
What really impressed me was your ability to totally negate someone's genuine concerns whilst still maintaining an appearance of complete concern and determination to attend to their needs. Perfect political material. ;):D
Yeah, genuine, concerned, 17, in the same thought....while I believe it often to be the is often buried.

Brian answered in a concise way with actual forum historical knowledge...

I swatted ruthlessly...I should really work on that.
Yeah, genuine, concerned, 17, in the same thought....

Okay you do have a very good point there, objection withdrawn on the grounds that it was 17th. ;)

I swatted ruthlessly...I should really work on that.

I wish we had that smilie that rolls around the floor laughing, see what you can do about that Wil. Sorry sweetheart but are you capable of swatting ruthlessly, you seem so level headed and gentle?
That was ruthless?.... lol, you... You... Monster lol.

I do hope you threw your head back, flicking your hair before storming off and slamming your bedroom door (well that's how I do it lol)

Oh and yes, we know you can swat ruthlessly lol
:eek: Mexican is food of the gods..... :/ Tacos, Fajitas, Nachos, Burritos, Enchiladas, Gazpacho, Salsa, Horchata and all the rest... :( They are all beautiful....

If you like spicy food try Egyptian, even the cornflakes have spice on (ok a small exaggeration there but only just). Went to the doc last year with stomach ache and he said 90% of his Egyptian patients have the same problem and I quote "your stomach would have to be made of metal to not get sick with the spicy egyptian food".
:eek: Mexican is food of the gods..... :/ Tacos, Fajitas, Nachos, Burritos, Enchiladas, Gazpacho, Salsa, Horchata and all the rest... :( They are all beautiful....
lmmfao! *lil' john*what! they have mexican food in jolly ol' england? i had no idea. i have to agree, man. mexican food is the shizzle, my nizzle! after that i have to go with american food. burgers, mash taters, chicken fried steak, corn on the cobb, baked fish etc, etc. curious though, if there was one mexican plate that you could eat before you kick the bucket, what would it be? mine would be enchiladas de carne picada con arroz y frijoles, con chingos de queso y salsa! and then a cup o' tea. :D i think i just drooled all over my self.:cool: