What Are You Watching on Youtube?

I'm watching/listening to Welcome To Night Vale, currently up to episode 29. The series is loosely based on H. P. Lovecraft's stuff, so anyone who is interested has been forewarned. The main narrator, Cecil, is "out of the closet", albeit not a flagrant homosexual, and has the hots for Carlos (whom Cecil talks about rather frequently.) He shares the station with Koshak the Floating Tom:kitty:, a series of interns and management that are of "questionable origins" for lack of a better description. There are several "inside jokes", like the weather reports that are just tunes and one episode ending with Cecil asking the listener to stay tuned for the quiz show Wait, Wait, No Don't, Please Don't, which is a satirical take on the public radio quiz show, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (although there isn't anything really after Cecil's broadcast except for the usual "ads" promoting the Night Vale merchandise and the like.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Also really liking Nathaniel Rateliffe and the Night Sweats

Just missed his UK tour! Curses!

Also, for the genes ... Lynched ...

Hold onto your shorts everyone. This one's a nail-biter around the forty-second mark.

I first saw it on LiveJournal, but it's worth watching on almost any site.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Right now is a tribute to Glen Frey, who passed away earlier today.

Besides being a founding member of The Eagles, he also had a solo career plus as an actor during the 1980s (he might've acted during the 1990s and 2000s as well, but don't quote me.:oops:)

I'm getting sick and tired of pretty much all of the deaths so early this year of the people from my generation's entertainment industry. One more and I'm going to scream.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Rock and rollers from the 60s n 70s are all entering their 60s.and 70s in the next decade we probably see 50 percent of them die off...

Tis natural...and the stations will get.their tributes ready so they can pile in the advert money as a pa err ting gift
You will notice a difference between the quality of presentations between TED and TEDx....not to say the latter downt have some good ones.but the original, the annual, knocks them outta the park

A rather fascinating gentleman imho. Oh, and there are links to several videos with him and his friehd/partner (including their respective funerals featuring a veritable who's who of classic film [especially Stan Laurel's].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Anyone who has ever been reunited with a loved one after a disaster (either natural or man-made) will understand what this man went through in spite of any language barriers they might have. The man thought he had lost his son in a bomb attack (I think they said that is was a chemical bombing) when they were reunited.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Alas, this describes the wishy-washy lack of personality that governs Wisconsin. Add onto that all of the money that Wisconsinites are going to fork over to repay Walker's debt...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine