I could equally respond that if Theosophists actually understood the teachings of Christ, or were at least familiar with the basics of Christian doctrine, then they might understand why such was unnecessary in the first place.
So there is nothing beyond the strawman and ad hominem argument ... just an opinion. Strike one.
Not quite. You could say this, and clearly
are saying it. And it's a free world,
or a free country, as we tend to say a lot. So -
believe as ye so wish.
But I
do think, and I
do claim, to "actually understand the teachings of Christ,"
well enough, at least, to speak on this subject. And, if that comes down to
"better than you," since that is what our argument often amounts to, then sure,
I'll say it. Neither you, nor anyone else, shall
browbeat me out of my
understanding. Nor my faith. Got it?
The best challenge you can offer me,
EVER, and AT ALL, would be to MATCH - and
suspersede - my demonstration of my grasp of the HEART Doctrine, as opposed to the Eye. If you follow, then by all means,
LEAD. Meanwhile, I shall endeavor to do
my very best ... along the same lines - as I always have!
Thomas said:
Then by the same rule I could equally argue that Jesus never left Judea‚ or I could argue that he was with Elvis and John Lennon in a portacabin on the moon ... or indeed, if I trawl around the internet, that He was in fact studying under just about everyone, just about everywhere, from the US to Japan.
Again, no actual proof, just another opinion. Strike two.
Well, here again, you're just ignoring the
evidence that we have presented. I can't help you with that one. You know, the horse is standing by the pool of water ...
even the PIERIAN SPRING ... not for MY leading, yet thanks to
those Giants Whom you've mentioned. Only I call them Theosophists,
or Theosophers, actually - having more to do with the Heart Doctrine, again ... and after dear John Abbenhouse, as he preferred to say.
So, the proof is there,
yet you must be the one to investigate. Thus far, the best I've seen you do is read
2nd-hand critiques, written by skeptics and individuals with deep antipathies toward the New Presentations of Truth.
You know, sometimes I paste a paragraph or two from ISIS, and from the SD, because I know others will take a look - if it isn't too long - but also because it's the ONLY way I can ever get you to actually
contact HPB's ideas ... and those which came
through her ...
directly. If you skip over them, however, it's wasted effort, as you will fail to see Nick's point, my point, Bruce's point, and
that of any, other open-minded individual ... SalamanderRC,
et al,
ad infinitum.
For you see,
you have
your Sacred Scripture ... and certain,
SET - or fairly well-established interpretations ... and we have our -
Teachings. These, we prefer NOT to look at as
finally authoritative, except inasmuch as they are a much, much more
accurate, relevant, up-to-date and trustworthy source ... than the Hebrew Scriptures,
or even the New Testament & Gospels, could
ever be - notwithstanding the comments of Master H. which I have shared on numerous occasions. Bottom line:
If you haven't the KEY, then you cannot make complete sense of the ciphers.
You suggest that you have it, put yourself
quite out to tell us of
lectio divina - and I
am on
that page with you. But when you start telling me that Jesus didn't go to Egypt, and Eastward, and so forth ... well then,
there's something still missing - and what more can we do, than remind you of the evidence?
If you thump your Bible, and another fifteen tons of Vatican-stamped
testimony, I will ask that we compare apples to apples ... and let us take that up, if you so have the patience. But you see, you will ask me to accept
the writings and the authority of WHOM, exactly?
Ahhhhh. Ah-HA!
Yes, now it really does come down to `Lectio Divina.'
I cannot keep this up. It is at least helpful to realize, that
although one is right, it may be - for all the wrong reasons. YOU must do what you believe is right,
in YOUR heart ... and so must I. So must we all ...
but we do not, always, do that. Wherein, then, does
conscience enter in?
A bit of
meat, perhaps ... as I drink my daily bread - I grow weary of this.
Thomas said:
Surely the point of the film, and the point I was making? is that it was all a dream ... and what's more Professor Marvel (the Wizard) was no more than a genial fraud, a carnival showman.
Nope. Once again, only
half right. The Wizard, representing in this
Theosophist's tale the Master, or Mahatma, is only
conditionally a
humbug. I like how you turn him into a
genial fraud, a showman, however ... as this is exactly what you have called the Masters' Greatest Messenger in the 19th Century, time & time again. But of course, while we forgive you for that, we must go on to clarify the error ...
The Master, you see, is a HUMBUG, for the same reason that Christ Jesus is.
get you from here to there, so to speak. YOU must do it YOURSELF. True, all disciples
need the [a] Master, at one point or another, along the Path ... just as
Christ Himself is Hierophant, for the Birth and Baptism Initiations (you remember those things? the ones I
painstakingly showed you as existing in
even the most COMMON of exoteric traditions in both Buddhist countries and Hindu? ah well, no matter - I didn't expect a response, or even an
acknowledgment ... just a bit more
inconvenient truth, as Al Gore might put it).
So we do not
discard, ignore, or forsake the Master, certainly not
abandon the Masters, in terms of the Hierarchy - as esotericists - lest we embark upon Krishnamurti's journey into the trials of Arhatship -
lifetimes ahead of schedule!
Nor does the
esotericist forsake Christ, or even the
seeds planted by the stern yet forgiving Nazaraen Initiate ... regardless of what kind of other experiences s/he may seek out, and what other religions s/he may follow. True, many lifetimes might have gone by, yet Jesus stood beside Moses, accompanied him during his work and travels, and even succeeded him, as spiritual leader. IF ONLY we realized - how far back these karmic, and DHARMIC, bonds extend!
Thomas said:
The moral of the story? As Dorothy tells Toto, "There's no place like home."
Strike three, I think.
I dunno, I'd say it's a swing 'n a miss, yeah. Because I don't think you realize what Baum meant by
HOME. First of all, the word is even onamatapeic ... as the H is virtually silent, thus
OM. But umm (ummm - OMMMMM) - did THAT occur?
If you say,
yes actually, then you will also realize that HOME is in fact,
NIRVANA. Or rather, it is even
beyond Nirvana - as our origin is technically thus (or
thence, if we factor in time). Dorothy has, you see, met THREE friends on her
Pilgrimage - that of the Prodigal Son, or
Monad. The Monad, which we know of and relate to during incarnation through the SOUL,
or Christ principle of later esoteric teachings (20th Century), has for it's
vehicles of expression in the form-worlds, a lower
mental body (mind), an
astral body (emotions), and an
etheric/dense physical body. These, of course, are the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion,
in the EXACT order I mentioned them (from Soul, "downward,"), as also the order in which Dorothy confronted them. Gee.
The Ruby slippers, even with an occult reference to
our earth, and it's auric glow, symbolizes - in the very least -
Buddhi/Kundalini ... having
everything to do with our spiritual shakti, understood materially and psychically, and of course,
our SOUL - intellectually and SPIRITUALLY.
But then, how atrocious must all this nonsense be,
when it doesn't fit our paradigm. Again, darn. Sorry 'bout that. Fuss at ol' L. Frank if you like, but you see, this
is the ANCIENT, and AGELESS, Wisdom. HPB didn't
INVENT astral bodies, and Souls, or even the specific
soteriology in which we place utmost confidence. In that same way, no, Jesus did NOT have to travel to Tibet to
find a Soul, either HIS, or that of the CHRIST. But if you would bother to read accounts of why the PROXIMITY - of yes, even a PHYSICALLY embodied Spiritual Master - is necessary (in this case, the WORLD TEACHER ... not just
any Master) ... then at least we could come to the table equally prepared, on equal footing, you know?
Pardon me if I decline your insistence, or
belief, in a God Whom and which can
literally just do ANYTHING which [emphatically]
HE so desires, or
wills, merely by WILLING it ... contrary to, and in complete DEFIANCE of -
Cosmic LAW.
For you see, we do not believe in any such chimera. This makes God's Laws ARBITRARY, and your counter that
God can REPEAL
his own, created LAWS - long enough to
"Send forth His only begotten Son," etc. ... will mean little for those of us who accept -
ON that very authority of the Law Itself - that
Yes, I am tired, so please do pardon my impatience. Yet I just cannot grasp how intelligent people can sit there and say things like,
"God can do ANYTHING" - without realizing that yes, even
God IS a Conditioned Being ... manifesting according to
LAWS, and bound - more so by the very NATURE of His OWN Creation, than by
some higher authority - to ADHERE to them!!!
That sounds like some kind of theological paradox, and will befuddle those who are so used to saying
GOD ALMIGHTY. Please, I BEG OF YOU, do read Nick's most insightful, clarifying post, recently - on which thread I cannot recall - wherein it is
clearly stated, WE DO NOT BELIEVE ... in "Almighty God." It's kind of like saying
"ROUND CUBE." But I'll have to leave someone else to pick up that thread, and clarify why GOD COULD NOT JUST
MAKE CHRIST APPEAR ... but rather, required the World Teacher to
express Himself (and to express God, esp. the Love-Wisdom Aspect), via JESUS, the Initiate.
If asked, I'll bet I could come up with FIVE more good reasons, nevertheless ... and if you give me a day or two to meditate and ponder, perhaps check a reference or two, I'll give you
ten good reasons. But I have here only stated TWO of the most OBVIOUS ... and these should be enough for an open-minded person, one not bent
merely on countering an argument
with another argument, to
take the ideas offered to heart!
More, as hints: World KARMA (with all the
lesser, or more particular constituent groups and parties involved), and if we accept
World Karma rather specifically, instead of as a catch-all, we can easily add -
the necessity of the PROTECTION of the Brotherhood (being also the focal point of
Shamballa's Center of contact with Humanity,
at that time, and until the 2nd WW).
Yes, I know, I've now given FOUR good reasons - for Jesus' travels Eastward, all dovetailing with what HPB, and other authors have suggested, though
it is my own REASON which hints to me ... that all of this is so,
and not the authority of any one source, OR all of them combined, OR some kind of external, inspiring Presence - however lofty and admired, or Divine.
No, Thomas, I'm using
MY OWN Ruby Slippers ... and THIS, is where they have
directed me. You may chase your own tail, if you like ... but I think you'll find the Ourobouros has a
lesson for us, once we understand Hermes-Buddha-Mercury's relationship
to that tail-chaser.
Thomas said:
If further example were necessary‚ I might insist that the child Jesus was taught everything He needed to know by Bridgid, the Celtic goddess of peace and unity, who according to legend, was transported from the Emerald Isle to act as midwife at the delivery of the Holy Child.
At least now
you are on the right track.
So long as Mary remains
"that woman that gave birth to the baby Jesus," however well revered by the Catholic Church (and rightly so!) ...
we won't know the half of it!
Isis, Astarte, Ishtar, Mary ... Brigid, yes, indeed!
Origen taught reincarnation.
Sorry you don't like that. I really do think
you've managed to convince yourself that he didn't!
Poor fella. Keep workin at it. Cubes will be round, soon enough. I'm waiting to hear that one,
and some kind of valiant defense of flat-earth mush, and geocentric - oops, I know, I know, you have volumes to educate us about how the Church was right, and Galileo was on crack. Ohhh-kay. Whatever!
I say, Origen was
squelched, in part, by the PRIESTHOOD - which is EXACTLY what you'd do with all Theosophists, and all things Theosophical, Brother Jesuit ... because
history repeats itself.
But enough of your red herrings ...
You may FAULT me, if you like,
for quoting BRIEF excerpts rather than multiple paragraphs, amounting to several PAGES,
with references ... but Thomas, I THOUGHT you had the good sense, the
wherewithal, and the presence of mind to CONSULT the source provided - if you
actually wanted to understand, and to pursue the argument.
Don't have ISIS? Hmm, ever heard of that thing called THE INTERNET? Using a SEARCH ENGINE? Google, as a prime example, but choose your own. We're back to the
horse and water, again.
Thomas said:
if it is a tenet of Theosophy that you are not obliged to accept any of what is put forward, why must I?
Umm ... because we can
read ...
and we bother to do so?
Thomas said:
To bring some chance of reason and logic to the debate, I would suggest the following.
Ha ha ...
and that from the man who accuses OTHERS of stuffiness, pompousness, and arrogance. Deary me ...
Oh and - I gave you your ONE and your TWO. I gave you
three and four, and I'll also see you ALL THE TEA IN CHINA
to prove wrong the
evidence that HAS been put forward. What did I say about
thristy horses?
As it's been said,
"Argue for your limitations, and they're yours!"
Enjoy 'em!