After the heroic battle... over the big head d00d Pika stumbled across a BURGER KING!£$!£"$!$
Turning around he suddenly noticed he was alone... It was strange but the chance to have more fat around his heart squeezing every last inch of life out of him was too much to resist!
after being served his "burger" by some greasy little teen he took a seat he took a bite! Instantly spitting that crap out!$£$!£ It was off!£$!£$ the meat was rotten!$!£$!
storming in the kitchen he demanded to find who was incharge!$£!£" but too his horror there was more to this tale... OH YES! Looking over the cookers he could see they were cooking John Wayne!!! Jim the drunk's little brother!£$£!$ and were planning on feeding him to the destroy0r of burgers
Who the hell is in charge of this place!$£!$ £!pika-freaking-chu demanded!$!"£
The news was shocking... Truly... Shocking... REALLY IT WAS! SHOCKING....
The king then went on to mention he was gonna mess up pika-freaking-chu something chronic......... then go play with the kiddies...
But for now he had to bring the pain!!! PIKACHUREWFEW WAS DOOMED!!!
BUT THEN !$£!$ some freaking snow man came in13%!
and saved the day.....
(Oh if you want to be more serious and make this something... I think that's Pathless call... This thread is his.)