Let's talk about Indigo Children

Miss Amy

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British Columbia
I am really interested in what your thoughts are about the Indigo Children. It has been said that the children being born these days are on a more highly developed plain. This apparently is why children are having a much harder time with violence, abuse and things are damaging them deeper than they did children of earlier generations.

Is this true or an excuse for poor choices?

Should we be educating these children differently?
OK let's talk. Never heard of 'em! Did a quick Wiki and first impressions are not good...

"Skeptics point out that the Indigo movement seems to lack verifiable evidence to support its claims. Because of this, it is considered pseudoscience. Although some of the authors of Indigo literature have degrees in psychology, Indigo Child is not a recognized term in the field of psychology."


PS Perhaps I should point out that when I see the words "New Age" I kind of switch off...
interesting... Here is my perception, I have met quick a few educators who follow this theory. My impression was not great becasue the children were often out of control, rude and aggressive. I think that possibly this could fall into the same category as unschooling.

Sometimes I feel a little guilty, like maybe I am wrong, which is why I wanted to put in into the forum. But it doesn't seem to teach anything... it is almost like an excuse or something...

oh I don't know... let's keep the ball rolling...
can't ...keep....ball....rolling....too much...New...Age....nonsense....


er, well, I was only being honest!

and, at least I'm posting to this thread, can't see a lot of others here at the mo' can you?:p
Well since you put it that way...

and this is a very new post I am sure EVERYONE will be flocking here soon enough.

I appreciate your honesty. I am just a little sensitive... it's a defect in my personality.;)
I think there is something to the "Indigos." They've also been described as "Psychic Children" and then there are the "Crystal Children" as well.

Check out these threads over in the New Age forum (sorry Snoops! {I can hear you gagging through my Indigo Receiver <Okay, really it's just a bit of tinfoil that I colored with magic marker and put on top of my head>}):


I also posted a video recently of a prodigy artist who some would label Indigo (others would call her 'hothoused' ;) or perhaps 'spoiled', but I think she's way cool).

I have some more thoughts on this. Somewhere--I'm sure I do! But right now isn't a good time for me to try to compose a more coherent and original message.

Thanks for an interesting thread.

That's OK amy, owls are like that. (a little sensitive)

Yes, if people keep seeing it on the home page their curiosity will be piqued; so see I'm doing you a favour by bumping it. Otters are like that.:)

But I do think you need to actually, y'know, say stuff about your topic....it's kind of traditional...

I am not even giving a response to that.

However I guess I just did...

and I don't even know what PM means so I can't have done it...intentionally anyway.
I did say stuff about my topic. was that not enough? Do I need to ad more... it was just a coversation starter...

No need at all.:)

It just depends on whether or not you want people to think you're an interesting person.:p
(sorry Snoops! {I can hear you gagging through my Indigo Receiver <Okay, really it's just a bit of tinfoil that I colored with magic marker and put on top of my head>}):


There you go amy, I think this baby is flying now...:)

Now now.

I would just like to state for the record that I did not recieve a Pre-Menstrual from Miss Amy.

By the way, Miss Amy, PM stands for Pre-Menstrual.

:p ;)

Edit: Yuck. Bad joke.

Edit again: I should probably just delete this response. I'm kinda embarrassed I even typed that. Oh well.
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oh yeah, I didn't do that.

It was the intriguing nature of my post that brought him.

I just wanted to know if there was something that I was missing with this whole Inidgo Child thing.
Hmmmm...sorry Snoop...I know New Age and all that hype, but I believe that they (we) began showing up during WWII. In fact this is why, IMHO, both World Wars were fought. Traditionalists don't like or tolerate any of it very well, even Christians. But I believe it's a fact of our lives.

I'm an old fart like you and I've done lots of research on this phenomenon. It's something that crosses all racial and geographical boundaries and it is growing. IMHO Indigos are the third variety of human beings predicted 2,000 years ago by a certain seer in Galilee. It can't be stopped, other than through destruction of the planet, and it seems that some humans are dedicated to doing just that. Other than that, it's an inconsequential blip on the screen depicting human life so you might as well conveniently ignore it all.

HINT...the story I'm presenting on the fictionalize yourself thread in the Lounge is about this stuff.

cheers...flow.... *chuff, chuff...scratches himself under his arm and looks about for a chicken to eat*.... ;)