I read this book this week about this devout chritian who went to Hell, and then Jesus took him out and told him to tell everyone that this place is real and that it is not his desire for anyone to go there.
While he talks about hell he lists reverences to passages in the Bible that relate to what he experienced (and there is a lot of refferences he found too). Jesus rescuted him and told him that he wanted him to tell people that Hell is a real place, and it is not his desire for anyone to go there. He also said he understood how deep God's love for mankind really was and every time a person is lost to satan, it saddens him immencely.
The truth is, Hell is as bad as the Bible makes it seem to be (torment of every kind: physical, emotional, and spiritual). After reading the book, i felt so bad for the people who go there and wondered, "Why does it have to be that bad?" Then it dawned on me: Jesus said that Hell was made for the devil and his angels. Man was made for fellowship with God; man was never made to go to hell. Hell is the complete absence of God and as the bible says "All good thing come from God." So therefore Hell is the complete absence of any good things (hence where the torment comes from). Remember how God made the world perfect, and sin brought suffering? Well thanks to God's grace there is still some good in the world, but that is not the case in Hell.
Now to our limited perspectives we think people being tormented for an eternity is unjust, but we are not all-knowing like God. He is the only just, righteous judge. He is so holy that he can not even look upon sin. But thanks to Jesus' sacrifice, all who want to be with God will be cleansed of their sin, since their debt has been paid. But for the people who spend their whole lives ignoring God--the one who created them and who they owe everything to--and not wanting to be with him but to do what thier evil hearts desire, God has no choice but to give them what they want/deserve: not to be with him.
Hell is God's great justice on mankind. God's nature demands that he judges sin, and sadly some people don't accept his gift of forgiveness. It's not God's fault for them going there, but their own fault for ignoring, or failing even to aknowledge the existence of God. It says in the Bible that God put the knowledge of himself in the heart of every person, and that the wonders of his divine nature are clearly seen in his creation so people are without excuse for denying him.
We do not know these people. We do not know what they've done, thought about, or their motives. We do not know what God has done to try to bring them to himself, and we also do not know how they've rejected him. But God does.