats, etc.), 4th Degree Initiates, and we know how rare is such a Flower upon our planet!

Yet if Shakyamuni had ~900, and Maitreya is supposed to lead ~9,000 (often referred to as 10,000) to Liberation ... then maybe things here on Planet Earth aren't so bad, after all!

It's easy to get discouraged sometimes, even over the smallest of things ... siimply by losing perspective. Never a bad idea to pause, and ponder - what things must be like, for the Great Ones, the Teachers and Masters ... and the students around the world of every degree ... who are keeping the Seasons, the Festivals, the Traditions, and the Divine Tempo.

I like the beat of their drum. I want to learn that dance. :)

well, as u have now offended me, I will "beat my drum", as you say...

HPB's "secret masters" did not exist. She had travelled around a bit and had come across various religions and then wrote volumes and volumes of gumf about them. If you want to believe that fairytale kingdoms like Atlantis (were the clever white psychic ppl came from) and Lemuria (were all the stupid black ppl came from) are anything more hijacking the prevailing "racial superiority" , and if u want to deliberately insinuate yourselves within a heirarchy which is based on a compendium of lies then more fool you... And, if these masters did not exist, then where did she get her information from? From watching other ppl do their holy thing and by reading a few books... just like the rest of us do...

okay, HPB was not the only one to do this...the golden dawn, the Rosicrucian society, everyone was doing it, and they did it because it made them all look good. No doubt within the bunch there were a few decent ppl who really did want to attempt to find God, but in the main all they wanted to do was make themselves look all clever and holy and make a bit of money at the same time...

Crowley was expelled from the golden dawn because he had revealed the big secrets... really, he had revealed that the cipher manuscripts did not exist, in much the same way as most of HPB's wisdom which she received from holy beings on the astral did not exist either.

lokas, mantavaras, akasha, yeah, great. But its all there in the upanisads. I do not need HPB to tell me the way it is already written is wrong, and I feel that banana is saying the same thing... if u really want to critique hinduism or buddhism or judaism then investigate those things first, and then read the secret doctrine...

if you do, what u will see is... a lot of ideas which are already contained within other religions and faiths and cultures but which, in the 19th century, seemed like esoterica to the middle classes who dived on them like it was manna from heaven.

It is preposterous to me that supposedly intelligent beings can so readily buy into this bilge, but then, you may not be as intelligent as u present urself to be, and u might just be copying things wily nily out of books which weren't particularly accurate 100 years ago... of course, this is your choice, much it is my choice to see the theosophical society as "dusprayukta dharma", badly arranged or badly composed teachings...

I am happy to know that I am not the only person who considers this "shambalic poobahs" to be a waste of time...

and, btw, thomas, just thought I'd mention it- it's



if u speak it though, it goes- sat-chit-ananda...

Last edited:

You said,

"Some movements, as the "I AM," become rather enmeshed, or glamoured, in a sort of deification, or master-worship ... turning these into "Ascended Masters" rather than accepting them as Great Beings...."

--> The "I AM" movement of the early 20th century is not considered to be part of Theosophy, although both have some similar teachings. (I would also characterize Alice Bailey as post-Theosophical, as she broke away from Theosophy and started her own organization — similar to Rudolph Steiner, who started his own "Anthroposophy".)

"...Master Jesus..."

--> I would not say the idea of a Master Jesus is a Theosophical teaching, although I am sure there are some Christian Theosophists who believe in such an ideal. Personally, I prefer Leadbeater's idea that Jesus was merely an incarnation of Maitreya. I do remember, however, one quote in Leadbeater's writings about a Master Jesus.

"...we can also estimate the number of Initiates of the 1st and 2nd Degrees (`Stream-entrants' and `Once-returners' according to Buddhism) as being in the many millions..."

--> That sounds right to me.

For anyone interested in more on the steps along the Path to Nirvana, here are two good books.

Annie Besant, The Path of Discipleship (online)
Theosophy : Path of Discipleship by Annie Besant :

Annie Besant, The Path of Discipleship (hardcopy).
Quest Books

Krishnamurti (Alcyone), Jiddu, At the Feet of the Master (Online)
Modern Theosophy: At The Feet of the Master, Alcyone

Krishnamurti (Alcyone), Jiddu, At the Feet of the Master (Hardcopy)
Quest Books
Lol ... one more "expert opinion" ... tossed in for good measure


naturally, I have my own opinions as to which is the "bunk" - and I didn't arrive at this understanding without meeting a Francis or two in my day, a bananabrain, a Thomas, many a Nick (thank Goodness!), and so on.

Life's like a spiral, and we repeat most lessons until we have mastered them (gee, why are they called `Masters' again???)

I think it becomes evident, sometimes, just how poorly some of us have "mastered" certain lessons - and thus we can thank each other, for being so willing to help each other out.

Thanks Francis, bananabrain, Thomas - I love you guys!

It's all about opportunities for learning & growth ...

Excerpting from an article entitled, "The Rubbish of the Ages " (THEOSOPHY Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 12, October, 1925), I find the following a fitting response to Francis' (and bananabrain's) assertions:
IN closing the first two volumes of her "Secret Doctrine," H.P.B. said that they constituted only a "commencement," a "prelude" for the assistance of the "True Theosophists" to whom her great work is dedicated. "Until," she wrote, "the rubbish of the ages is cleared away from the minds of the Theosophists, it is impossible that the more practical teaching should be understood."​
The extent to which any student of "Isis" and "The Secret Doctrine" has accomplished for himself the clearance from his mind of this "rubbish of the ages" is undeniably evident within and without. To what extent have
"science, theology, everyhuman hypothesis and conception born of imperfect knowledge, lost forever their authoritative character in his sight"​
as they had in hers and in her Masters? To what extent have the principles, the teachings, the examples and the applications of Theosophy cleared away from the minds of Theosophists the "superstition, prejudice, and conceited ignorance" inherent in human nature -- the mental and moral fruitage of reliance on and obedience to false fundamental views of Life and duty?

Totally differing from any other Philanthropist since the days of Krishna, of Buddha, and of Christ, H.P.B. did precisely as those great Predecessors and Teachers did -- she swept aside the "law and the prophets" -- the Authorities and the false Fundamental views -- of all the sectarians, and redirected the mind of the race to the Eternal Verities. [And though her image still suffers for it to this day ... her true character, her Heart and Soul, are only magnified with every false utterance of her accusers!]

Necessarily her work was both destructive and creative, and such must be the work of the Theosophist in clearing his own mind. There is that in the nature of man which cannot tolerate Falsehood, once it is seen to be falsehood; which reveres as an ideal and emulates in conduct what it esteems to be Truth. It is not too much to affirm that no man can deliberately adopt as a canon of faith, a criterion of morals, a code of ethics, a fundamental basis for thought and action, what he sees and knows to be fundamentally imperfect; or abstain from efforts to clear his mind of rubbish, his nature from bias, once he sees these in himself for what they are.

Masters know what "rubbish of the ages" affects us all, overlays, blinds, stupefies, the inner man, and prevents the God Within from accomplishing his undying task, his immortal destiny through no matter what eons of suffering and defeats. They have become what They are byclearing Their own minds of this rubbish. They know there is no compromise possible between the human and the divine views of the Eternal Verities; They know that "the self of matter and the Self of spirit can never meet. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both" in the mind and heart of the True Theosophist.

The Christians thought H.P.B.'s quarrel was with religion. The Scientists thought that her quarrel was with Science. The Spiritualists thought that her quarrel was with their Communications. Not so. She taught true Religion, true Science, true Psychology in one -- Theosophy -- and exemplified all three in her own Person and Work.

Theosophists think they can compromise, in themselves and in their work, by adopting and applying the methods of modern religion, modern science, modern spiritualism, in their Theosophical study and work. They can, and do in all too many instances. This is but to gild and harden the "rubbish of the ages" in themselves and in others -- is but to repeat history, as other Students of other Teachers have done, till human nature prevailed and divine nature was lost to sight.


I wanted to respond to couple of items from your post the other day, and answer your question about how to "quote" at CR.

Last part first --> In order to quote, first go under User CP on the menu above (in the tab above this one, where Code of Conduct, Members List, etc. are displayed). Click that, and choose Edit Options beneath, then scroll down to the very bottom and make sure that Message Editor Interface is set to: <Enhanced Interface: Full WYSIWYG Editing>. Save changes, and then you should be set.

From now on, you can copy a part from anyone's post, as I'm about to do here in just a sec, and use the `Wrap Quote tags around selected text' button, which will appear in the editing window (above), per message. Or, if you're responding to someone else's post, by hitting Quote instead of Reply, the entire message is Quoted by default. You can slice it up by inserting additional quote tags as desired ...

Nick the Pilot said:
(I would also characterize Alice Bailey as post-Theosophical, as she broke away from Theosophy and started her own organization — similar to Rudolph Steiner, who started his own "Anthroposophy".)
Agreed. Most students of the `blue books' (Alice Bailey's books always have a blue cover) are of the opinion that AAB's writings were the 2nd set of Teachings from the Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul, or DK - `the Disinherited,' as he gets referred to, quite tongue in cheek, in earlier Theosophical days. DK's 1st contribution was Isis Unveiled, and The Secret Doctrine. The role of Masters KH and M, as the originally sponsoring Mahatmas behind the formation of the TS, is not questioned, and perhaps the basis for maintaining the viewpoint I maintain could be explained thus:

We can find mention (perhaps in Barborka's HPB, Tibet and Tulku (?)) of Blavatsky's observation of DK as a young student of Master KH, an Arhat, approaching Adeptship. Farther back, DK is said to have been Kleinias, the closest disciple of Pythagoras (who later became Master KH). In the interim, the relationship between the Theosophical Mahatmas becomes closer and closer, as they appear ~2100 years ago as Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar, the Three Magi of Biblical renown (former incarnations of Masters M, KH and DK, respectively).

Not surprisingly then, Master KH later appears as Nagarjuna, who was the Indian (Hindu) philosophical reformer that gave us the Madhyamaka School ... while Master DK incarnates as Aryasanga, responsible for the Yogacharya (Chittamatrin) School.

Various other incarnations can be speculated on, such as Master KH appearing as Pharaoh Akhenaton, often credited as history's first monotheist ... yet Master DK seems to have been the Biblical Benjamin. Master Morya's various incarnations, aside from Melchior, are a bit more mysterious - or less certain. Was he Moses? Was he the Mogul Emperor Akbar the Great? The latter seems likely.

Jesus, on the other hand, is actually not as mysterious, in terms of tracing various incarnations of this Master ... as most of the others! (see below)

Getting back to Master DK's contributions, it is explained, by the Master himself, in Alice's books (somewhere or another), that every Master, upon attaining the degree of Arhat, pledges himself to a great Project for the Hierarchy, and for Humanity. This assumes, I will take it, that we are dealing with just those Adepts who choose the `Path of Earth Service,' which is explained in both Theosophical, and later esoteric teachings, as I recall.

At any rate, certainly as has been the case with the Masters we know of, and in the past ... every Arhat on this Path pledges himself to a Great Service Project. We can look back, and examine Humanity's recent progress if we like ... and see these. I am confident that some future study, of an informed and insightful disciple, will be of assistance.

All I know about it, is that DK's Work ... has included several phases of dictated teachings. The books through Alice Bailey were intended to serve as instructions for disciples and Initiates, and to be relevant well into the 21st Century, if I recall correctly. They provide useful study even for Initiates of advanced degree. For those of us who may smile, and say, `I Aspire' ... they are a veritable treasure trove - although one of my favorite sayings also comes to mind:
Even a donkey can carry a library on its back. ;) Ha!
Oh well.

Master DK's Work consists of three phases, and HPB's writings (The SD, also Voice of the Silence, I think ... probably Isis, too) was the first. The last phase of teachings was supposed to come out "via radio" after 1975. However, I've never seen a consensus - after belonging to three study groups in the AAB (and Theosophical) tradition - as to whether such teachings might already exist, or are yet to be expected. But we do know: they will come.

Another example of a Master's Project: the writings of William Shakespeare, which are, in fact, authored by Francis Bacon ... who was (!), sure enough, Master Rakoczy, in his Arhat incarnation. Rather momentous, wouldn't you say? We can see the Ageless Wisdom all throughout, sometimes shining - as from the flash of a Spear - in verses like:
All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts,
his acts being seven ages.
--"As You Like It" (2.7.143-7) :)
"...Master Jesus..."

Nick the Pilot said:
I would not say the idea of a Master Jesus is a Theosophical teaching, although I am sure there are some Christian Theosophists who believe in such an ideal. Personally, I prefer Leadbeater's idea that Jesus was merely an incarnation of Maitreya. I do remember, however, one quote in Leadbeater's writings about a Master Jesus.
The key idea is `overshadowing.' It figures fairly prominently in Theosophical teachings ... being discussed in Barborka's HPB, Tibet and Tulku as the Tibetan power of `phowa' (consciousness transference).

Barborka draws from an account in Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, p.599. You can read the account online, here, starting with the paragraph that begins: About four days journey from Islamabad ...

In a nutshell, the account is a very simple, "low" form of temporary possession ... yet clearly this is done in a positive light, under the circumstances, and considering the Purposes involved (this is always the deciding factor, which makes so much sense in connection with your post on `Judgement Day,' for example :)).

Additional accounts of temporary, if partial, possession, will even be found if we look at accounts of Henry Steele Olcott, among many others, who described visibly observable changes in HPB's demeanor, actions, expressions, mannerisms, and even physical appearance (!!!) - as, for example, when she was hard at work writing The SD.

All of this points to something that most of us little understand. And yet, I would suggest that it actually goes on, day in & day out, on a literally planetary scale, and more or less involving every human both in & out of incarnation.

It simply has to do with various forces (Powers, even Individualities), interacting with each other in such a way ... that the Greater (both singular and plural, depending) amplifies, or magnifies, the lesser. Where advanced disciples or Initiates are concerned, this can be as literal and straightforward as the "stepping out" of the personality vehicle - and the allowing of that entire threefold vehicle to be used, by a more Senior Master or Initiate, for Service Purposes.

Naturally, the same can occur for negative, or nefarious purposes, and it does.

What occurred ~2100 years ago, according to AAB, was that the Initiate Jesus, who had already appeared to us - not once, but three different times in the Bible, as prominent figures - carefully chose his incarnation, in ~105BC, at great personal (Individual) sacrifice. This was done, with great awareness of the unlikely success of the entirety of the Mission being undertaken.

It is almost beyond question that Jesus was born to parents who were members of the Essene Community ... although questions remain regarding whether or not his parents were betrothed. I believe one account is that Mary was traded to Joseph, and he was none too thrilled to find out later that she was already pregnant!

Regardless, we know, of course, what to make of `virgin birth,' yet even the telling of the profoundly esoteric symbolism would be worth ten stone the gold-lettered, official Roman Catholic position on the matter.

Yeshua ben Josef, a 3rd Degree Initiate (since the time of Ezra, as related in that Biblical account) ... presumably in ~78BC, went to the River Jordan, either literally or symbolically - yet esoterically this means that the lower man submitted himself (or applied) for Initiation, and was Baptized - the emotional self being wholly subjugated to the Higher Self, or Christ Within.

Artwork displays this most beautifully, as the Dove descending ...

Later, Jesus even goes up, to Mt. Tabor, for the Transfiguration ... here re-enacting the 3rd Initiation, purely for our Symbolic benefit. Peter, James and John, symbolic of the three personality vehicles, are "cast down" - again, an esoteric statement unmistakable for those with "ears to hear and eyes to see."

By this time, we may safely assume that the Initiate Jesus is being overshadowed, more or less fully, by a Master of the Wisdom, the future `Maitreya Buddha,' and Maitreya Bodhisattva. Therefore, the entire Gospel Story, which is a TELLING of the Stages of the Path (of Initiation) ... is essentially the Work, or Presentation, of `The CHRIST,' rather than Master Jesus. I should, of course, insert an imho, and an, as I understand it ... since I'm curious as to whether you're familiar with this, Nick.

The rapid progression of the Initiate Jesus during this first act of Service (yielding his own personality vehicle for the use of the Christ) ... lead him to a second sacrifice, which required him to part with something - his personality instrument (or physical body, at any rate), which I take it is not easy for an advanced Initiate to come by. I guess it's like the ultimate lesson in detachment ... and the esoteric tradition is that Jesus taught his disciples for several decades following the Crucifixion, via the subtle body. We find accounts of this, apocryphally, which are quite inspiring ...

Following this, the 4th, or Arhat Initiation, Jesus incarnated as Appollonius of Tyana, and became a 5th Degree Initiate, or Asekha Adept. Technically, according to Master DK, he is a `Lord of Compassion' rather than a Master of the Wisdom, because of his Ray (6), and the future Path of Service that he has chosen. I believe Master Serapis is also spoke of as such a Lord of Compassion.

Leadbeater suggests that Master Jesus was Sri Ramanujacharya, the Indian reformer ... while it is also said that Master J. overshadowed Mohammad, just as the Christ had earlier overshadowed him.

Regardless, CWL does present the following information, in The Masters and the Path,:
Chohan Jesus: formerly Apollonius of Tyana (1st century), and also Ramanujacharya (11th century). The Master Jesus, who became an adept in His incarnation as Apollonius of Tyana, and was afterwards the great South Indian religious reformer, Shri Ramanujacharya, rules the Sixth Ray, that of bhakti or devotion. This is the Ray of the devotional saints and mystics of every religion, and the Chohan Jesus has charge of such people, under whatever form they may worship the Divine Being. Nineteen hundred years ago Apollonius of Tyana was sent out by the Brotherhood upon a mission, one feature of which was that he was to found, in various countries, certain magnetic centres. Objects of the nature of talismans were given to him, which he was to bury at these chosen spots, in order that the forces which they radiated might prepare these places to be the centres of great events in the future. Some of these centres have already been utilized, but some have not, and all these latter are to be employed in the immediate future in connection with the work of the coming Christ; so that much of the detail of His work was already definitely planned nearly two thousand years ago, and arrangements even on the physical plane were being made to prepare for it.
It seems unquestionable that Master Jesus would be a Chohan, or Senior Master, and one wonders if he is not nearing (and delaying) the 7th Initiation, which would indeed make him equivalent in our Hierarchy to The Christ.

Notice also the words of Master M., in Letters of Helena Roerich, V.I:
Not always have the Great Souls, who had to fulfil certain missions, entered the Community of the Brotherhood during their earthly life. For instance, Apollonius of Tyana was called to visit the Brotherhood, but He, in his incarnation as Origen, accepted the most difficult task of guarding the purity of the Teaching of Christ, and for this He suffered imprisonment instead of dwelling in the Abode of the Brotherhood and participating in the joyous work there.

Master DK, in the first book via AAB, Initiation Human and Solar, writes:
The Master Jesus, Who is the focal point of the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe. He works specially with masses more than with individuals, though He has gathered around Him quite a numerous body of pupils. He is upon the sixth Ray of Devotion, or Abstract Idealism, and His pupils are frequently distinguished by that fanaticism and devotion which manifested in earlier Christian times amongst the martyrs. He Himself is rather a martial figure, a disciplinarian, and a man of iron rule and will. He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes. His work at this time is exceedingly responsible, for to Him is given the problem of steering the thought of the occident out of its present state of unrest into the peaceful waters of certitude and knowledge, and of preparing the way in Europe and America for the eventual coming of the World Teacher. He is well known in the Bible history, coming before us first as Joshua the Son of Nun, appearing again in the time of Ezra as Jeshua, taking the third initiation, as related in the book of Zechariah, as Joshua, and in the Gospel story He is known for two great sacrifices, that in which He handed over His body for the use of the Christ, and for the great renunciation which is the characteristic of the fourth initiation. As Appollonius of Tyana, He took the fifth initiation and became a Master of the Wisdom. From that time on He has stayed and worked with the Christian Church, fostering the germ of true spiritual life which is to be found amongst members of all sects and divisions, and neutralizing as far as possible the mistakes and errors of the churchmen and the theologians. He is distinctively the Great Leader, the General, and the wise Executive, and in Church matters He co-operates closely with the Christ, thus saving Him much and acting as His intermediary wherever possible. No one so wisely knows as He the problems of the West, no one is so closely in touch with the people who stand for all that is best in Christian teachings, and no one is so well aware of the need of the present moment. Certain great prelates of the Anglican and Catholic Churches are wise agents of His.
It might be pointed out that CWL authored Masters and the Path after Master DK had already been working with AAB; and while DK may not necessarily say, "CWL ripped me off" :p - I think what he is suggesting is that Leadbeater was receptive to some of what was being presented to Alice, such that the similarity of information, clearly more than coincidental, is kind of like, unintentional, telepathic plaigiarism. Ah well ....


David Anrias sketched Master J., both as the Advanced Initiate, Jesus of 2100 years ago ... and also as the Senior Master & Chohan, Master J., from the early 20th Century. I'll upload these two sketches, plus a third, which is the Christ (Maitreya Bodhisattva), also by Anrias:


The Christ, it seems, was Sri Krishna, though it's not clear to me whether this was a direct incarnation, or yet a prior overshadowing.

In more recent times, Leadbeater and Besant assisted in preparing Jiddu Krishnamurti for the same role, ~1925, as the Initiate Jesus served 2100 years ago. Though there is much disagreement over what become a public controvery (climaxing in Krishnaji's dissolving of the Order of the Star), I am quite confident that what occurred was a partially successful experiment ... wherein Krishnamurti was indeed overshadowed by the Christ.

I am rather of the opinion that you can read what the Christ had to say about it all, right here: Alpheus--Message of Maitreya on Krishnamurti

Geoffrey Hodson, following Krishnamurti's passing, finally speaks about the entire episode more candidly and directly ... and while he gives a slightly different angle on things, I dont feel like his opinion contradicts the supposed statement by Lord Maitreya, via Anrias. I truly believe that Anrias was legit, that his writings & paintings were accurate, and this astrology is damn good stuff to boot! :rolleyes: :)
Getting back to who was Jesus ... here's a good article online, from THEOSOPHY Magazine (Vol. 24, No. 7, May, 1936). Some excerpts:
The Sepher Toldos Jeshu corroborates the apocryphal statements in regard to Jesus' Greek paternity, and describes the years of his early youth:
"Mary, having become the mother of a son, named Jehoshuah, and the boy growing up, she entrusted him to the care of the Rabbi Elhanan. And the child progressed in knowledge, for he was well gifted with spirit and understanding. Rabbi Jehoshuah, son of Perachiah, continued the education of Jesus after Elhanan, and initiated him into the secret knowledge. But the King Janneus, having given orders to slay all the Initiates, Jehoshuah Ben Perachiah fled to Alexandria, in Egypt, taking the boy with him."​
Then follows a series of adventures which show that Jesus supplemented his initiation into the secret wisdom of the Jews with an additional acquisition of the secret knowledge of Egypt.

Two points stand out in this old story. The first is that Jesus lived during the reign of King Alexander Janneus, which was in the early years of the first century B.C. It is a matter of history that King Janneus actually did persecute and slay hundreds of Initiates, who in those days were called "Innocents", "Infants" and "Little Ones". But the reign of Herod, in which Jesus is supposed to have lived, contains no record of such a massacre.

The second point is that Jesus was initiated into the Mysteries of the Jewish Temple in his early youth, and later went to Egypt, where he was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries. These two points are corroborated by the Masters and by H.P.B. She says:
"The position THEY give to Jesus, as far as we know, is that of an Initiate who recognized no difference -- save the moral one -- between men; who rejected caste and despised wealth; and who, finally, lived a century before our vulgar, so-called Christian era."​
Jesusis constantly referred to as an Initiate in Theosophical literature. H.P.B. says: "Let the world judge Jesus for what he was -- a Mahatma, a Perfected Man." And Mr. Judge, in the Ocean of Theosophy, describes him as an Avatar, a member of the great Fraternity of Adepts. If he was a true Initiate, as these words imply, and a member of that great Brotherhood which is the custodian of the Wisdom-Religion, then he must have taught the same Theosophical principles that we study today. For, as H.P.B. says,
...if he was an initiate of either the Pythagorean Essenes, the Chaldean Magi, or the Egyptian Priests, then the doctrine taught by him was but a portion of the "Secret Doctrine" taught by the Pagan hierophants to the few select adepts admitted within the sacred adyta. --Isis Unveiled II, 94.​
These words give a clear indication of the places where Jesus gained his knowledge and received his initiation. It must have been among the Pythagorean Essenes (who were the descendants of the Egyptian Hierophants) or among the Nazarenes (who were the descendants of the Chaldean Magi). He must have supplemented his knowledge of the ancient Egyptian and Chaldean systems with that acquired through the study of the Pythagorean and Buddhistic philosophies, for:
1, all his sayings are in a Pythagorean spirit, when not verbatim repetitions; 2, his code of ethics is purely Buddhistic; 3, his mode of action and walk in life, Essenian; and 4, his mystical mode of expression, his parables, and his ways, those of an initiate, whether Grecian, Chaldean or Magian (for the "Perfect," who spoke the hidden wisdom, were of the same school of archaic learning the world over), it is difficult to escape from the logical conclusion that he belonged to that same body of initiates. --Isis Unveiled, II, 337.​
Additional insight from HPB, on Jesus:
[T]he Nazarene Reformer, after having received his education in their [the Essenes'] dwellings in the desert, and been duly initiated into the Mysteries, preferred the free and independent life of a wandering Nazaria, and so separated or inazarenized himself from them, thus becoming a travelling Therapeute, a Nazaria, a healer. (Isis Unveiled, 2:144.)​
The motive of Jesus was evidently like that of Gautama-Buddha, to benefit humanity at large by producing a religious reform which should give it a religion of pure ethics . . .​

In his immense and unselfish love for humanity, he considers it unjust to deprive the many of the results of the knowledge acquired by the few. This result he accordingly preaches -- the unity of a spiritual God, whose temple is within each of us, and in whom we live as He lives in us -- in spirit. (Ibid, 2:133, 561)​
As an edit to my penultimate post (my 30 minutes expired), I was gonna say:

The rapid progression of the Initiate Jesus during this first act of Service (yielding his own personality vehicle for the use of the Christ) ... lead him to a second sacrifice, which required him to part with something - his personality (the lower self), which I take it is not easy even for an advanced Initiate. I guess it's like the ultimate lesson in detachment ... and it is spoken of as `the Crucifixion Initiation,' although DK prefers the less emotionally-laden term, Renunciation.

In terms of the Initiatory Path, Christed Jesus (meaning THE Christ, via His Senior Initiate student, Jesus) thus demonstrated for us, by way of re-enactment, the Birth, Baptism & Transfiguration. These are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Initiations of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, whose terminology one can easily find ... yet since Francis is so keen to point out that HPB borrowed all of this, I will challenge her to remind us what each of these three stages is, both in the Pali and the Sanskrit, along with the English translations - and a commentary on what that means.

If she can do that, then certainly, she's done as well as HPB (and Besant, Leadbeater), in that regard! ;) :)

The Crucifixion, which was never intended to receive so much emphasis in terms of spiritual symbolism (yet which latter-day followers have over-zealously turned into a religion, unto itself) ... was something Jesus actually underwent, esoterically speaking. Simultaneously, the Christ took TWO more advanced Initiations, yet that is almost as an aside. What was being demonstrated was the oft-quoted, "Greater Love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

Esoterically, of course, this does not refer to the physical body alone, but to the entire, Ahamkaric `personality' ... which does, literally amount to, a form of crucifixion. The Resurrection/Ascension Initiation, which seems later to be witnessed by many (even to the point of touching Jesus' flesh), does not mean that the Intiate Jesus had actually taken this Initiation. Rather, it is symbolized, and every arhat (of course!) accomplishes precisely what Jesus did (in this context) in becoming PARAMAHAMSA (the `Great Swan').

The esoteric tradition is that Jesus taught his disciples for several decades following the Crucifixion, via the subtle body, prior to his next incarnation (or perhaps even co-ordinate with it?). We find accounts of this, apocryphally, which are quite inspiring ...
well, it sounds like we've come to the end of "dialogue" - clearly people who already have the Answer don't have anything to discuss with those who are engulfed in the "rubbish of the ages". i think i'm done here.


well, it sounds like we've come to the end of "dialogue" - clearly people who already have the Answer don't have anything to discuss with those who are engulfed in the "rubbish of the ages". i think i'm done here.


So long, and Shalom ...

On Mistaken Foreign Beliefs on Eastern Traditions

"In a world in which misunderstanding and sectarianism are commonplace, education is the most powerful means to eliminate the ignorance that fuels discord. I therefore welcome Dr. Alexander Berzin's multi-language website, The Berzin Archives: Home Page, as a valuable educational tool for making globally available online a vast array of articles spanning the various schools and aspects of Buddhism and Tibetan culture."
The Dalai Lama 26.01.2007

The extract below, pertaining to HPB's vision of Theosophy, shows how the fundamental method of the doctrine is flawed, 'explaining' one partially understood tradition by partailly understandings of another, based on an assumption which none of them make (the universality of religion does not mean there is a universal religion as such) and this same methodology, when applied to the better-known doctrines of the West (Scripture), only serves to highlight this flaw, by its lack of understanding of the language, tradition, hermeneutic, doctrine and method.

Blavatsky encountered Tibetan Buddhism at a time when European Oriental scholarship was still in its infancy and few translations or accounts were available. Further, she was able to learn only disjointed fragments of its vast teachings. In her private letters, she wrote that because the Western public at that time had little acquaintance with Tibetan Buddhism, she decided to translate and explain the basic terms with more popularly known concepts from Hinduism and the Occult. For example, she translated three of the four island-worlds (four continents) around Mount Meru as the sunken lost islands of Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis. Likewise, she presented the four humanoid races mentioned in the abhidharma and Kalachakra teachings (born from transformation, moisture and heat, eggs, and wombs) as the races of these island-worlds. Her belief that the esoteric teachings of all the world’s religions form one body of occult knowledge reinforced her decision to translate in this manner and she set out to demonstrate that in her writings.

The Tibetan source of the teachings in The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky claimed, is The Stanzas of Dzyan, the first volume of commentaries to the seven secret folios of Kiu-te. “Kiu-te” transcribes the Tibetan “rgyud-sde,” meaning “tantra division,” which is the title of the first section of the Kangyur, the Tibetan translations of Buddha’s words. “Dzyan” transcribes the Sanskrit “dhyana” (Jap. zen), meaning mental stability. Blavatsky was aware that The Kalachakra Tantra was the first item in the tantra division of the Kangyur, since she mentioned that fact in one of her notes. She explained, however, that the seven secret folios were not actually part of the published Kiu-te, and thus we do not find anything similar to The Stanzas of Dzyan in that collection.

It is unclear to what extent Blavatsky actually studied the Kalachakra texts directly. The earliest Western material on the topic was an 1833 article entitled “Note on the Origins of the Kalachakra and Adi-Buddha Systems” by the Hungarian pioneer scholar Alexander Csomo de Körös (Körösi Csoma Sandor). De Körös compiled the first dictionary and grammar of Tibetan in a Western language, English, in 1834. Jakov Schmidt’s Tibetan-Russian Dictionary and Grammar soon followed in 1839. Most of Blavatsky’s familiarity with Kalachakra, however, came from the chapter entitled “The Kalachakra System” in Emil Schlagintweit’s Buddhism in Tibet (1863), as evidenced by her borrowing many passages from that book in her works. Following her translation principle, however, she rendered Shambhala in terms of similar concepts in Hinduism and the Occult.


Elsewhere, she wrote that when Lemuria sank, part of its people survived in Atlantis, while part of its elect migrated to the sacred island of “Shamballah” in the Gobi Desert. Neither the Kalachakra literature nor The Vishnu Purana, however, has any mention of Atlantis, Lemuria, Maitreya, or Sosiosh. The association of Shambhala with them, however, continued among Blavatsky’s followers.


Although Blavatsky herself never asserted that Shambhala was the source of The Secret Doctrine, several later Theosophists made this connection. Foremost among them was Alice Bailey in Letters on Occult Meditation (1922). Helena Roerich, in her Collected Letters (1935-1936), also wrote that Blavatsky was a messenger of the White Brotherhood from Shambhala. Moreover, she reported that in 1934 the Ruler of Shambhala had recalled to Tibet the mahatmas who had transmitted to Blavatsky the secret teachings.


Concluding Remarks:
The Kalachakra account of Shambhala has sparked the imaginations of many foreign political figures and occult authors. Distorting the original legend and interpolating ideas of fancy, they have incorporated the myth into their writings to serve their own agendas. It is an injustice to Buddhism to attribute these distortions to the original intent of the Kalachakra teachings. Continuing research will disentangle more of the truth

From "Mistaken Foreign Beliefs about Shambhala"
Alexander Berzin
November 1996, revised May and December 2003