Mr Harry Potter

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my friend who is the devlopmental psych. is the one that believed that the books got more confusing for chidren as the series carried on. They started out with the clear black and white, right and wrong and then carried on while becoming a little more blurry around the edges
Hi All

What an amusing thread. I read all the books and loved them but they are just a bit of fun for kids (and adults that refuse to grow up :eek: ). I can understand having a religious discussion about the DaVinci code book but Harry Potter? I also love reading Terry Pratchett and one of his books is titled Small Gods but I don't relate it in any way to religion, it is just a comical look at religious following.

Hi All

What an amusing thread. I read all the books and loved them but they are just a bit of fun for kids (and adults that refuse to grow up :eek: ). I can understand having a religious discussion about the DaVinci code book but Harry Potter? I also love reading Terry Pratchett and one of his books is titled Small Gods but I don't relate it in any way to religion, it is just a comical look at religious following.


The issue with some is the introduction of magic and "sorcery" to impressionable minds (kids), that could cause potential conflict with their religious upbringing, and the concern that children do not always know the difference between entertainment and reality, (or a reality that parents do not want their children to consider).

However, the "Chronicles of Narnia" are also filled with "magic" and sorcery, of a sort, yet the parents of more conservative beliefs seem to accept that story as OK, because the author is known to be pro-faith, as opposed to pro-magic...which can get confusing...:confused: ;)

A matter of "nuances" I suppose.


Anyone that thinks they are a bad influence on kids is a bad influence on kids.

lmao.... Where do you come from Tao? Harry Potter bad influence on kids?

Kids I know and see watch Hanibal Rising, Hellrasiers, Texas Chainsaw Masscre, Devil's Rejects and so on... Kids of this glorious generation are not influenced by Harry freaking Potter... Just If you watch these gory blood bath films... Something like Potter... You ain't going to bat an eyelid.
I think that was (part of) Tao's point, 17th. All the furor and uproar over "magic" (booga booga!!!) ... is ridiculous. There's as much of it in The Narnia Chronicles as Harry Potter, it just has a Christian "spin." I suppose Disney's `Aladdin and the Magic Lamp' should be under fire, for remind us of Persian Mysticism ... and the Djinn!!! :eek: :rolleyes: :p

As an esotericist, interested in underlying meanings and themes - even on the level of a world symbology (as per Plato's `Forms') - I think the people freaking out about bad influences need to consider Tao's point. The novels are really about Good and Evil, with plenty of moral, yet I think they actually do provide something of a vehicle for a new mythology (Ancient Wisdom, resurfacing).

Consider: when Harry travels with Hermione, via the "time-turner," to the moment of Sirius Black's death at the power of the Dementors, what happens? More specifically, on the first time around, what is it that Harry Potter SEES, shining brilliantly, even blindlingly, as the SOURCE of the Patronus?

Answer? A Silver STAG ... (anyone care to comment?)

Next: What WAS the Patronus, the `charm' which "chased the Dementors away?"

Answer? From Wikipedia: The Patronus Charm conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy, hope, or the desire to survive, known as a Patronus. A Patronus can be viewed as the exact opposite of a Dementor (a soul-sucking fiend).

Another definition from Wiki: The charm summons a patronus, a magical manifestation of good will, providing varied levels of protection against the Dementors' influence, based on the caster's strength as a wizard.

Hmph! The real bad influence is, as I think Tao has pointed out, the narrow-minded, short-sightedness of folks who can't recognize a GOOD THING when it flows through their children's hearts and minds straight from on High!!! (sic)

We can't credit JK Rowling with inventing the Patronus Charm itself. No, the forces of Love and Light, even though still sorely needed in our world, have always been present. Creative fiction, where children's (and adults') imaginations do meet with Rowling's magical ideas ... is just one of the many vehicles - through which Love and Light Will flow.

I, for one, am grateful that she has given us such treasures, and now that I am finally reading them, I can only smile, and roll my eyes, when I hear this bunkum about bad influences and black magic. Yeah, yeah, and Huckleberry Finn is the Devil's work too, we know all about it. :rolleyes:

now, time to go practice my own - Patronus ... :)

Love and Light,

OMG burn the witch, burn the witch. Now which way round was it, :confused: if she's innocent and drowns she goes to heaven and if she doesn't drown (ie doesn't smoke so can hold her breath for a while) she's a witch - burn her. I wonder if they let them dry out first?

Cor blimey, I used to read the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers when I was a kid - oh hang about a minute that might explain a few things. :D