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Enjoy the
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Enjoy the

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
25th anniversary. Where does time go?A tribute to the late Freddie Mercury on the 25th anniversary of his passing and a fewvideos (I gotta have my
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Now you've gone and done it! Made me feel old. I just realized my 40th class reunion is coming up. Bohemian Rhapsody came out my junior year.I still play the cassette. Have to. I wore out the 8-track! Remember those?
Geez, I'm feeling older all the time...You were in first or second grade when I was born (just guesstimating here) so I do remember 8-track tapes and their players.
25? ... 25! ... but, dammit, that was yesterday, wasn't it?
Gonna have to tag DA for some science to back up the self-evident fact that time moves faster as you get older.
I remember watching LiveAid at Wembley Stadium. Watching Mr Mercury get to work, picking up the crowd and owning the joint. 72,000 hands clapping in sharp, enthusiastic unison during Radio Ga-Ga ... shivers down the spine. And already Freddie was battling, and losing, with AIDS.
25 years ... really?
HaHa! Bohemian Rhapsody came out the year I received the keys to the door (in the old tradition: 21).Geez, I'm feeling older all the time...Wish my '64 Corvair was running. I drop a good 30 years when I drive it!
Yeah, my wife doesn't get that whole, pump the accelerator, wait for it to warm up thing or having to make impromptu roadside repairs.I still think about my Baracuda, but my fave, the car in which I courted my beloved (and we bought another one years later, which my daughters hated because it broke down so often) was our Daimler 250 V8.
Lol....I thought all cars were like that my first years ownership... Then a friend tuned and worked on my car....he said he was going to get it where you could start it simply reaching thru the window and turning the key!Yeah, my wife doesn't get that whole, pump the accelerator, wait for it to warm up thing or having to make impromptu roadside repairs.