Re: Positions Taken and Sample Statements
yes simon peter was right he said that Jesus was the SON OF GOD ... And yes Jesus was humble and lowly in heart , and just as his father said LISTEN TO HIM ....LUKE 9;35 ... and yes as Jesus himself said, all power and authority was GIVEN him ... "
I think the JW problem is the confuse the humanity of Jesus — which is no different from the humanity of you and I — with the Sonship of Jesus, which is Divine.
Jesus is man, and the Son of God, begotten through Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit ... a man yet one with the Power of God, and the Authority of God, He is one with God, and God is one with Him (John 10:30) ... when one sees Jesus, one sees God (John 6:46), furthermore, no-one sees God, unless Jesus decrees it (John 1:8), and no-one gets to God unless Jesus allows it (John 14:6) ... and Jesus was before the world was created, and will be after its end ... it was through Him that all things came to be, in heaven and on earth (Colossians 1:16) so whilst "the Father is greater than I" (John 14:28), nevertheless "in him, it hath well pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell" (1:19) "And through him (the Son) to reconcile all things unto himself (the Father)" (1:20).
... which means without Jesus, man would not know God ... which means God makes Himself known through Jesus, and through Jesus we are known to Him ...
... so if Jesus is not God, it would appear that God is heavily dependent upon a man to realise His plan, His plenitude and His providence ... which makes God dependent upon man, which is logically a nonsense ...
"Because in him, it hath well pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell"
Colossians 1:19
The Catholic Church believes that the Word of God, transmitted in the Sacred Scriptures, is inviolate ... if it pleases the Father that 'all fullness' dwells in the Son, and the Son was not produced through any sense of organic reproduction, but by
procession, then the question is, what limits God? Why is that which proceeds from God lesser than God?
That which proceeds from man is not the man, because man is finite, contingent and limited, and as much as he puts himself into his works, his works are always other than Himself ... whereas God is Infinite, Absolute and Unlimited, and what proceeds from Him is under no limitation, so what proceeds from God is God, without let or hindrance ... so the Son, who proceeds from God, who is God's Word and God's Wisdom ... is God ...
Why then, cannot 'all fullness' of the Father dwell in the Son?
Indeed, why cannot Jesus words, "All things are delivered to me by my Father" Matthew 11:27 be true, without condition?
Unless it is you who
choose to dissmiss what the bible really teaches, and move away to manmade doctrines.
and yes the father and the son are in unity and purpose and Jesus learned many things from his father ... being in heaven with his father before being born on the earth, he had the best teacher and gained much wisdom indeed.
This is somewhat naive, Mee ... God is a spirit, the Father is a spirit, and before He became flesh, He was a spirit ... it's not a case of teaching, it's a case of being.
but no where in the bible does it teach us that Jesus is GOD.
I think if one looks, it is everywhere ... "Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
so as we can see the bible nowhere teaches that Jesus is God it just does not teach that.
In your opinion.
not sure why you think that JW reject the son , we certainly know and believe that Jesus IS THE SON OF GOD
Yet you choose to limit what God can do.
We do not limit God, nor the Word of His Scripture.
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith
in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved
through him".
John 3:16-17
"By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world
that we might gain life through him"
1 JOHN 4:9
"But these have been written down that YOU may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that, because of believing,
YOU may have life by means of his name."
John 20:31
Are you so blind that you cannot see?
If Jesus is not God, then if we believe "in him", if we have faith "in him", if we have life "in him", if we are saved "in him" ... and He is not God, then we are not in God either, are we, we are in Him, not in God, aren't we? We don't believe in God, we believe in a man.
Furthermore, if we 'believe in him', 'have faith in him' and 'profess his name'
and He is not God, then the Jews are right, He is a false teacher, a heretic and a blasphemer, and we have transgressed a number of the Commandments.
Jesus says, "in my name" — not in my Father's name, or in God's name, but he speaks and acts,
he rewrites the Decalogue in His own name (Matthew 5-7).
Think about it.
If Jesus is not God, then The New Testament is a blasphemy.