Global Warming Watch

I suggest that man can control the temperature of the planet like the thermostat in a house. Is the house temperature controlled by trimming the energy into the house? Or is it by powering up an air conditioner or a furnace and thus using directed energy to control the temperature?

Similarly man can control the entropy of the planet like that of a house. Is the house cleaned by using less energy in fear that it will make it dirtier... or does cleaning the house require directed energy?

I find that the thermostat is clearly on the planet in plain sight, and surely it was provided by God. The thermostat that I refer to is often green.

A parcel of land will only provide so much fruit. Similarly energy should not be wasted... but I suggest that preventing global warming or global cooling requires the use of energy. Somewhat differently. The air conditioning in a house is a disaster maker because the outside air has to be heated up more than the heat that is removed from the house. It is kind of a mechanized fight with neighbors and with nature for the most comfortable living conditions. To get better conditions locally you have to make the condition for others even worse. Furthermore when the air conditioner dies it offers nothing good. The freon air conditioner is NOT green... it does not complete a carbon cycle and it does not utilize the atmosphere's natural air conditioner. As the planet's natural air conditioner is used, is there equally a place where the wasted heat is dissipated to? Yes... outer space.

I can feel the barbs of the alleged energy peaceniks now... there simply is not enough energy to go around, right? From the Sun's profile how big is the Earth and all of the little planets relative to the energy that the massive sun throws away into outer-space? What percentage of the Suns energy arrives on the planet? What, do I think too big? Imagine someone suggesting 200 years ago that a person could drive from coast to coast within a week, could fly there within a day, and that man could walk on the moon?

But we need impact on a large scale now, don't we. My recommendation? Teach basic thermodynamics, carbon cycle, and water cycle in grade school before Newton's old school of gravity... because children can and do learn what many adults and scientists apparently can not.
In one way I am quite pleased that global warming has come home to roost. Our energy guzzling societies were never going to get the message while it only affected other people at the other side of the world. Now, just maybe, our governments will start to take this seriously.

My concern is that in order to reverse the damage we have caused, we need to change our lifestyles and people are not going to like that idea. Also, huge corporations are driven by money and care little for the damage they cause but do our governments have the guts to take on these corporations and make them responsible/accountable for this issue? I doubt it, after the packaging regs fiasco, where corporations were allowed to pay for someone else to deal with their responsbilities and carry on as normal.
Thanks for the links Snoopy, depressing reading. :(

Isn't it amazing that so many are dying and whole areas of land are being swept away by floods and we just carry on regardless. I am rapidly running out of faith in the human race (if I had any left).
Hi...About 10-15 years ago when climatologists started to do early versions of weather pattern modeling "what ifs" on supercomputers, it was predicted that Bangladesh would be among the first low lying countries to be severely affected by the rising waters. But of course most people ignored the studies and the experts who developed them.

BTW, I've been contributing to Islamic Relief for while now, and they do excellent work IMO.

BTW, I've been contributing to Islamic Relief for while now, and they do excellent work IMO.


Alhamdolillah, thank you Flow. I personally feel they are one of only a handful or relief agencies that actually manage to get the help to where it is really needed. Thank you so much for your support and not allowing stereotypes to cloud your vision of their good work.

Was it not only this year that the US finally accepted that global warming in fact exists? I seem to remember they denied it for the longest time, despite the compelling evidence.

This house I am in has more down lights (light cans built into the ceiling) than a commercial building... I just bought 50 20w fluorescent bulbs and had my son start replacing them...
Was it not only this year that the US finally accepted that global warming in fact exists? I seem to remember they denied it for the longest time, despite the compelling evidence.

Yeah...well most of us who have been following this fiasco for lo these many years were happy to see Al Gore's movie come out and become internationally popular. But I believe it to be unfortunate that this all had to be made into a political footbal before it was recognized as a "real problem".

It pretty much drowned out the naysayers here in a final way I hope. Some will continue to deny the reality of it all though, especially here in the USA. All they have to do is to tune into one of the fantasy channels (ie Fox News) to reinforce their ignorance of reality on a regular basis.

Our prime minister, jh, said at the last election, that basically global warming was jsut the greenies trying to get the vote off of his party and that there was no scientific evidence to back up the THEORY of global waarming. Then he does an about face and realises the folly of his ways because now it seems to be a popular subject. Im not into politics but he didint want to believe it because it wasnt popular. (picture smallchild with his head under the pillow....if i cant see it it cant be there). Now we are in the worse drought in history. things are pretty grim. but I feel the planet is really trying to fix itself up. weve jsut gotta get out of the way or get hurt trying. love the grey
Hi Grey. Love your optimism, just wish I could share it. I feel the planet is in pain and is now showing severe symptoms of that man-made sickness. I have seen the pictures of drought in Australia, unbelievable that your PM could deny global warming. Unfortunately we caused the sickness, so are now responsible for finding the cure and repairing the damage.

Of course history shows serious variations in global temperature but I believe tended to change over long periods of time. Just think how much the temperature has changed since we were kids. Just 30 years ago winter was in 'winter', now you have to travel to see snow in winter. The UK also did the "what global warming" thing, yet this summer huge swathes of land were flooded, in areas that records say have never been flooded before.

Last night I watched a very old re-run of a British sitcom (late 60's early 70's I would say) and guess what they were discussing - oh you guessed, global warming and the o-zone layer. So it's not as though we only just discovered the problem. The issue is are we, the people of the world, prepared to change our ways and replace our 50 spotlights for something less harmful to the environment? I have the problem of air conditioning, in 45 degree I get really sick without it but I know the damage it does - DILEMMA. :(
happy to see Al Gore's movie come out and become internationally popular.

It pretty much drowned out the naysayers here in a final way I hope.
Al Gore's movie did no favors for Global Warming research. His 'documentary' was so one sided and sensationalist worst case scenarios and bad statistics that it hurt serious debate and discussion.

We can't compare today's tempature's to tempatures 100-200 years ago as we were in an anomoly at that time as well. When I was going to school in the 60's our science books all talked about the concerns of another ice age (following the mini ice age which peaked (valleyed?) in 1850).

The ebbs and flows of our earth environment every 1-200,000 years are inevitable...the poles have melted before and WILL melt again. The glaciers have covered much of the globe and will again...we cannot stop either situation and if we were to attempt to we'd screw it up royally.

So we've been in a warming trend since the mini ice age ending in 1850...exactly what was the world/US doing then to increase the temperature so dramatically in those 50 years?? note the average temperature from 1900-2000 didn't increase as much as 1850-1900...prior to cars, electric power plants, massive oil and coal burning, rainforest depletion, industrial age etc.

If man has anything to do with temperature change I'd say the change is 50-100 years behind whatever we do...and is minimal...the real change comes from our natural earth cycles...they are just damned inconvenient when it comes to waterfront property and real estate prices...
Wil :eek: you are a non believer. Quick everyone grab your torches and flaming pitchforks and lets go to the castle and kill the monster.
Quick everyone grab your torches and flaming pitchforks
Now I like the concept...flaming pitch forks...but torches and flaming pitchforks are you not contributing?

BTW my flourescent bulbs don't work in my dimmer lights...back to inkydinkydoos until I figure something out.

Also taking the hot air out of my house with AC and sending it blowing outside...yet another contribution eh?

I think the real problem is simply overpopulation....the flooding and searing heat shall reduce well as the wars??
Look everyone Wil wants to massacre nations, I knew he was too good to be true, he was lulling us into a false sense of security. :p

Well can I use candles then, not quite right for a mob but may have to do under the circumstances. Although what the farmer is going to think of us burning his pitch forks I just don't know.
As the cycle of a hydrocarbon burning engine is increased for more power, what must correspondingly increase to keep it cool?

If a person is imprisoned without food and water, which will he die for a lack of? What common thing must both the tree, and a person have to stay alive?

If airborn CO and CO2 molecules are pollutants, and the air were somehow ridded of these polutants... then everything GREEN (plants, trees) would immediately DIE of suffocation... followed by every living thing that depended on them. Food for thought?

Wil said:
note the average temperature from 1900-2000 didn't increase as much as 1850-1900...prior to cars, electric power plants, massive oil and coal burning, rainforest depletion, industrial age etc.
Trees were not logged and burned in the 1800's?
In one way I am quite pleased that global warming has come home to roost. Our energy guzzling societies were never going to get the message while it only affected other people at the other side of the world. Now, just maybe, our governments will start to take this seriously.
You lost me... is Egypt not taking global warming seriously?

If you think global warming is decreased by using less energy, then in the USA it is not government and it is not business that have the largest control over energy use. It is people... the consumer. Even a business lives or dies by whether or not the people will do business with it... so in the USA it is the people who mostly have that control.

In the other corner, what will it take to get people in 2nd and 3rd world countries to curb their population growth? Governments? I can understand two children. But when it goes beyond replenishing the population... who is really interested in energy or resource sustainability?
Quite the contrary, I believe that data may be accurate.

Note they love to start the charts during the middle or end of the little ice make it more dramatic.

Note they are talking the last 1-2,000 years at the most. As it proves their point most succinctly.

We are talking about warming and cooling trends that last 1-200,000 years any isolated timeframe of 1% or less can show whatever fluctuation one needs to prove their point.

1860 was an anomaly in the past 50,000 years....why start at that cold point if not to distort the analysis??

One must also be aware that when it comes to data collection whether it is global temperature, ozone holes, the lions share of the accurate data is the last 50 years...and while the populated areas have records we have no consistent data for the poles until recently...our historical record for temperatures comes from a variety of methods utilizing core samples of ice and fossil records of tree growth etc...we do know that the dino's did not roam these continents in the cold temps we have today!
You lost me... is Egypt not taking global warming seriously?

I was speaking as an English woman there Cyberpi. Sorry am back in the Uk for a while so am having an identity crisis. I was thinking about the huge chunks of India that are disappearing into the sea when I wrote it.

If you think global warming is decreased by using less energy, then in the USA it is not government and it is not business that have the largest control over energy use. It is people... the consumer. Even a business lives or dies by whether or not the people will do business with it... so in the USA it is the people who mostly have that control.

It is in all western countries, indeed all countries. I often say that the £, $, € and Yen are the key to solving such problems but getting past the apathy is so difficult. Yes everyone cares until you say give up one of your cars and take the train or recycle your rubbish. There is an issue I am very concerned about, incineration plants burn rubbish at the same temperature as ground zero during a nuclear explotion. Now, I wonder what that is doing to the ozone layer??? We have the key, now we just need the will to use it.

In the other corner, what will it take to get people in 2nd and 3rd world countries to curb their population growth? Governments? I can understand two children. But when it goes beyond replenishing the population... who is really interested in energy or resource sustainability?

Good point. China have of course tried this but imo it has been a terrible tragedy, all those babies girls murdered, all those forced abortions. Are we going to force other nations down that road? It is another issue for the world to find a solution to but can we, the so called 'civilised, educated' west really play "you are doing something wrong so we can too?"