With respect to your post on conflict, Leafblade, I would disagree, and suggest that you have actually begged a very important question. That question is - What is our highest Purpose here, on Planet Earth, as
Humanity ... and how do we move
toward that Purpose?
I do not argue that conflict doesn't exist, or even that it exists
for a Purpose! But I do not agree that Humanity is no different than the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms in this respect. The Ageless Wisdom defines Humanity as an essentially Divine being, housed in a
living, animal body (which includes not just the flesh, but also our emotional-passionate nature, and our
lower [personal] mind).
The question we should ask, then, is
how does our Human Purpose differ from that of the animals, and lower Kingdoms? And we can think of this in terms of the Seven Rays, which condition all life upon planet Earth (and in Cosmos). As presented by Alice Bailey, and by other esoteric authors, these Rays are:
1st ray of Power, Will or Purpose
2nd ray of Love-Wisdom
3rd ray of Active, Creative Intelligence
4th ray of Harmony through Conflict, or Beauty or Art
5th ray of Concrete Science or Knowledge
6th ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion
7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic or Ritual or Organisation
Of particular note is the idea that Humanity is a
4th Ray entity (also strongly influenced by the 5th Ray, which corresponds to
concrete, or lower mind).
What this means, is that all of the CONFLICT which we undergo - and which Humanity will
continue to undergo for quite some time, on various levels - HAS A PURPOSE. In simple terms, it is part of God's Plan for helping us,
and allowing us (through our
own `working out' of that Plan), to develop toward our highest potential.
Animals, and the lesser Kingdoms, are also developing toward a Purpose, yet they are not gifted with
mind in the same way that Humanity is, thus they do not develop by making Concious CHOICES. And choice exists where even a simple twofold possiblity between
a high road and a low road, presenting tension, or CONFLICT. Even where
we do not yet fully understand the nature of that choice, or realize the possible consequences, we are here to LEARN, which can only take place - in some situations - through this
`Free Will' (or power-to-choose).
Our real progress, along with the
fully conscious, intentional exercising of this
power of choice, takes place when we align
our will with a Greater Will, the Good of the Whole (
aka Divine Will, God's Will, or Spiritual Will). There are many steps, or stages, in this realization, moving from beyond the wants and needs of the
separate, isolated self, to the needs of others, to the Good of the Group, and then to increasingly greater Groups - eventually thinking in terms of
Wholes (which seems a paradoxical term in the plural, although this is not the case).
Our best hope for Peace on Earth ...
is Humanity. This may seem to be a Humanistic statement, or a secular one, but it is not. God, or Divine beings, cannot work to advance the Divine Plan, when that plan
involves and REQUIRES Human Cooperation ... if we, as Humanity, do not learn and agree
to cooperate - both
with Them, and
with each other!
Students of the Ageless Wisdom, and spiritually-minded people worldwide of every religion and background, increasingly recognize that
it is not a matter of `waiting on God' to finally
bring about the Peace on Earth which so many people desperately desire. Instead, it is essentially a matter of assembling a quorum of competent leaders, in every nation and government, as also of assuring that we have the right type of leadership working from within the world's religions, economic organizations, and steering the progress of scientific research, academic progress, etc. It might even be said that
if we can just bring about the right type of education, focusing on spiritual values (of importance to ALL of Humanity - every single member), then the rest would
take care of itself!
I am reminded of the bumper-sticker which expresses much of this in the phrase,
`Think Globally, Act Locally,' as also the expression,
`Peace begins with Me,' or
`Let Peace begin with me.' There is a mantram, perhaps used by some esotericists, which makes direct invocation to a Cosmic Avatar, the
Spirit of Peace, this Spirit being one of three Cosmic Entities forming a Triangle supporting the Christ at this time (the other two are
the Buddha, and
the Avatar of Synthesis). The 1st Stanza of the ancient mantram,
the Great Invocation, goes thus
:Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part.
There is so much that we can do, both on a small, individual scale, and in connection with the groups of which we form a part - family, social, spiritual and subjective. We can ponder the first few lines of the Dhammapada, which underscore the power of human thought, and remember especially the importance of the energy of Goodwill ...
- All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.
- All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.
Think Peace!