Bruce Michael
Well-Known Member
Hello Thomas,Hi Bruce ...
The etymology of the term is pretty well sorted, as I posted above ... from the Greek verb diaballein, "to traduce" — and means a slanderer or an accuser, and thus it is the equivalent of the Hebrew 'satan', which signifies an adversary, or an accuser ... thus the term grew out of its parent tradition, rather than from any external source.
The feminine of deva is devi. I am more inclined to believe the derivation from "Devi", firstly sounds right (diabolos is quite a jump), secondly, it menas "shining one" (like Lucifer), and lastly the name of "devil" in Zend is "dev":
Etymological Meaning of Devil - The Biggest Secret Forum
The Teutonic words devil, teufel, diuval, djofull, djevful, may all be traced back to the Zend dev,[97] a name in which is implicitly contained the record of the oldest monotheistic revolution known to history. The influence of the so-called Zoroastrian reform upon the long-subsequent development of Christianity will receive further notice in the course of this paper; for the present it is enough to know that it furnished for all Christendom the name by which it designates the author of evil.
To the Parsee follower of Zarathustra the name of the Devil has very nearly the same signification as to the Christian; yet, as Grimm has shown, it is nothing else than a corruption of deva, the Sanskrit name for God.
The right way round is Lucifer became subject to the Satanic principle, and fell — both Lucifer and Adam, according to esoteric tradition, made the same error in assuming that what was theirs by grace was theirs by nature.
The serpent in the Garden represents the satanic principle, which brought about the downfall of both Lucifer and Adam.
Lucifer/Iblis/Devil Satan/Shaitan/Ahriman
-The BrothersYou see the serpent which became snake, was of Man and of Man's past, of his making. The serpent was given a freedom to expression, which then double-backed upon Man.
The Serpent was a Luciferic expression of Man's ancient past. That is why he was permitted to tempt Adam and Eve. Woman connects to the Past, Man to the Future.
Since Satan is "Old Evil" (as opposed to Lucifer's "Young Evil") you could say that it has a Satanic component.
Lucifer will be redeemed whereas as Satan has to be expelled as he is beyond reform (certainly at this stage).
Lucifer is a creative being- which necessitates freedom and free expression. Freedom also can involve rebellion and the possibility of evil.
Best Wishes,