Amazing--Spiritual Genius

;) Sorry brah, just there is nothing there.... She is a good artist that is it in my eyes, she hasn't a divine gift... She isn't a messenger of the gods or an angel or some super human... She just paints... What she want a medal?
;) Sorry brah, just there is nothing there.... She is a good artist that is it in my eyes, she hasn't a divine gift... She isn't a messenger of the gods or an angel or some super human... She just paints... What she want a medal?

I don't know that she wants anything.

What do you want?

:p ;)

Anyhow, I wanted to share the video because she just really struck me as tuned-in, if you will. I mean, when I was 10-12, I wasn't that productive, and I definitely was not that self-assured.

I think she's admirable is all. No one here is trying to get her another interview, a book deal, or sainted. :rolleyes:

To see how low I can go... Come on how low can you go? All the way to flo? Can you bring it to top? An never eva stap?!

Been down to the flo' and back up in the sky eatin' beans and rice
made me shake my t'ing I got so high high high and
back down tho to the flo' y'all
to the beat y'all
diggin' a ditch y'all it was a bitch y'all
so I's went home and watched me some kids in the hall

...any questions?

The real problem here guys is that certain people cannot fathom the mystic or those that touch it. That is where this comes from. Yeah...she can paint, but what makes her visions unique to her experiences and translates that into a talent to present it to others in understandable graphic formats?

As for monkeys with wings, rent a copy of The Wizard of Oz and watch what happens when the wicked witch of the west sends them after dorothy and her buddies. Maybe you saw the film once too often PM.

But Flow are they that ?

To me they are art school taught realism that any competant could learn in a relatively short time. They only achieve anything other than that competance because she is a young girl who is wrapping it in spiritual clothing.

It may seem overly sceptical to you but I really dont see anything other than a normal little girl that has been schooled to perform. As I said in my last post on this page this seems to be an American phenomenon that has come about in recent years and to me its a rather startling and sad reflection on your society. She shows no independant thoughts in her work. Everything is typical of american religious/spiritual/mystical pamphlet art in this era. And her words are likewise.

I dont doubt that she is a highly inteligent little girl, and that she has great potential. But I cant help but worry about her. Kids that are pushed too fast often end up with servere problems. I hope she will not.

Ok I am going to throw in my two sense worth...

I make my living with children. I love their optimism, their honestly and above all I love that they are learning... all the time.

If I were to take one of the children in my centre and decide that they had a "talent" be it art, acting, singing or so on; I could turn them into a prodigy as well.

Think of it... we could all me competent athletes or singers with a small amount of natural talent and a lot of pushing. I am concerened with what this does to all of our kids. Does she get to stop painting when she wants to. Is she really happy to get up at five in the morning. Are her parents pushing her. Someone has to be feeding her a lot of this stuff. Do you think that she was painting Jesus before someone told her who he was... most likely she was spoonfed a lot of inormation first.

I am not negating the beauty of her talent... only the systems we have in place that believe that a talent needs to be expoited and not just let to grow wild.

This is heated for me... I see this type of pushing all the time and it makes unhappy-sheltered children.
I can only speak from my life experiences.

I'll grant you, American parents can be very obsessive-compulsive in trying to live the lives that they missed out on through their kids. What you speak to smacks of that.

But I have seen the phenomenon I speak of up close and personal...unschooled people producing profound works of artistic worth without repetetive drilling and schooling. It just seems to happen and comes forth.

That, my friend, is not explanable other than through the phenomenon which I am addressing. Artistic talent and the inspiration to create original work cannot be taught per can only be led to the process. But the necessary mental-manual skills and visionary interpretive talents are not mechanical in their use and applications, they are emotional more than anything else. When one becomes immersed in such experiences they become more automatic than anything else. The spirit/muse speaks and demonstrates and the interpreter communicates what is understood into an artistic medium.

There is a distinction here between what this single girl has done, and what original artistic processes are in their nature. I'll grant you that her situation may be bogus...most things on video are. It's a "selling" medium for most people who create it and view it. My own experiences have taught me the differences. And I would venture a guess that the artwork placed on the walls of the caves of France 30,000 years ago are due to the processes that I have addressed. To me they were produced through a spiritual process...hers may or may not have been.

What I'm getting at here is that certain people are moving back towards the older processes in creating original art works, and IMHO, it's not accidental,

As for monkeys with wings, rent a copy of The Wizard of Oz and watch what happens when the wicked witch of the west sends them after dorothy and her buddies. Maybe you saw the film once too often PM.


Exactly, in this girls case she claims it to be a gift from God.