Ignore this.


Are you ig-snoring me?
LOL, you just HAD to do it, didnt you. Just when we thought this thread was dead and buried (moribund and defunct) you resureccted it.
good on ya......... LOL.
btw, Ive been attempting to increase my vocab, how am I doing.? LOL
sweet as......
totally rad......... man, did you see that triple re entry off the curl? I went totally OFF man,,,,,,,

yeah, i knew some grommets in my time.
you know, people, during the day, when Im at work, I think of alot of questions to put to you folk, and then, when Im home and relaxed..............................nothing comes to mind.......
They have these little writie things you sharpen, and then this thin flat stuff you point that sharpened thing on, and move it up and down and it makes marks. And, and, and, every once in awhile those marks can be made to mean something. Like, I don't know, maybe what you were thinking that you didn't want to forget?

Or as my momma used to say with a shrug, "Oh well, I guess it wasn't important."