Hello. New Here


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North Carolina
Hello all. Nick, who runs the Theosophy-Forum.com board referred me to this Board, and Bruck to possibly find an online version of Rudolf Steiner's "the Way of Initiation." This book was mentioned in Sri Krishna Prem's "Man, the Measure of all things." In it he references Steiner's work on viewing the matrix of the Universe with aetheric site. This is something I have done and I wanted to compare some notes.

In the mean time, I will take a look around this great facility.
Welcome, Christian, from a fellow North Carolinian (Greensboro!), and from someone with Theosophical/Esoteric interests & background, also! :)

Salaam ChristianMyst and welcome. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome, Christian, from a fellow North Carolinian (Greensboro!), and from someone with Theosophical/Esoteric interests & background, also! :)

Hello Andrew. I get over to Greensboro every now and then. Both for events, and to fly out elsewhere for tour stops. Its nice to know there are a few wondering through the mountains who have an appreciation for the theosophical philosophies. You must know NickthePilot already, who actually referred me to this site. I see he's over in the comparitive religion section now, ... I think I will watch the events a bit before tackling those discussions. They seem to be taking a strong religious slant, so not sure the value of introducing theosophical discussions. Until then, I shall continue to look around. I am sure I shall run into your contributions and will add an hello and comments at that time.
Hello Luna, Muslimwomen and Greymare. Nice to meet you all. I gather there is a great mixture of cultures, philosophies and interests represented here. Things must get rather interesting.
Things must get rather interesting.

You can say that again but the regulars are like family, we fight like mad but always make up in the end.

(watch out for Snoopy though, he has a gas problem and I don't mean the type you put in your car). ;)
What is it that makes you all fight? Is there no demonstrable intelligence in trying to understand each others philosophies, where interest is shown? I can understand discussion, curiosity, inquisition, debate, but it makes no sense to fight. Where each takes the extra moment to understand that the other party has an ingrained point of view, it should be a matter of sharing. If we have to be right, or dominant in our views we woud seem to be trying to convince ourselves of our beliefs.

So, I'll see how it goes.:eek: But, just to be safe I'll walk softly and carry a big bone for Snoopy.
well, christianmyst, i wouldnt say we fight, exactly(thats mw over reacting again) (sticks out tounge) but I'm here initially because I wasnt believing in anything. I was raised a catholic but didnt respond well to the not answering my questions fully thing. But I have found it interesting listening to everyones ideas and input and I think that this is the reason I keep comeing back. Oh yes and the great friendships that I have made. Stick around and You'll see. lol. love the Grey
Thank you Greymare. If the Board offers value and an open mind, I will stick around.
Namaste ChristianMyst, the board evolves...it has nothing offers the venue...the value comes from the contributors as does the open or closed minds. Like going into any store, you aren't going to like everything on the shelves...but it is your choice what you put in your cart and take home.

oh, I should read what comes out of my thinking! Do any of us go down to the row and say You PICKLES, your disgusting, I HATE YOUR ESSENCE, you taste the same every day, I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH THIS ANYMORE, I ban you!!

Now some may say pickles are different than individuals with choice as to what they post, but in truth, some folks like pickles, so use okra or spam, or anchovies as the example....the manufacturers and the stores provide all of these not because everyone likes them....but enough people do. So do we have members here who leave a bad taste in our mouth?? Is it required that we respond to that fact...or simply leave them on the shelf for those that do like them??

hmmmm, so do we go into the store despite the fact that 90% of what is on its shelves we will never buy...and 10% of what is there is absolutely awful in our opinion? Do we choose to stick around here or leave because of those we don't like or those we do like.
Welcome, ChristianMyst. :)

What is it that makes you all fight? Is there no demonstrable intelligence in trying to understand each others philosophies, where interest is shown? I can understand discussion, curiosity, inquisition, debate, but it makes no sense to fight. Where each takes the extra moment to understand that the other party has an ingrained point of view, it should be a matter of sharing. If we have to be right, or dominant in our views we woud seem to be trying to convince ourselves of our beliefs.

I'm not sure why there is so much bickering on these boards, Myst. That's a good question. Sometimes I do think that we should change the name of the forum to 'contrasting-religion.com'. ;):p:D

I do have some ideas about why there are spats here, and if you stick around, I'm sure you will come up with your own conclusions. I guess I would say that most people around here come in with an open mind. Once in the mix, minds tend to either open more or resist further opening. It's the resistance that creates the friction.

Are you willing to shed your theosophical vocabulary and beliefs in order to open your mind? ;) Think about what you value most highly, and be prepared to have someone challenge that, possibly bluntly. Or sometimes your sacred cows will be slaughtered by sweetness and polite kissing noises. Perhaps sometimes we should refer to ourselves as 'convert-your-religion.com'.

Myst said:
So, I'll see how it goes.:eek: But, just to be safe I'll walk softly and carry a big bone for Snoopy.

I don't know. Snoopy's pretty vicious. ;) Snoopy has shredded 350 bones already this month, and it's still early!! I hear he's gearing up for Samhain, where he plans to ritually sacrifice... um...

dang I can't think of anything witty here...

I'm just kidding. Snoopy is mostly harmless.


Welcome. Enjoy. Let go.

What is it that makes you all fight?

Oops maybe that means something different in America? Friendly banter, erm, disagreements between friends, uhm heated debate - good heavens I didn't mean actual fights (humour just doesn't come across in type). Check out some threads and you'll see what I mean.

That said there are a few occassions that get a little personal but that is just when people get frustrated and can't express themselves properly. Most of the time I find people here very friendly, tolerant and keen to learn about others opinions and beliefs. We may not always agree but most of the time can accept each others differences and agree to disagree.

So, I'll see how it goes.:eek: But, just to be safe I'll walk softly and carry a big bone for Snoopy.

I think he prefers bananas!!

(thats mw over reacting again) (sticks out tounge)

Me, over react? Hey you want to fight about it? :D
...that is just when people get frustrated and can't express themselves properly.
Oh. OK. I'd best try an express myself properly then and avoid the contests. LOL. Note taken: Nix the bones, double-up on banannas.;)
that is just when people get frustrated and can't express themselves properly.

Hey Andrew. I've noted some of your posts. Since these seem to have such a lengthy interchange amongst the participants already, I'll likely wait till something fresh starts up to make myself familiar. It would be interesting to work with a fellow NCarolinian. Do you type with an accent? ;)
Hi and welcome to CR:)

...and don't worry, any fights are usually food fights. :D

Hey Snoops'
It must be so. I've already been informed to bring both bones and banannas. New Age forums usually suggest chocolate. Clearly, everyone gets down to business here.