How much TV do you watch?

Weekly TV Veiwing

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I don't own a television (and I mostly don't miss having one.)

There's more to life than television :)kitty:s, for instance...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Small advert: Channel 4 News is essential so that's more than 5 hours a week already....

I have a girlie TV which I sometimes put in a box. My other half would like it kept in the box. I hate soaps and have a soft spot for forensic murder stuff. :D
I watch The Hour everyday and then on some nights I watch three and other none. For example I watch three hours on Thursday, Two on Wed and One on Monday. There are no shows that I watch on Sat, Sun or Tues except The Hour. Sometimes on Fridays I watch Intervention but that is mostly during our long winters. I don't really watch it now becuase I am outside enjoying the weather.

Now that all the shows are over for the year and it is nice weather time... my TV will gather dust... except for my husbands addiction to the World Fishing Network.
hmmm that is weekly viewing and that can vary....if I do turn it on at night I often fall asleep, does that count?

What is the hour, and the bill?

I don't watch news...oh I used to, morning, evening, and 11 pm, and read the paper addicted to having to know...I quit that but still listen to the radio and catch what I want on the net.

As for TV shows, I could take it or leave it with most of them. Often I am out, so that means zero tv... Use to be a big football fan (american)...but mostly got over that.... but I could get into a day some days of laying around watching ball games or movies....

so overall for the course of a year divided into weeks viewing, I guess I am 5-15...many weeks less than 5, and a few would end up over 15...

Now my kids...1/2 time at my house and I'll say they get less than 5-10 a week at my house, and 15-25 at their that is 20-35 a week for them, I don't think the TV is ever off over there...I know it is on at breakfast, after school, dinner, and until they go to bed...
The Canadian Peadiatric Society recommends NO TV before the age of two because that is when their language acquisition is highest and their little brains are forever expanding.

Wh my husband and I are blessed with a child the TV will be gone but I think that it is so hard in this day because even if they don't watch at home it is everywhere else... Like my sisters where they never do ANYTHING except watch...
The Canadian Peadiatric Society recommends NO TV before the age of two because that is when their language acquisition is highest and their little brains are forever expanding.
I agree completely with that one...and then after two the maximum combination of TV, Video Game, Computer Time should be less than the total amount of time spent reading or being read to, less than the amount of time spent playing board games or card games, less than the amount of time spent playing with friends, and less than the amount of time spent outside. I used that rule for my kids up until the seperation....the limiting factor on sitting in front of any kind of monitor was reading, playing, playing, and outdoors...I think it was extremely valuable. It not only limited, but also made them make decisions as to what they were going to watch....and they'd watch a part of a movie, and pause it and watch another part the next not only the decision...but patience... I'd like to think that some of that discipline was partially responsible for creating the great teens they are...of course I've got some tricky years ahead of me....
I agree completely with that one...and then after two the maximum combination of TV, Video Game, Computer Time should be less than the total amount of time spent reading or being read to, less than the amount of time spent playing board games or card games, less than the amount of time spent playing with friends, and less than the amount of time spent outside. I used that rule for my kids up until the seperation....the limiting factor on sitting in front of any kind of monitor was reading, playing, playing, and outdoors...I think it was extremely valuable. It not only limited, but also made them make decisions as to what they were going to watch....and they'd watch a part of a movie, and pause it and watch another part the next not only the decision...but patience... I'd like to think that some of that discipline was partially responsible for creating the great teens they are...of course I've got some tricky years ahead of me....

Quite a formula. A good one. :)
Actually, I spend very little screen time at home. I do not have a computer at my house, only at work.

I also agree with the TV formula, good job
Actually, you would be amazed at how many daycares/preschools watch tv and movies all the time.

In my centre We have let the After school kids watch one movie on one day during Spring Break otherwise it collects dust. There is just so much more they can do.
Actually, you would be amazed at how many daycares/preschools watch tv and movies all the time.

In my centre We have let the After school kids watch one movie on one day during Spring Break otherwise it collects dust. There is just so much more they can do.
You are so right...many daycares especially home care/nanny's love to use the TV to do their job. That is why my tv formula was wife went back to work after a few months (yes, I know shame on us) so I required the nanny to keep a diary...and it took a while when they were three to find a daycare that didn't center around the television...and then when they were in elementary school, they had after care in the school, at a public school...they rolled in the TV once a week, but believe it or not I had to go in twice and turn the TV off! PG-13 movies with kids from 6-12 years old watching... I pulled out the tape, walked into the principles office and asked her if she thought PG-13 meant Parental Guidance, Parents strongly cautioned that some material maybe inappropriate for children under 13...or After Care Personel Determine it is suitable for first graders?? When they pulled in the after care people they said, "Well the kids don't want to watch the G-rated movies, they bring these in...." To which I responded, "If they brought in beer for snack time would that be ok?"

(you guys aren't the only ones that have to deal with my snide remarks)
Sounds similar to what I say to my staff when a parent doesn't want their child to go outside. We go out in all weather unless it's extreme and on extreme days we go out when the weather is at it's best even for a quicl walk.

My usual remark comes from my mother "They are not sugar they won't melt" and I tell you those viloent little TV bred creatures most surely are not sugar!