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Better the camera than the Aussie (cameras are replaceable, Aussie not so much...) True, the camera was expnsive, but...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
No worries. I leave the nature stuff to the younger fellows these days. Funny part, I was using that particular cam so I wouldn't have to get too close! Should've attached a rear view mirror aye.;)
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Trump :(

I apologize for the John Oliver video (it's a tad political) but I don't have the link for the other :kitty: video that I watched earlier (it's on my tablet, and I can't get it to copy correctly; will try later this week here on campus...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
From Phyllis while I work on some error messages some of you might be receiving.

Here's the original video where you can listen to One Winged Angel, the video that StevePame posted for me (the :kitty:s are in the mail with the required stuff, StevePame.)...:
Some of the songs remind me of several of our "MIA"s and a few of our members who have gone on. I avoid the "Doo Wop" group and the "Opera", but I'll leave it up to each individual listener.

I'm also watching a performance by one of my instructors (her troupe performs American tribal-style belly dancing.) She's the one with the blonde braid and the blue-green(?) trimmed outfit/fan:

I apologize for the difficulties, but I just got fed up with the error messages (as did the :kitty: delegation, who want to leave their opinions on or near the servers' hosting company...) The less said about that, the better for everyone around. *places a virtual clothespin on nose before dealing with "Cleanup in Aisle 12!"*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Intergenerational/cross-genre music sans what most people consider instruments. Dolly usually sings with a country & western band (she's also rather proficient with the guitar) while Pentatonix is an a capella pop group. I'll leave it up to the general audience whether it's a "thumbs-up" or a "thumbs-down".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
More Maru the Neko and Hana the Neko (yeah, they're :kitty:s.) Maru is a perk-eared Scottish Fold and Hana is a Japanese Domestic Shorthair.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine