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A wee bit of bicycling in Gdansk with a favourite :kitty: and her human:

Dean Nicholson and Nala the Bosnian :kitty: took the bike out for a wee bit, and Dean filmed a tall ship along with other sights.

Phllis Sidhe_Uaine
Cinema Therapy's look at a Bollywood film

They talk about relationships between two men as well as their relationships with other people. The title of the film being reviewed is RRR (in case anyone's interested.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
This is fascinating, and perfect for the spooky season!

He has some interesting stuff, though I'm a bit disappointed on how little attention he gives to Hinduism.

Some of the stuff I've watched while cross stitching lately:

He has some interesting stuff, though I'm a bit disappointed on how little attention he gives to Hinduism.

I hadn't noticed that before, but now that you mention it, you're right, he doesn't have much Hindu content. Hopefully he does more in the future.
More train travel on Amtrak, this time between Atlanta, Georgia and New York City:

The couple was heading toward their connection to a cruise that departs/departed in New York City.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine