The myth of hell a geological place where a loving God will send all non believers is the greatest deception of the devil himself. Think about it for one min. You earthly father who loves you very much would never send you to a place like hell where you will be tormented forever and ever. But the mainstream christian would have you believe that your heavenly Father who created you, and who has more love for you than your earthly father would send you to hell. This is only but one difference. Mainstream reiligon believes this stuff. Do they ever question?, are are thay lead blindley by their blind teachers? They just pass this stuff down from one generation to the next. Like santa clause and the easter bunnie.
Then, I presume you are prepared to call Jesus himself, the "ultimate liar", since he was the one to made "hell's existence", as being a viable environment we did not want to be in, quite clear...