can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

so he enjoys punishing them? if not, why does he do it? wouldnt it be better to forgive the rif raf? arent you rif raf without jesus vouching for you.

what makes you rif raf different from the other rif raf?
Are you looking for my perspective?, or scripture that states "all fall short of the glory of God"...

I'm sure you've read that before, but do you know what it means? It means every human on earth is flawed. We're good, we're bad, we're glad, we're mad, but we all fail in perfection dude. Every last one of us.

And the only way to get past "jail" get $200.00 and go past GO, is by grace.

There but for the grace of God go I go.


yes, I get that. so what?

so what if we arent perfect.

god shouldnt bother creating things if it means he has to hold them in a state of misery and torment for all time. it is irresponsible.
I don't buy your take on 'let it be' either.

look, are you saying etwernal punishment is ok? why do you view human beings as so worthless that "god" can just go run around not appearing, and then have major say over what our eternal fate is.

but to clarify: you think eternal torment of human beings is ok right?

my state is this. if he wants to forgive us, or give us sin free life, or treat us to eternal paradise, he should bloody do it. "HIS WAY" includes people in hell ,and thats not a perfect plan. perfection is every human being saved.
and he made us like this, falling short etc...... this is all utter lunacy.
yes, I get that. so what?

so what if we arent perfect.

god shouldnt bother creating things if it means he has to hold them in a state of misery and torment for all time. it is irresponsible.

Oh, then God should have created nothing...according to Shadowman...

I'll be sure to tell Him that dude, next time I pray to Him (in about 15 minutes).

and he made us like this, falling short etc...... this is all utter lunacy.

No...what you are stating is utter lunacy. you don't know what you are talking about. and you are lucky God is a kind being. Hope for you yet Shadow...


Hell is a doctrine that Christians with big egos foster to make themselves feel superior. I understand that they need this doctrine to sell our God and make him better than other Gods. May their faith take them deeper so they understand love and God's mercy. I am a Christian and pray that they realize that there is only one God so competition is not necessary. May we learn from non-Christians to accept and love all our brothers and sisters.
Shadowman, you have now crossed a boundary - the clip is pornography.

I'm with Tao_Equus in this. Moderators, please take note.

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.... Bruce
Note taken. Post removed. For future reference, hitting the triangular warning sign will allow any user to report a post for violation of the Code of Conduct

.... Bruce

Ok thank you Bruce, never felt the need to do so before, but this was exceptional.

Bashing trinitarians is not exactly condusive to the faith Mee...

I suggest you give it a rest.


but sticking to true bible teaching is the way to go, as it leads to great blessings from Jesus .matthew 24;45-47 . and did not Jesus himself expose false teachings, and looking to Jesus as our example and model is the way to go . Jesus was never afraid to make known the truth .
but sticking to true bible teaching is the way to go, as it leads to great blessings from Jesus .matthew 24;45-47 . and did not Jesus himself expose false teachings, and looking to Jesus as our example and model is the way to go . Jesus was never afraid to make known the truth .

You don't believe in the Trinity? Then why did Jesus say to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Why after Jesus was baptized did the Holy Spirit come down on him after he was baptized? Why is blasphemy against the Father and Son forvigeable, but not blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Obviously the Holy Spirit is God, along with the Father and Son.
You don't believe in the Trinity? Then why did Jesus say to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Why after Jesus was baptized did the Holy Spirit come down on him after he was baptized? Why is blasphemy against the Father and Son forvigeable, but not blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Obviously the Holy Spirit is God, along with the Father and Son.
This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. John 17;3 the holy spirit is a force in motion , and when the holy spirit is behind something great things are accomlished .
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 nothing can stop Gods purpose from being accomplished ,when it has the backing of the holy spirit behind it. ....even under opposition .... staying faithful and not taking on manmade doctrines means great blessing matthew 24;45-47
thats a very poor definition and is lacking in many ways.

Straight-up. The Holy Spirit is a person, not just a force.

Here's some interesting points in this article I found about the trinity:

1. John 1 - "The Word was WITH God and the Word was GOD" - a VERY simple statement of pure-and-simple plurality-in-unity.
2. This Word (i.e. Jesus Christ) prayed to the Father in heaven. (numerous places)
3. This Jesus would send the Holy Spirit from the Father in heaven, after his departure from earth. (John 14-17)
4. This Spirit could be grieved (Ephs 4) and lied to (Acts 5), and made sovereign decisions (I Cor 12:11 etc.)
5. These three are listed co-equally and co-ordinately in the baptismal formula (Matt 28) and the Benediction (2 Cor 13:14).