I might, or might not have made this.... (depending on how P-nut and his lawyer approaches this...) Yes there is a signature but that may or may not be mine lol.....
I GIVE YOU!!!!!! TEH NUGGET 2000!!!!
This took ages to get on the pc cause it is a FREAKING HUGE IMAGE A1.... I might put it on a wall... If I can find a big enough wall....
I would not normally... (If I did draw this... heh) use these colours... I would normally go more evil and dark and so on, but as I am attempting (if I made this) to honour p-nuts image of nugget... I know he likes his colours and clashes in his work... So I went with many colours.
Oh and, almost forgot... Gallery = Most viewed thread in the freaking lounge!!! OH JEAH!!!!! *dances!*