YouTube - Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered Part I <-- features Ismar Schorsch and Cornel West discussing Jewish-Christian relations, race-relations/racism, minorities, black-Jewish relations in light of Heschel's teachings and introducing an interview with Heschel that aired in '73
YouTube - Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered Part 2 <-- Dialogue continues, moving more into progressive politics, ethical imperative, reaching outside of our communities, a little more about Heschel's background and the experiences that shaped him e.g. the influence of the Holocaust in Heschel's civil rights activism. The actual Heschel clip begins at the end but gets cut off very quickly into the next clip which repeats that part anyway.
YouTube - Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered Part 3 <-- Heschel discusses his childhood, the uniqueness of each moment, the paradox of G!d in search of man, G!d's infinite capacity of forgiveness, the nature of religion.
YouTube - Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered Part 4 <-- Heschel discusses the nature/role of prayer, human/divine partnership, the nature of holiness, ecumenism and uniqueness, the ups and downs of humanity, racism, prophets and the role of prophecy, the Vietnam war.
"Earlier in my life, my great love was learning, study, and the place where I preferred to live was my study; in books and writing and thinking. I've learned from the prophets that I have to be involved in the affairs of men, in the affairs of suffering men..."
"... In a free society, some are guilty. All are responsible."
YouTube - Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered Part 5 <-- part 5, last part. Heschel discusses Vietnam, religion and politics, "The greatness of life is experience and facing a challenge rather than just having satisfaction", religion raising questions rather than spoon-feeding answers, religious pluralism, formal education and instilling ethics, the decline of organized religion, "Self-deception is a major passion in human life"
nooooooo. He didn't upload the next part yet. It ended at a bad time too. xD