Is there only one true God ?

* rare moment where I put a mod hat on *

LOL- thanks Flow and wil. :)

Let's all try to post our own ideas and not just re-post what was already said by someone else. It is bad etiquette and as Flow points out, boring. The rest of us don't have a "hearing" problem and do not need information repeated. ;)

Also, let's remember that this is the Belief and Spirituality forum. While there is no problem with stating your belief (or spirituality ;)) this isn't the appropriate place to dogmatically insist that your way is the only way or to shove ever more of the same commentary at everyone from one religious viewpoint.

* mod hat is taken off *

Now on to the question...

I find I am closest aligned with Neemai on this; thank you for the profound passage from the Gita. The position I align most closely with is panentheism- God is in all things, through all things, and beyond all things. Basically, God is everything and MORE.

I think there is a problem any time we try to delimit and define God. We get stuck in limiting our experience by limiting what we choose to see.

To be honest, if we look at "one true God" in terms of names... well, that is a problem. You see, all the languages of the world translate even meaningful phrases (such as mee gives above) into different sounds. So it is not just that a group of sounds translates to profound meaning and so is the only right name for all peoples. But rather, the meaning behind the sound (and, I would argue, the invoking power of the sounds themselves) is what is important.

I believe there is "one true God" in the sense that God is One. But, as Neemai points out, how we experience God will differ based on our culture, our language, even our individual personality. This is why there are so many descriptions of God, names of God, attempts to define God. God as One, God as Two, God as Three, God as Many... but perhaps we only see glimpses of One Divine, manifesting in many ways.

I do not think the Bible is clear at all with regards to defining God. If you get into the original language, God is sometimes he, sometimes she, and sometimes they. Even in the Gospels, it seems that only John (the latest and most theological of the four books) has anything that approaches a trinity theology. It is impossible to tell from Christ's own words what exactly his relationship to God was-- he alternatively says things that bolster the view that he is not God, and then alternatively that he is God. I don't think that was a mistake. I think the mystery of God and Christ is to be approached more like a koan than a multiple-choice question. It is an experience of God to be embraced, not a riddle to be solved.

If people ask me if Jesus Christ was God, I must say yes and no... and I'm not sitting on the fence, but rather trying very hard to respond in a way that is true to my deepest experience of God and Christ. If people ask me if there is only one true God... it is the same response... yes and no. After all, who am I to define God? I cannot even really define my self (as DrFree points out).
I am sorry but my OneForTruth login was not working and I needed to change and make a new ID. are correct. I am in the wrong place. What I find here are people who are feasting on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...proud in your own imaginations of God thereby making yourselves god...

(1 Peter 5:5-6) Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

I may as well relinquish my place here and pray that you might repent from your idolatry.

Hated for Christ's Sake...Linker
Linker, we don't hate anyone here at CR. We have a Code of Conduct, and part of that is that we are an interfaith dialogue forum and not for evangelizing. The purpose of this board is open and respectful dialogue between people of all faiths, not attempts to convert each other. I suggest that you read the Code of Conduct and see if this is a forum that works for you.

If your intention is to insist that your way is the only right way, and prosyletize to the rest of us, this is not the best place for you. If, however, you want to discuss your views and listen to others for our mutual benefit, we welcome you here.

If you wish to explore only Christian views, I suggest that you post in the Christianity forum, where it is all about Christianity and people discuss topics only from the denominations and views within that religion. Belief and Spirituality is a general forum that is for interfaith discussion.

Finally, I have noticed technical issues myself lately when trying to log in. I thought this was only my computer doing it. I will bring this up to the staff to see what is going on. Thank you for your explanation of this issue. If anyone else has had issues logging in, we may want to start a feedback thread to discuss the issue so that it can be fixed.

Peace to all,
it depends on what religion you join.

you have the muslim god, the jewish god, the pagan god, the various trinity god & the various christian god(s), the mary mother of god, the bahai god, the hindu god, american indian god, the oneness Jesus only god, the whatever whatever god...
& then the devil god, & the greek & roman gods, the CR god...

nothing more than finite human interpretations of something infinite that no one can ever explain & none of it ever makes any sense, just to have some religious dogma to fuss about.

Hey Linker...welcome to CR !

Are you and OneForTruth identical twins with "linked" brain wave patterns, or do you just like to post stuff identical to what others have posted to try and bore us all to frustration ?

Or...maybe you're just another "mocking bird" clone.

Besides this section at CR is mostly used to address spiritual matters apart from formal religious dogma and belief. Maybe your posts in this vein would have more impact if you posted them in the Christianity section.

Just a suggestion, but the monitors, who are forever lurking, might eventually suggest just that. I can't speak for them nor would I. It's all just a well-meant suggestion on my part.



OMG- that was so funny!:D
Bandit...It's always a good thing when you drop by. My daddy taught me a long time ago that life is mostly a joke, and if you couldn't laugh at it much of the time, you were automatically done for.

When terms like "Most High God" are used in the Bible, or when God commands that there will be no having of other Gods before him, doesn't that imply that there are other Gods below and after J. God? When the statue of Dagon (I think) fell down before the ark of the covenant after it had been captured in battle by the Hebrew's enemies, wasn't that a sign of submission?

Who are these other Gods? What can they do as far as God-power stuff? Do they all obey the Most High God, or are they in rebellion against Him, or... what?

The prophet Isaiah recorded God’s own words when he said: “Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.”—Isaiah 43:10, 11.

How very intriguing. So doesn't this mean that G-d is the saviour of mankind and not Jesus (pbuh)??

I believe there is only one G-d and He is the G-d of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and anyone that seeks Him through spirituality. :)

Unfortunately many people just add their own bits on the end and want to be in their own gang. However that does not change the nature of G-d, He is still Him. :D
How very intriguing. So doesn't this mean that G-d is the saviour of mankind and not Jesus (pbuh)??
Jesus plays a very very big part in the outworking of Gods purpose for the earth . and Jehovah is the one that has GIVEN Jesus great aurthority.Daniel 7;13-14...Jehovah is known as .......... (the ancient of days) in DANIEL 7;13-14and he has given the (son of man ) who is Jesus christ great aurthority.this ancient of days is the most high .

and when Jesus has accomplished everything he will hand the kingdom back to his father . as we can read in 1 corinthians 15.24-28

24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet. 26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 27 For [God] “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.

Yes Jesus is Gods son and Jehovah is his father, John 3;16 and these two are in unity of purpose, and Jesus is the one that is being used in a grand way . Jesus certainly is the one to look to .and now in these the last days he has recieved his kingship and there is no salvation in any one else
How very intriguing. So doesn't this mean that G-d is the saviour of mankind and not Jesus (pbuh)??

I believe there is only one G-d and He is the G-d of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and anyone that seeks Him through spirituality. :)

Unfortunately many people just add their own bits on the end and want to be in their own gang. However that does not change the nature of G-d, He is still Him. :D
Muslimwoman that was well placed. Would you say that those extra added bits went something like, "... last messenger"? Afterall if a person prays to God and expects no answer, then is it really God that they are praying to? But if there is an answer that puts an end to the "last" in "last messenger".
But...please notice what scripture says in the book of have...

Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Ge 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The power to create comes from the true God Jehovah , and as the bible tells us Jesus lived in heaven with his father Jehovah before being born as a man on earth,

so Jehovah was talking to his son when it says in genesis LET US make man, yes,Gods son was the only one created by Jehovah alone, but everything else was created through his son Jesus . the plural that you mention is plural of majesty or exellence, not of many Gods, there is only one true God and PSALM 83;18 tells us who that is .JEHOVAH THE MOST HIGH
When terms like "Most High God" are used in the Bible, or when God commands that there will be no having of other Gods before him, doesn't that imply that there are other Gods below and after J. God? When the statue of Dagon (I think) fell down before the ark of the covenant after it had been captured in battle by the Hebrew's enemies, wasn't that a sign of submission?

Who are these other Gods? What can they do as far as God-power stuff? Do they all obey the Most High God, or are they in rebellion against Him, or... what?

many make them selves into gods, or think they are ,satan is a prime example , he has set himself up as a God and many have been misled by him . and he is working in opposition to the true God . people even make so called gods out of wood and stone but they are nothing but wood and stone
Christianity is the only "religion" that shows God as being just in forgiving/pardoning sinners since the sin of the sinner that is pardoned was condemned in Christ - we have a just Judge!!

Well.... Yeah lol its christianity.... So it will be the only religion to show via christ.... However It is -not- the only religion that shows God to be a forgiving being........
I may as well relinquish my place here and pray that you might repent from your idolatry.

Wow, Linker. I must say that is rather blunt. What is your definition of idolatry?

For the most part, I think most people on this forum are just honestly trying to work things out. Figure out what the truth is. Exploring the possibilities. But when someone comes freshly in and starts calling everyone idolaters, it immediately builds a wall between you and the message you are trying to convey. People are immediately get put on the defensive, and that is counterproductive. This is not a forum to evangelize, but to share ideas.

You could learn a lesson from Paul when he spoke on Mars Hill:

"Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.
For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:" - Acts 17:22-27

Here, Paul acknowledges the universal aspect of God in all places, all cultures, and all times. He set everyone where and when they are born. And he recognizes that God is not far from any of us. That we should seek God where we are at. Paul does throws a bone pointing to Christ as redeemer, but he doesn't shove it out there to argue over. Rather he has given the people of Athen something to chew over. Now some mocked Paul, but others replied that they will think this matter over, still others believed. But it wasn't Paul's intention to debate the issue, for he left.

If you have a statement of your faith, please feel free to share it. But two way communication is the key to understanding. If you do not respect the beliefs of others sincerely trying to seek God, then they will not respect yours.
How very intriguing. So doesn't this mean that G-d is the saviour of mankind and not Jesus (pbuh)??

I believe there is only one G-d and He is the G-d of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and anyone that seeks Him through spirituality. :)

Unfortunately many people just add their own bits on the end and want to be in their own gang. However that does not change the nature of G-d, He is still Him. :D

The way Christians see this is that God is the Savior, and the method He used to save mankind is through Christ. So Christ is the Savior sent from God. The whole operation is ordained by God. It's sorta a family run business. We have a furniture place called Doyle's. And while the father started the business, the sons run the operation. They are his hands and feet. But he is ultimately in charge and he makes the rules on how to make the business work in order that the name Doyle will have integrity and a good reputation.
The way Christians see this is that God is the Savior, and the method He used to save mankind is through Christ. So Christ is the Savior sent from God. The whole operation is ordained by God. It's sorta a family run business. We have a furniture place called Doyle's. And while the father started the business, the sons run the operation. They are his hands and feet. But he is ultimately in charge and he makes the rules on how to make the business work in order that the name Doyle will have integrity and a good reputation.
yes thats right , and Jesus was taught by his God and father, and never tried to be equal with him.

Jesus knew that he was not equal to his Father but in every way was in a subordinate position. He knew that he was a beloved Son who had deep love for his Father. That is why, time and again, Jesus made statements such as the following: “The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing.” (John 5:19) “I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me.” (John 6:38) “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me.” (John 7:16) “I know him [God], because I am a representative from him, and that One sent me forth.” (John 7:29) The one who does the sending is the superior. The one who is sent is the lesser, the servant. God is the sender. Jesus is the one who is sent. They are not the same. As Jesus expressed it: “A slave is not greater than his master, nor is one that is sent forth greater than the one that sent him.”—John 13:16.
The word "true" belies the question. If the question is re-phrased as "Is there one God", my answer would be, "NO, but there is only one Creator." The Creator is referred to by the various relions by the name that particular religon is identified with. "God" would be Christian name for The Creator: "Allah" for the Muslims: "Siva" for the Hindus: and so on.

Only The Creator can create. Man can only discover what the Creator has created. What The Creator has created is not visible till Man discovers it. For instance, the wheel was an existing concept hidden from Man, till Man discovered it and used it for his benefit. Likewise everything else in this wide, wide universe. Einstein did not create, he discovered!

I would very much welcome opinions/comments contrary to my presentation. I am open to constructive criticism!
The word "true" belies the question. If the question is re-phrased as "Is there one God", my answer would be, "NO, but there is only one Creator." The Creator is referred to by the various relions by the name that particular religon is identified with. "God" would be Christian name for The Creator: "Allah" for the Muslims: "Siva" for the Hindus: and so on.

Only The Creator can create. Man can only discover what the Creator has created. What The Creator has created is not visible till Man discovers it. For instance, the wheel was an existing concept hidden from Man, till Man discovered it and used it for his benefit. Likewise everything else in this wide, wide universe. Einstein did not create, he discovered!

I would very much welcome opinions/comments contrary to my presentation. I am open to constructive criticism!