IMO, sexual orientation is a continuum. I believe people are more or less bisexual by nature, and then we are conditioned one way or the other, to start. Perhaps some of us as well have strong sexual attractions to the same sex, which are seen by some people as deviant. I think it is rather natural and that sexuality manifests in all sorts of different ways.
Can sexual orientation shift? Yes, I think so. Are gays and lesbians simply sad, confused people who need external guidance (from family, therapists, churches, etc...) to get their sexuality straightened out (pun intended)? No, I don't think so.
Live and let live. I wonder why some people are so invested in correcting other people's inclinations and choices. Sexual and gender diversity is certainly one area where this desire to "fix" or control other people's lives is still quite prevalent.
Personally, I don't understand what would attract any LGBT individual to the Judeo-Christian tradition--maybe a fascination strictly with Jesus and his message of unconditional love, that I can see.
Why do people of faith need to shape others' identities, sexual or otherwise? Would Jesus care if a person is gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, a drag queen or drag king? It seems to me that he wouldn't give a damn. Did he not hang out with Mary Magdelene, who some speculate was a prostitute? What does Jesus care about? He cares about people's capacity to Love one another and do good works for the upliftment of humanity (my interpretation).
Churches could practice compassion when interacting with LGBT people, who to this day are, despite the sexual revoltion and despite
Stonewall and gay rights, often oppressed and denigrated. But they are just people, and often quite kind. Surely they can be good Christians without having to change who they are. Why force them to abandon an important part of themselves? I think when Christians try to 'convert' LGBTs to the 'straight' life, they are, despite occasional cases of success, mostly pushing a community of people away. Instead of practicing compassion, these 'Christians' are practicing bigotry, hypocrisy, and hatred.
Jesus Weeps,