The Gallery...

Native: I could of indeed!! But angels are much like any other creature!! You got your good ones and your bad ones! You were suggesting I was a good one right!?.... Right.... ;)

iMort: Bob is cool!!! But, if you give a character room to let it's personality devlope, what stops it slipping out? lol.
lol, anyone else find when they spend a long time working on a character, that the line between their own personality and the character's seem to blur and merge?
I think the character might reflect on their own personality.
"....but the green version of this work..."

More greenery for you:


  • Green_sweepy.jpg
    21.2 KB · Views: 270
Here's a blue version...


  • Blue-sweepy(8x6-80).jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 247
What can I say.... *offers innocent arms spread palms open stance with a tilted head* I'm the titz.

But! It is the collective!! Putting US in fabulous! ALRIGHT! *throws a rapid fist in the air*

little by little everyday my jesus he's changing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *nods head side to side in rythmn*

You're into manga anime and all the asian kinda cartoons right? Those facial expression characters?

Like.... When they are feeling bummed.... AH WAIT lol like your avatar! lol... When they are bummed out or down or what not they have the water drop... If alert they have the (!) on their face... and (?) are there any others? And what do you official call that.... Facial grammar?
Dude, I have no clue, I just watch the stuff... Um, tell ya the truth, it was probably started to save money by not having to draw out as many frames of movement. That's where the striking pose with moving background thing came about. The japanese are very *clears throat* efficient, yano?

Wait, I researched... Here ya go! Your so lucky I'm not being lazy at the moment, lol.

It explains some of the emotions used and stuff at least.

Have at it, comic cowboy!