
I have recently been baptised into the catholic way of life,Now i go to church every sunday and i find it utterly boring,i cant stop yawning!What do other people think?

Hi Bangler and welcome to CR!:)

Why not say hello in the introductions forum and look around the site. There's all sorts of people here and everything under the sun gets talked about, not all of it utterly boring I hope! I'm not a Catholic, I'm just saying hello!

So is a one time posters view less valid than anyone else?

The answer is that I will always defend the underdog, no matter what age, colour, religion, etc, it is just who I am.

Actually, a one time poster with pre-concieved point of view is not near as valid as a long time member with a legitimate observation.

I do apologize for the name confusion. I did post 2nd, I did not know you did not know my name, and I have been mistaken for that name in the past.

I realize you were talking to 17th, but I was talking to you-- this is a public forum. If you want one on one, try pm. What he said was valid, what you said was not, in fact it was a little tacky. At least I thought so.

Under-dog defense is admirable, but sometimes the underdog is not an under dog at all...saints can figure this out.:D:D:D (All Christians are saints.)

This is the valid point of view that I was referring to:
I think in the christian faith baptism is like a contract lol... An agreement between the person and jesus... Something you shouldn't enter into lightly.... I think you should figure out what you are about before making false half assed commitments.... :)

BTW- I don't go to mass.
Karen the Baptist;)
let's be honest most rituals can be boring.

There's a wonderful yiddish song about this I've been trying to remember for three years. :O
Actually, a one time poster with pre-concieved point of view is not near as valid as a long time member with a legitimate observation.

That is quite the assumption there Karen, how do you know from Banglers post that he/she has any pre-conceived ideas? All that was said is that they found mass boring, heavens above I can easily fall asleep in friday prayers, all that monotone droning. And who are you to say what is and is not a valid point of view? We all have a right to a view, Bangler his/hers and 17th his, oh and even muslim women have a right to a view, it does not make one more valid than the other.

I realize you were talking to 17th, but I was talking to you-- this is a public forum. If you want one on one, try pm. What he said was valid, what you said was not, in fact it was a little tacky. At least I thought so.

You are welcome to your opinion. I worded my response to 17th in a way that I thought he would appreciate, given his sense of humour. But isn't that half the fun of public forums, we can have different views and disagree with each other but still remain friends. :D

Under-dog defense is admirable, but sometimes the underdog is not an under dog at all...saints can figure this out.:D:D:D (All Christians are saints.)

Well perhaps I am wrong but I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I get to know them a little.

LMAO, so now you have the attributes of G-d, hey your promotional system is staggering. ;)

BTW- I don't go to mass.

Well that is probably a good thing because apparently they are reeeaaaly boring.

That is quite the assumption there Karen, how do you know from Banglers post that he/she has any pre-conceived ideas? All that was said is that they found mass boring, heavens above I can easily fall asleep in friday prayers, all that monotone droning. And who are you to say what is and is not a valid point of view? We all have a right to a view, Bangler his/hers and 17th his, oh and even muslim women have a right to a view, it does not make one more valid than the other.

Lest we forget,
Banglers original post:

I have recently been baptised into the catholic way of life,Now i go to church every sunday and i find it utterly boring,i cant stop yawning!What do other people think?
My reason for assuming a preconception: he hasn't really given it time before he goes publicly declaring it boring.

I reserve the right to call people on points of view regardless of their percieved validity (oh and if you are wondering the reason I put your name in bold on my first post was so it would catch your eye.)
My reason for assuming a preconception: he hasn't really given it time before he goes publicly declaring it boring.
But he/she is not saying they knew it was going to be boring before they attended mass, only that having attended they personally found it boring. That is a statement of their experience not a preconception.

I reserve the right to call people on points of view regardless of their percieved validity (oh and if you are wondering the reason I put your name in bold on my first post was so it would catch your eye.)

We all reserve the right to call people on points of view, isn't that what discussion is but that does not mean that our view is any more or less valid than theirs.

Ah that is the problem with age, the eyesight starts to go ;)
The opinion was concieved that church was boring before he gave it a chance, thus it was preconcieved.:D:D:D LOL! I'm joking.

:eek: There is a time limit on finding something boring, now that is very bad news, I have sat through some really boring lectures and it is the only way I can catch up on some sleep or write my shopping list. :p:D
You are such a hoot. :p (I know I am an old fuddy duddy). I love that you are different and speak your mind, I just can't help defending the underdog - it's in my nature. How is there a stupidity problem? There are things in my new faith that I struggle with, it does not invalidate my commitment to Allah, it just means I am human. Hey hats off to the guy/girl for honesty, let's be honest most rituals can be boring.

Because if you are inclined to religion... Most of it, is for real to you, so baptisim is thee THEE most important bit I believe... jesus was baptised and took on his role as saviour.... Others now are baptised to start a "new life" new leaf whatever... You are washed clean from your old ways and have taken on a contract with your god saying this is what I believe is right, this is what I am going to do and here I stand before you ready to accept this... I think mucho mucho research and self searching should happen before making that kind of comittment.

So is a one time posters view less valid than anyone else?

When I am the other poster? Hell yeah. :D
There are no communication problems here.... He took an oath to god as a catholic and now complains.... There is a stupidity problem here.... How am I an attention seeker, for just acting how I act, which tends to be -very- different than the trend/norm of this site, which of course will make me stand out, but pft I am not one to blend in and change who I is.....

But ok... Bangler.... Welcome, to the site..... *tries to smile but fails terribly than offers you a thumbs up instead.*

17th Angel:

.......Sometimes I wonder how you keep it up

My bag of jokes ran out long marbles left.....I'd be interested to know where you get your marbles from.


With regards to boredom at mass or Sunday sermons........

Religion should not be about listening to speeches!!! It should be about people. Community. Churches shouldn't be lecture theatres. They should reflect life as we know it. They should be turned into restaurants, offices, kitchens, factories and lounge rooms. It's where people work. We start living out the stuff in the whatever Text we've read. Religion comes to life. More learning. More education.

It's also why some Christians meet in house churches. Wiccans have their covens. Followers of Falun Gong meet out in the open to channel their qi-gong. Muslims pray five times a day in their own home. Buddhists and Yogis have their meditation. Quakers, they just meet somewhere. It's a matter of finding the right time and place.

But if we've been searching high and low and can't find a good time and place, maybe we just have to do it where we are. Maybe it's just our attitude. So maybe you just have to make the most out of the sermon -- not in the sense that you rely on the sermon itself, but that you rely on yourself more.

With me personally, I don't think I need any special sermons or worship styles. I reckon any church will do for me. It's not the church, it's me. The sermon is not the church. You are the church. We are the church.
Strange I have those saying I've lost my marbles... And then on the other hand those saying I keep finding marbles... Alas it is a confusing world....

Also just on a curious side... What part of that was a joke? ¬.¬

I just thought it was kind of ......sarcastic in a provocative sense -- where you're "having a go" at someone. Making fun of them in a friendly way.

Acting how you act.....going against the trend......not being confined in some kind of "box of conformity." wasn't just that post but a whole lot of others.

.......maybe you just weren't doing it on purpose......which is probably what makes it even more funny. Accidental comedian. It sounds much like what I've read (on Wikipedia) about the film Life of Brian. I guy named Brian who is born a few doors down from Jesus grows up, says a few random things and everyone thinks he's a Prophet......
There's a wonderful yiddish song about this I've been trying to remember for three years. :O

Didn't you get me to listen to a Yiddish song once, I believe I found it erm...... "interesting". Please keep trying to remember but not too hard, just in case you do lol :p
Because if you are inclined to religion... Most of it, is for real to you, so baptisim is thee THEE most important bit I believe... jesus was baptised and took on his role as saviour.... Others now are baptised to start a "new life" new leaf whatever... You are washed clean from your old ways and have taken on a contract with your god saying this is what I believe is right, this is what I am going to do and here I stand before you ready to accept this... I think mucho mucho research and self searching should happen before making that kind of comittment.

He/she didn't say the baptism was boring, that might have been the most important, most enjoyable experience of their life. They just said mass was boring (isn't mass still in Latin - hell my Latin lessons sent me to sleep). If they are still in Latin, how could they not be boring, you can't even understand what is being said.

When I am the other poster? Hell yeah. :D

Oh you are so.........male LOL. I note Bangler hasn't been back and I wonder why after the wonderful, warm welcome they received, cough, cough.
Strange I have those saying I've lost my marbles... And then on the other hand those saying I keep finding marbles... Alas it is a confusing world....

What is it with men and spherical objects???? :eek:;)
I note Bangler hasn't been back and I wonder why after the wonderful, warm welcome they received, cough, cough.

Hey I said hello:p

Bangler's probably just asleep in church.


PS damn them eyes are smouldering MW.