What Are You Watching on Youtube?

I got messaged on YT the other day by someone advertising their channel. I hate it when people do it so I was like 'delete'! But for some strange reason my inbox wasn't behaving and wouldn't delete it. So eventually, I clicked on it.

He's a guy called Williams Shamir (and yes, it's William with an -s). He does some really cool artwork in photoshop. He uses a tablet and just gets to work. Sets his own music etc... it's pretty awesome.

I like the music particularly... it's intriguing.

Here's the video of him drawing a robo-queen - quite pretty:
YouTube - "alien bio-robo queen" - original digital painting ( and music ) by Williams Shamir

And here is one of him drawing Kurt Cobain with a symphonic variation (composed by himself) of Smell Like Teen Spirit:
YouTube - Kurt Cobain digital painting/ smells like teen spirit symphonic cover by williams shamir

Hope you like them...

...really funny, especially from about half way...:p:p:p:p:p
