I was just countering the mindless propaganda against the USA with the presentation of a problem that largely contributes to global warming in a country with less resources but with 50 million people and growing lined up along and polluting a single but very important river.It is another issue for the world to find a solution to but can we, the so called 'civilised, educated' west really play "you are doing something wrong so we can too?"
You see, while you fault the USA for global warming... I fault Egypt and the countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The wetlands destruction and the destruction of what use to be forests in the 'infertile crescent' is in my opinion the single greatest cause of global warming. In my uncivil, and thus educated mind: Northern Africa and the Middle East are the land masses of the planet that can best be used to reverse global warming... by returning the wet lands and the forests that were once destroyed there. I speak honestly... I find that the greatest impact to reduce global warming exists in Northern Africa and in the infertile crescent. Why?
I submit that CO2 is not the cause of global warming but it is a correlated byproduct of what causes it. H2O in the atmosphere is the real global warmer, the insulation, and it is a darn good thing because otherwise the planet would be sub-freezing. Yet the temperature does need to be sustained otherwise these melting glaciers and rapidly changing ecosystems may have a rapidly changing impact... which will cause massive destruction.
Of what I envision: one of the best ways the people of the USA can help to counter the environmental destruction caused by the Egyptians (in part) is to study and implement ways to improve the surface area and solar target area in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean off the Eastern Coast... all the way over to Northern Africa. The goal is to increase evaporation and to accelerate the water cycle. You see, basically energy is being wasted by NOT being used. Those hurricanes that are moving Westerly towards the USA are powered by enormous amounts of energy. That is... WASTED energy. That energy needs to be harnessed and put to more productive use. The exact opposite of what you claim, MW. The USA needs to use more energy... more solar energy to increase the water cycle and to help cool the planet. It is the water cycle that cools the planet. It is the plants and trees, with the energy of the sun, that drives the water cycle. It is the destruction of forests and wetlands that have greatly caused a shift towards global warming.
When water (or anything) evaporates, it increases the local air pressure. Once H2O is evaporated it will absorb the sun's energy and expand (do work). The daily local air pressure increase is ultimately what drives the winds around the planet faster than the spin of the planet itself... except at the equator where the radius of the planet is so large and the evaporation not able to keep up that the wind travels to the West. It takes this energy to pump the wasted heat off the planet. When the water vapor rises, condenses into clouds, and falls back to the planet, it does many good things. It cleans the air, waters the plants, fills the rivers, and cleans the surface of the planet... it ultimately sends entropy leaving the planet as long wave radiation. Whatever energy the planet absorbs from the sun daily must be equalized with degraded energy or entropy that leaves the planet. That degraded local heat and entropy is no longer of use to us and it must be pumped into outer space. Getting it past the insulation in the roof (the atmosphere) is done in large part via the water cycle. The goal of making the day cooler, the night warmer, the summer cooler, the winter warmer... is best done with water. Another way of cooling is at night when water vapor condenses, releasing its energy and it finds a good clean radiation path into the night sky. That cooling process is improved by improving the evaporative surface area of the planet with trees and plants. With a higher frequency of the water cycle the entropy is driven off the planet faster... there is a maximum frequency set by the day / night cycle, but the accelerator... the on/off switch to nature's air conditioner pump... is controlled by the nature of the surface area.
I find that the carbon dioxide in the air and in the Ocean is a resource that can be used to grow plants on the surface of the Ocean... research into making large gardens with the plants that already grow on the surface in the middle of the Atlantic should be furthered. Something ultimately needs to be above and floating on the surface of the Ocean to improve the surface evaporation, and I recommend using whatever God provides... trees and plants. That would have multiple good outcomes. One of the good outcomes would be to control and prevent hurricanes altogether. Another would be to increase precipitation in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Certainly things below the surface that absorb light and CO2 are good, but I want a solar target above the air / water interface that wicks water up and presents it on a leaf of low thermal mass for evaporation.
Another technique to accelerate things would be to pipe sea water over the land masses of Mexico, Northern Africa, and the Middle East... evaporate the water... and then pipe it back using water as the carrier but with a higher concentration of salt. The coastal areas are the places to do this, but the further inland the water is piped the better... at the expense and energy cost of the pipe and the pumping. What better place to evaporate water than over the hot desert land in the lowest humidity? This needs to be on a massive scale. The effort put into pumping hydrocarbons all over the world needs to be met by increasing the water cycle. Think of it as a massive desalination plant wherein you don't get the fresh water from it until it is taken up by the sun, dropped back as the rain and given in part to the plants and the lakes. Realize that the entire land mass of the USA fits within Northern Africa. There is no reason that Mexico, Northern Africa and the Middle East can not be made as green as the USA is. Once a forest or wetlands is grown... it is self protecting by the fresh water that it retains and evaporates.
Or... if you believe as the press tells you that carbon dioxide is a poison then please stop breathing because you are just polluting the environment. Life here requires cycles and I am not ashamed to exhale carbon dioxide and to burn hydrocarbons... for productive use. I am ashamed that most people do not use their minds to think beyond the mindless press... or to seek God for new answers.