Coming full circle beets...eeccchhhh !

Well it's still pushing 90 here in the desert most days so we come down from the summer chilled meals slowly. Made some lentil, split pea, onion, garlic, sundried tomato, pasta soup last week when we had some cooler weather.

The banana-craisin-walnut bread was warm when I sampled a piece soon after it came out of the oven about two hours ago. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Ill have a scotch and dry. ooops i mean, a big fat tbone steak with chips and plenty of black sauce. Then I'll have a scotch and dry. lol love the grey
Just think--we get to create the ultimate meal three times a day! {If that ain't enough to keep you old farts sharp, I don't know what is!} :)
Just think--we get to create the ultimate meal three times a day! {If that ain't enough to keep you old farts sharp, I don't know what is!} :)

Well, young lady...when you obtain the high and honorable privilege of being granted access to the circle of OF's ( however in your case it would be the "OLF" circle with the middle initial standing for "legalistic") you'll soon discover that planning and eating three meals a day would soon render it impossible for you to squeeze through your front door within about...oh...three months at the outside. Prime directives of the OF mantra are "quality, not quantity" and also "conserve energy for important stuff".
Hey SG...look at the bright side, you might even be invited to audition for Wa-Mu commercials. I'm still waiting.

-c-...I'm especially partial to strawberry-banana or straight blueberry with no chaser. MMMMMMMMMM...smoothies !!!

Well, young lady...when you obtain the high and honorable privilege of being granted access to the circle of OF's ( however in your case it would be the "OLF" circle with the middle initial standing for "legalistic") you'll soon discover that planning and eating three meals a day would soon render it impossible for you to squeeze through your front door within about...oh...three months at the outside. Prime directives of the OF mantra are "quality, not quantity" and also "conserve energy for important stuff".
Hey SG...look at the bright side, you might even be invited to audition for Wa-Mu commercials. I'm still waiting.

OK, every day, instead of three times a day, if you wish. (Depending upon the length of your day and that you actually buy into the concept of time, eating, creativity, as well as the concept of 'the ultimate meal.' Results may vary--you may become physically rounder as well as mentally sharper, one or the other, or neither. Warning! Not eating might cause you to fade away into non-existence, that is, if you buy into the idea of existence. If that is the case, this message may spontaneously turn itself into an aspirin commercial without warning... )

Was this disclaimer "legalistic" enough for the Wa-Mu commercial audition? :D
SG...I just got an upgraded credit card last week (what fools they be !). Did you write all of that blather in the brochure with all of the small print ? The style looks familiar. You have my heartfelt condolances.


ps. I used to write and negotiate research contracts for a living...or was it ? I'd much rather write about food...or comparative religion.
May I place an order please:

I shall have spinach parcels with mushroom sauce to start, leek and potato bake with extra cheese and glazed carrots for main course and chocolate fudge cake and cream for afters. A nice cold glass of lime juice to drink, followed by mint tea after the meal

Well that is breakfast taken care of :p
Paladin,Pathless...Sounds to me like both of you are more than ready to retire to the " O F " corrall pardners, and keep Snoopy and me some company.


The old farts corral? It's lookin' better and better I tell you. I was thinking when writing to this particular thread, but in general too that I'm just getting jaded. I was going to ask Flow to be sure.:p

Sally said:
May I place an order please:

I shall have spinach parcels with mushroom sauce to start, leek and potato bake with extra cheese and glazed carrots for main course and chocolate fudge cake and cream for afters. A nice cold glass of lime juice to drink, followed by mint tea after the meal

Well that is breakfast taken care of

I might be able to ingest all of that if I had a bong hit first. Sheesh, mint julips and **** for breakfast! I'd like bacon and eggs over easy, home fries and sour dough, and some harsh black java.

The old farts corral? It's lookin' better and better I tell you. I was thinking when writing to this particular thread, but in general too that I'm just getting jaded. I was going to ask Flow to be sure.:p

Chris..The first rule you'll run into at the "OF" Corral, after you pass through the cast iron twelve foot high gateway topped with razorsharp spear points and which is connected to a twelve foot high smooth rock wall surrounding the corral which is topped with broken beer bottles, is that you are not allowed to think...ever.

If Snoopy, Paladin, Pathless, or I even have a faint whiff of thinking activities from newcomers prior to their initiaition ceremonies which take place while we are all seated in cane-bottom rocking chairs, they are automatically labelled an " extremist fascist" and a potential "terrorist" and are immediately ejected, expelled, and deported from the paradisical environs of the "OF" corral. Your only option after that is to occasionally audition for WaMu commercials. We can , and have, done that much for those who persist in thinking excessively and often, and cannot refrain from doing so.

Flow....sgt. at arms/OF Corral....:p
er, flow just....



Well seeems that we agree that a primary attribute of life at the "OF" Corral is that it tends to "take your breath away".

Its not the destination its the journey....

just a thought...

if you've come full circle....have you?

or have you reached a time of respite and contemplation to prepare yourself for a another trip around?

contemplate two other circles we make...once spin around the core and we reach the same perspective with the we stop...or go around again?

once around the sun we reach the same relation as we stop, or do we simply acknowledge and head around again.

do either of these two trips change in course each time?? or are we likely to take very similar paths each time?? It seems we are, within a matter of degrees each day on the little circle each year on the big circle we are essentially in the same place physically... but we make the trip again...because it has value...

see ya on the flip side.