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Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again

Altogether shout it now
There's no one
Who can doubt it now
So let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone
There'll be no more from now on

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
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I apologize for all of the :kitty: videos that I tend to post. :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I love the kitty videos. Please do continue. My wife and I are working on befriending a stray we've dubbed 'Charley Chaplin'. So far he'll come to eat, but not close enough to handle while we're outside. Hopefully, we can gain his trust before winter sets in.
The funny thing is, Trump is now complaining about the exact thing that he said his supporters would do if he loses.

I have never seen a more HYPOCRITICAL public figure in my entire life!

Desperate times call for the best medicine ... laughter ;-)

I wish I could laugh about this. This really happened though and Trump as Pres is NOT going to be a laughing matter. Apologies Lux, don't mean to rain on your parade; this just is not funny to me any more.

The pain you're feeling is just the same as mine, bro. But let's try to be optimistic. (What else can we do?)
Italy survived Silvio Berlusconi, we'll somehow survive Trump too, and it's only four years ...
Hate to be the doom and gloom guy but I just see little if any reason to be optimistic. Trump is Trump. He is not going to change. When he got into the primary they said he will stop being that guy from the reality show. He didn't. Halfway thru the primary his people started to try and get him to stay more on message and they all got canned. He didn't change. When he won the nomination, now, Now he would start acting more presidential. Nope. Never happened.

And now that he is president people are trying to say we will see the real Trump finally. Are you effing serious! If people haven't figured out that the Trump they have seen through this entire process is the only Trump there is, they are idiots.

His VP is such an extremely radical christian he makes a member of the Spanish Inquisition look like a choir boy. One person sure to be high in the ranks of a Trump administration will be Bannon, rabid conservative attack dog formerly of Breitbart. Breitbart! One of the sickest, meanest, most dishonest organizations in the country. No lie too outrageous to publish. Not to mention the rest of his basket of despicables, Christie Bully Boy, Juliani the Mighty Moron, Newt the Corrupt who makes Clinton look like a piker by comparison.

And that is just the shortest of the short list. Sorry, man. There doesn't seem to be much room for optimism.

What else can we do? Me, I'm starting to prepare to batten down the hatches and do everything I can do to protect my family against the tidal wave of horror that is coming. Hate to sound like the guy running around wailing 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling'. I'm not a melodramatic type by nature, but in this case I'm not convinced it isn't justified.

As I've said on here many times already, if it turns out that little of the above happens, I will gladly accept the fool's cap for being so completely wrong!
You know what, it's fine that Trump doesn't change. Because that means Trump's unprecedented historically high unfavorability won't change either.

Actually you should feel a little less devastated than I am. You guys have a great chance in taking over the House and Senate in 2018. My view is that "frightened" anti-Trumpers (and which is the majority of the voters, since Hillary won the popular vote) will come out and vote in large numbers in the mid-term election trying to retain as much control as possible over Trump to keep him in check. Isn't that what precisely happened in both 2010 and 2014 after Obama's win? The GOP had a big victory both times. If Hillary had won, it would have been the other way around.

This is why I wanted Hillary to win this year, so that the GOP can hold onto the House and Senate for another four years until we replace Hillary in 2020 with a decent Republican. (Hillary's unfavorability is also high and she has too much baggage, the FBI investigation, Clinton Foundation, etc.) So I actually think Trump's win this year is a curse in disguise for the Republicans.

I told Trump supporters that we may very well pay the big price for electing such a divisive unpopular ("hated" is more apt) figure. After the Dems take control over the House and Senate, someone like Elizabeth Warren could run against Trump and easily win. I wonder if Sanders will run again, or some younger socialist? Not that I'm hoping that'd happen. Of course I want a Republican, someone moderate such as Kasich, McMullin or Rubio to become the president. But now I know that won't happen. sigh.

Anyways, the reelection in 2020 is not gonna be easy for Trump. One of the biggest problems is that Trump is very unpopular among young people. In four years, since more youth will join and some old folks won't be there anymore, it's gonna be only worse for Trump. His chance of winning the re-election seems dicey to say the least.

Democrats' future is not as bleak as you think. I'd say it's still the Republicans who have to pay for this gigantic mess. Oh by the way, The Hill and ABC are reporting Trump will likely to pick (or be forced to pick) Priebus as Chief of Staff.
Wisconsin voted for Johnson (who's a real "Johnson" iykwim.) We have another six years before we can correct our "mistake" in the Senate (I voted for Feingold myself.) I like Baldwin (the other Wisconsin senator who took over for Herb Kohl, who retired before he got too old/frustrated with his fellow senators.)

Ditto Walker, although he's up for reelection in two years along with his leftenant governor (you got a taste of his political agenda during the primaries, and she's more :confused: imho.) Her husband is even worse than either Walker or the leftenant governor (he wore a camouflage tuxedo to a formal gathering/event. o_O)

They all railroaded Prop 10 through the Wisconsin senate and legislature (which caused the Democratic senators and legislators to "run" to Illinois [it was big news from what I recall].) Union busting to make Ronald Reagan proud. :rolleyes:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To get the "topic" off of politics, I present another :kitty: video!

The tortie is/was recovering from spaying (the reason she's wearing the strange contraption.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I apologize for the political stuff (warning: one jerk uses foul language.) The next one's to make up for it (warning! cute :kitty:s!)

The gentleman cares for a stray/feral colony in Russia (my herol :oops:)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I love the kitty videos. Please do continue. My wife and I are working on befriending a stray we've dubbed 'Charley Chaplin'. So far he'll come to eat, but not close enough to handle while we're outside. Hopefully, we can gain his trust before winter sets in.

The gentleman who posts/"owns" the channel cares for a stray/feral colony, plus he's currently caring for one kitten and a full-grown cat that recently underwent spay surgery.

There are other video links of :kitty: caretakers that just may give you some tips on how to get "Charley Chaplin" safely indoors, including tips from the Cole and Marmalade community (Chris Poole even demonstrates TNR with a "stunt :kitty: [a toy :kitty: that he uses to demonstrate stuff instead of using Marmalade the "red" tabby].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine