Connection Problems?

I have just seen this thread....aaaaarrrgggghhhhhhh. I have had my new laptop back to the shop 3 times screaming blue murder about the new Vista software because of connection and database error problems. I have had problems for 3 weeks now. OOPS
Does anyone else have the multiple clicking trying to connect, sod it kick you out, then database error problem?

I have dumped my hard drive 3 times now
the new Vista software

Vista eh? Very posh.

On a related point, I often get bombed out, frozen and other technical things like that which I've learnt to work around by logging off and hitting random keys repeatedly. When this happens I go to another forum where I don't get such problems so it must be CR I think rather than my PC (NOT with Vista on !!)

Call me paranoid if you like, I really dont care :p But the net IS being trawled by the FBI and CIA and there are people somewhere reading our posts and deciding whether they deserve filing or not. So if I use some keywords like CIA bomb semtex fertiliser bomb explosives attack senate Washington hijack guaranteed that within minutes someone is reading it.

So for that person doing the reading... KISS MY ASS:D
mmmm ..interesting...are we comparing religions and plotting?
lol, I can only speak for myself. But these searches run with pretty simple algorithms that look for certain keywords within a given script. If you use a few they will be read :p
Call me paranoid if you like, I really dont care :p But the net IS being trawled by the FBI and CIA and there are people somewhere reading our posts and deciding whether they deserve filing or not. So if I use some keywords like CIA bomb semtex fertiliser bomb explosives attack senate Washington hijack guaranteed that within minutes someone is reading it.

So for that person doing the reading... KISS MY ASS:D
Now what an invitation that is...what will you do if they come over to make good on it?

Now yeah the US intelligence is labelled as the big bad gorilla in the room....but how many trawlers do you think are out there?

Of all the intelligence agencies from all the countries combined I'll bet their databases don't hold a candle to the marketing boys from Wall Street and Shanghai that are planning to slim down your wallet!!
Now what an invitation that is...what will you do if they come over to make good on it?

Now yeah the US intelligence is labelled as the big bad gorilla in the room....but how many trawlers do you think are out there?

Of all the intelligence agencies from all the countries combined I'll bet their databases don't hold a candle to the marketing boys from Wall Street and Shanghai that are planning to slim down your wallet!!

lol... the marketing boys already looked at my finances and stuck me in the 'basket case' section:p so no worries there. I dont think the US the worst offender in terms of the surveillance of its citizens. In fact that honour belongs here to the UK where all phone calls are recorded and kept for 7 years. Where there are more CTV cameras than anywhere in the world which catch you on average 370 times every day. These cameras are linked to face recognition systems and registration reading for cars. The UK is by far the most 'watched' society in the world.


PS. If they come looking ... well I dont think they would, they know who I am....but they might fry my comp just for fun :)
Vista eh? Very posh.

On a related point, I often get bombed out, frozen and other technical things like that which I've learnt to work around by logging off and hitting random keys repeatedly. When this happens I go to another forum where I don't get such problems so it must be CR I think rather than my PC (NOT with Vista on !!)


Posh? It's a damned nightmare. Can you remember all the glitches in XP when it came out, well take those, add a few and you have Vista but with nice pictures. Oh and of course vista isn't designed to run with 90% of the software in the world so hey presto Microsoft gets loads more more of your cash for upgraded software.

Glad to know it's not just me then but wish I had found the thread earlier.
Call me paranoid if you like, I really dont care :p But the net IS being trawled by the FBI and CIA and there are people somewhere reading our posts and deciding whether they deserve filing or not. So if I use some keywords like CIA bomb semtex fertiliser bomb explosives attack senate Washington hijack guaranteed that within minutes someone is reading it.

So for that person doing the reading... KISS MY ASS:D

Oh you big coward, you know it won't get picked up unless you put the word MUSLIM in it. Oops I did it now, sorry have to go a couple of guys in dark glasses and squiggly plastic coming out of their ears are knocking down my door.

Oh and Wil, sorry to burst your bubble but Wall St & Shanghai have nothing on Microsoft - they are the ultimate Big Brother.
Hang on a moment - a big black car just pulled up outside my house and there's a couple of basketball players in dark suits and sunglasses stepping out...
The basketball players aren't so much to worry's the 600 pound gorillas with uzis that should be concerning.
Sorry I can't post anything, as I was flown, on a secret flight, through 10 european countries, illegally of course, then flown to guantanimo. They keep asking me about Jihad - oh no I did it again........back to the interrogation cell.

Oh it's ok this time they wanted to talk about my unflattering remarks about Windows Vista - apparently much more serious a crime than political or nuclear warfare.....oh no not again........
Does anyone remember an old corny song that was about a plane getting hi-jacked to Cuba, and the guy telling the story didn't know what was going on? He said the flight attendant must have been really happy to see that guy because she started running toward him shouting, "Hi, Jack!", and he responded with "Hi, Vanna!". And everyone got free drinks and they spent the night on this really great island....bada bing. :rolleyes:
It is? No I was goofing on hijack. Like if the FBI had your phone tapped and they heard you say "Hi Jack!" (hijack) kinda thing.

Now I'm wondering if you're just yanking my string.


Hi Chris

Hee, hee I know, sorry I was trying and clearly failing to be funny. :eek: Or as you put it - yanking your chain. I shall get back to my naughty spot.
