I'm watching/listening to Welcome To Night Vale, currently up to episode 29. The series is loosely based on H. P. Lovecraft's stuff, so anyone who is interested has been forewarned. The main narrator, Cecil, is "out of the closet", albeit not a flagrant homosexual, and has the hots for Carlos (whom Cecil talks about rather frequently.) He shares the station with Koshak the Floating Tom
, a series of interns and management that are of "questionable origins" for lack of a better description. There are several "inside jokes", like the weather reports that are just tunes and one episode ending with Cecil asking the listener to stay tuned for the quiz show Wait, Wait, No Don't, Please Don't, which is a satirical take on the public radio quiz show, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (although there isn't anything really after Cecil's broadcast except for the usual "ads" promoting the Night Vale merchandise and the like.)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine