Hey Andrew,
Could you talk a little about the last two lines:
Here are my thoughts ... roving as usual, yet gathered into one place.
The race cycles spoken of refer to astrological, and fore-ordained epochs - Divine Aeons, even ruled by various *beings* bearing this same name, in Gnosticism. In the broadest brushstrokes, a Plan has been provided, and this is what determines these cycles. Humanity may be off track, yet there are possibilities to accelerate our progress, and this is what Master M. is speaking of.
Initiation may have been a way to understand this toward the close of Pisces (especially via Theosophy, and early 20th Century teachings), yet Aquarius opens the door to Group Advancement, and to the shortening - not just of *my evolution* and *your evolution*, but also, Wonderfully, Beautifully, of the Whole of Humanity's evolution. This does not suggest the sudden filling of an empty room with 60 billion souls, all blissfully chanting, "We are ONE" - overnight. But it does mean something like the movement, or SHIFT, of our Planetary Logos an important step forward ... in {His} evolution.
This is something so inclusive, that it also automatically moves the three lesser kingdoms forward, it reorganizes our relationship (as Humanity, as a Kingdom) to the `Kingdom of Souls, or of Heaven' ... and it even means a new appreciation of our Working, Conscious, Growing relationship with `God.' The latter only represents, or *suggests* to us something of -- the true nature of the Planetary Logos.
Maybe *you* could tell me something more about that last sentence, because this would be very helpful to me, maybe to others. It is where the Divine Feminine enters in, as such, imho or understanding.
I mean, I'm only an egg ... yet if we are non-gendered (because gender-resolved, or at-one'd), as SOULs, then on one level, a certain `Christ-Sophia' is a duality we can already start to imagine (and aspire toward) as a Whole. This might be one way to understand the Mother of the World, and the Beauty of Her expression - including as it does the reality of the bridge between the planets *already existent* within the higher worlds ... but as yet needing completion within *our own* human consciousness - collective.
For this to occur, our own self-sacrifice, which in its highest expression is the emulation, or even the very - literal - *embodiment* ... of the Soul, is necessary. And we have observed this, born witness to it as a planet, as a Race (singular), through the Arhat Initiation of even thousands who have already achieved. It is the Liberation of the Soul, and this provides the Mother of the World in the greatest sense I can imagine Her, with her needed vehicles of expression in the outer world, even within Humanity ... and the lower kingdoms.
Harmony, Peace and Divine Cooperation in the fullest, truest sense, is the Destiny for our own, Planet Earth. This cannot easily be extended (or bridged) between, or among, other Humanities - both within and outside our own System of 7/10/3 Schemes - until our own planet has demonstrated its readiness to bear the Light, to lift it, to Shine it ... and to move on to Lovingly Serve, and fulfill, her every obligation and Karmic DUTY (Dharma!) - which the Plan records, as this has been laid before us.
{We may easily, a lot of us, quote the
where in exoteric teachings, a thousands times and ways, yet we do not always know, appreciate, understand or accept the WHY! And then, there's a few - like me - who get well caught-up in the latter, and almost forget the former altogether! But these, both, need each other, and this, too, has everything to do with
feminine and masculine.}
The Messengers of the New Era are, overwhelmingly, WOMEN. They bear a Standard, and there is a Spiritual Lesson which is ahead of us ... involving equality - between every race, every nation, every group, every church, and every religion. The various dualities, which are sometimes reduced to `positive/negative,' or `masculine/feminine,' even `black/white,' despite the non-PC overtones of two of these polarity-sets, especially ... shall, and must, become somewhat resolved within our awareness, as we move toward Soul-Consciousness - and THIS is something which I think the World Mother is teaching us, FAST.
The Opportunity before us, and this has ESPECIALLY to do with the varous cataclysms, in their connection with race-cycles, is one of re-attuning all of Humanity to something we are, truly - MEANT to hear, to feel, to know, to BE ... ie, to manifest - and there is no LAW which says that we may not apply ourselves, reduce *unecessary* suffering for ourselves and the masses ... and reach the Goal, even ahead of schedule. The Sagittarian disciple will even say, *and then set forth to reach another*.
Yet our tendencies have often been to slow our progress, to resist these very Opportunities, and to show an UNwillingness to sacrifice what we MUST sacrifice, as people (individuals), as groups (we compose so many!) ... and as a One Humanity.
So that is what the shortening of race-cycles is about, somewhat, and how it is not a matter of just linear progress, from Humanity forward, or even a question of `Divine Descent' - or manifestation ... but both of these, and also integration, Synthesis.
The most beautiful visions, or experiences, which I have ever had, all involved a TOGETHERNESS, a JOINING, a COOPERATION, even the overcoming of adversity, resulting in a Peace & a Harmony. The World Mother is Who ... makes this possible. If She is capable of giving birth to Galaxies okay, and overseeing the "coordination of the starry Heavens," as it is said ... and if she may also birth a Solar System, which and Who in turn gives birth to the trillions upon trillions of evolving jivas therein ... then would we dare to doubt Her ability, Her Dharma, to bring - our little planet, too, into closer cooperation with God?
Maybe she is showing one of the Seven before the Throne (one whom & which might have wandered a good bit) ... how to reach that goal, how to bow and kneel, at the Feet of the Master ... and to take up a position of Service which has long been foreordained. It is a Divine appointment, and an admittance to a closer relationship with our Logos. Solar to Planetary, Planetary to the evolving spark, or jiva ... the logos-in-miniature Who indwells our
every, human heart.
I must sometimes try to work upwards, and you know I don't do well with short answers. There is a Wisdom, and a Knowing, which comes best from DOING, and undoubtedly that leads to more spontaneity, and to something which may resonate more immediately with our HEART.
The Wisdom which provides me with my own inspiration, though having more to do with the Buddha, than the Christ, serves also the same PLAN ... so although our various paths of arrival may be different (converging here & there), it confounds me sometimes to consider - that for some people, Togetherness, Joining, Cooperation and the overcoming of our weaknesses seems to be *undesirable*. Here, I can only admit *my own* shortcomings, and accept that my presentation often lacks the ONE, most convincing element of all.
Then again, we are our own harshest critics - and even as Mary showed us in the manger, or CAVE of that allegorical, and historical, event ... Christ IS born.
Every one of us may affirm that. A phrase that comes to me from the teachings is "
acting as if." Not unlike WWJD ...
If Jesus had not faced, struggled with, and overcome adversity,
He would not have become Who is essentially was, and is. If the struggle was not
real, as the thinking Christians realize and accept, then the example provided would be
meaningless. You don't have to push me out in front of a bus for me to accept that
I don't want to make that mistake, or have that accident.
For Mary to have a Son, and for that Son to be
the Redeemer, is a message of hope for us all ... and for me, that suggests that
the Mother has open arms, welcoming us all into
closer relationship with God, just as we, too, progress in the growth of Consciousness (Soul) - from the stages of infant, to child, to youth, maturity and adulthood. The fully matured Conscious Soul, is the Christ.
Christ must leave the mother behind, only in one sense of our understanding of dualities ... and of the domination of Spirit by matter (
Makes me think of the old album,
Child is Father to the Man, which may as well be
Child is Mother to the Woman.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is,
Time sucks.