Don't JW's hold that Satan sent the star to lead the Magi so Herod would find out about Jesus and kill him?

chris said that the "Nativity Star "was sent by satan to lead the magi so herod would find out about Jesus and kill him. (thats what he said JWs reckon) well, if this is true and they were there why didnt they kill him????
It is said... lol, that satan gave the star readers a default path through Herod's turf, so that when they arrived Herod would be notified and would take a crew out to whack jesus...If you look at it the JW's say that if god wished for you to go the lil crib in bethlehem aww he would of just told you so... He wouldn't use another form of religion to get you there.... So satan is to blame! That little so and so, he sent the star to divert the astrologers and there you have it!

*Satan: And I'd of gotten away with it too god! If it werent for your pesky visions sent via dreams!!!*

Note I used a scooby doo saying, this whole thing is so freaking scooby doo, why bother with such an anal plan? Why not walk in there snap Mary's neck before she can do anything and slaughter the child yourself? Afterall, you are the fallen prince of darkness... We're not talking about some little puff here.. This guy is a monster.... Or make the star descend and land on the barn or whatever.... Why go to such a stupid amount of planing which has a high rate of human failure calculated within it. If I were Satan... This world would be so much more doomed lol...
Seriously what is the point in posting? You might as well make one thread and call it place a link to it and then you never have to paste again.... :)

Then you'd be sucked into the world of and there'd be no discussion.:eek:
*Satan: And I'd of gotten away with it too god! If it werent for your pesky visions sent via dreams!!!*

Note I used a scooby doo saying, this whole thing is so freaking scooby doo, why bother with such an anal plan? Why not walk in there snap Mary's neck before she can do anything and slaughter the child yourself? Afterall, you are the fallen prince of darkness... We're not talking about some little puff here.. This guy is a monster.... Or make the star descend and land on the barn or whatever.... Why go to such a stupid amount of planing which has a high rate of human failure calculated within it. If I were Satan... This world would be so much more doomed lol...

Methinks God might then have Satan arrested, charged and prosecuted in a Divine Court for violation of Divine Constitutional Law: abuse of power.
But, would he care? lol.... He would have then done what he needed to, isn't he going to (insert your preference here: destroyed/sent to hell for all eternity along those lines....). So why would being arrested for abuse of power even fade him? The time and planning of a star to follow... IF that worked wouldn't he still see the same punishment? IF that worked lol.... OR just D.I.Y. and face the music with a cheeky smile..
I get ya 17th. it kind of puts a dent in the whole satan/herod/star thing. LLOOLL.. I noticed the scooby reference. all we needed really was flow to give us his best evil laugh and it would have been a thrilling episode. mmwwoar.(or something like that)
It seems to me that the elements of the nativity story set up the legitimacy of the messiah thing. Each little thing comes from the Jewish prophetic tradition, and they all join to demonstrate who Jesus is supposed to be. The Magi show up to demonstrate how Jesus birth at that particular time is no accident, but rather an astrological event fore-destined to occur at that cosmologically significant time.

There is a pseudo-scientific trend in modern Christianity which seeks to minimize the astrological roots implied by dispensationalism. For anyone who doesn't know, dispensationalism starts with the idea that, in God's plan, there is a time alloted for each aeon, or Era. Jesus didn't just come at any old time, he came at a certain time that the Persian astrologers could calculate based on the movement of the stars and planets. This is what the WatchTower seeks to deny.

It seems to me that the elements of the nativity story set up the legitimacy of the messiah thing. Each little thing comes from the Jewish prophetic tradition, and they all join to demonstrate who Jesus is supposed to be. The Magi show up to demonstrate how Jesus birth at that particular time is no accident, but rather an astrological event fore-destined to occur at that cosmologically significant time.

There is a pseudo-scientific trend in modern Christianity which seeks to minimize the astrological roots implied by dispensationalism. For anyone who doesn't know, dispensationalism starts with the idea that, in God's plan, there is a time alloted for each aeon, or Era. Jesus didn't just come at any old time, he came at a certain time that the Persian astrologers could calculate based on the movement of the stars and planets. This is what the WatchTower seeks to deny.


Not in my back yard Chris...;)

Time is a wonderful thing. It can be fixed and fluid, did you ever notice that?

