Happy Vesak/Wesak Day...

yes, miss amy, I am more than willing to give u my opinion of buddhism anytime... just ask, and I'll try my best to tell it like I see it (which isn't often the same as what everyone else does/sees/feels/hears, etc...)

Wednesday is Vesak Day this year :)

May all sentient beings have few obstacles on their path to Liberation.


Wednesday is Vesak Day this year :)

In my astronomical ignorance won't it vary as one goes around the world?

Or to put it another way, if it's Wednesday over there, is it Wednesday over here. And to be blunt, which Wednesday (I've still not located a diary with lunar phases in...)

In my astronomical ignorance won't it vary as one goes around the world?

Or to put it another way, if it's Wednesday over there, is it Wednesday over here. And to be blunt, which Wednesday (I've still not located a diary with lunar phases in...)


It is a full moon on Wednesday does that help?
Interestingly enough, today is also Beltane, which I believe is of Celtic origins (...? shout out over to the pagan mods for some clarification, plz? ;) ).

Here's a bit from an astrologer I often turn to:

This full moon falls on Beltane, which, in the pagan calendar, is the cross quarter, or half way point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It is the traditional day for dancing around the May Pole, and celebrating life, sex, and fertility. On a day when we celebrate the regenerative power of life and all its pleasures, the Scorpio moon also plunges us deep into its transformative mysteries for the next two weeks.