Kuffar or Infidels?

Kaffir, should not be used by someone who is of true Islam... I can imagine Allah cringing everytime He hears someone use that word with intent........

maca salāma

The word in bold is the operative one 17th. As I am aware that many Muslims use it now in the same way that people have used the N word to refer to black people I would never use it. However, it is a shame they don't seem to understand the meaning of the word, which is 'to cover or conceal', in the context we are discussing the use of the word would refer to someone that does not believe in Islam (the Oneness of G-d) but it is ONLY for Allah to decide who does and who does not believe in His Oneness.

The words are fine, it is how people choose to use them that is the problem.

This is a good read:

Defining the <i>Kafirs</i> (Infidels)? - Reading Islam.com - Ask About Islam

Assalam u alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa baakatuhu,

I agree.. That is what I am saying.... If I dared call you a stupid idiot... That would be very mean, it would insult and hurt.... Specially if I meant it... But, what if I had nooooooo idea what it meant, or I really had no understanding of it being quite a powerful name... Then I can see that as not totally fault of the sayer, and we must teach one another.... If I continued to call you this after I was aware of the meaning, then yes... So that is why I meant intent.....

Sticks and stones may break my bones... But words will only teach you.

Ma salama...
Thank you for this post. Very enlightenening.