The Gallery...

dickey dickey dickey!! :D You getting there! And as you go on you will learn what works for you and what simply doesn't, it's all a personal thing that has to comfortably fit the artist in question... Layer this bit, burn that bit, dodge that bit, maybe add another layer! then another it's all good... We are all but apprentices in this world!! which seek mastership! :)

Loving your works keep up the layering!
I just noticed that our member Penguin is still around. I hope he sees this next image.

I got a request on a gaming forum to make some images of a "dire penguin" for someone's tabletop D&D game, and this is my first one. There will be more, including a boss dire penguin with a dancing top hat.


Yeah, Alex P, I think I am getting the hang of layering. You were right! Layering is the bizzomb!! I'm finding it quite distracting. More images to come...
That penguin is ace lol. I was gonna give you another tip but I forgot in the short space of time it took me to click reply. (If there are any 'K' letters missing off any posts I make from work, my bad... The K is sticking.)

Ah yeah! there it is.... When you use the 'brush' tool you can use this for far more than simply filling colour, depending on how you have the layout of PS, once you've selected the brush, (by default) there will be the brush menu at the top... Size, strength and so on... Near there will be a drop down menu which shows 'normal' click through that and see what extra's you can add to your images... Example on that penguins teeth you could like choose a light blue colour put the brush setting to errm.. Linear burn (working from memory) and spalt some of that down on it's fangs then ontop of that using a smaller brush size put some white! (of course in linear burn again.) Shiney fangs :D

May I ask your permission to give that penguin a colouring of my own? then post it back up here? I just fancy doing some texture work lol.
Just finishing a sketch which I'll share later :D Anyone with facebook who wants to see a few of my recent images search for Lex Capo Parsons and you can then access my albums and so on, I got it so even people that are not on my friends list can see me, cause I am an attention whore at heart. *offers a solomn nod*
I'm sat here welling up over that Alex. Thoughts are with you mate. Bless her.
Code:- Found this on DIGG....

blew me away....

Not as much as it's gonna blow them away! hee hee hee
I can't quite see her booty clearly!:D Sorry.
I like it. It shows repression, suffering and brutal resilience to me.
Sad but true.
It also (to me at least) represents the two faced nature of humanity..... I bring flowers.... I am but an innocent 'victim'/civilian 'little girl' have a daisy.... While you are at it rot in hell in iddle liddle bits when my C4 goes Blam :D
I get a very demonic feel from the whole thing...

The red dress, the burnt skin... Notice the triangular symbol
on the tank and the floating papers? Radiation in a pyramid...

Looks like some European city in a future WWIII...
Brother, I can -sell- any art ;) That is the talent you pick up lulz.

I taught my neice how to do it lol she got top passing grades in all levels of art, GCSE -> Diploma and now A levels

sweet, I know a PR rep !!! bonus ! lol