So how many brothers, sisters, and mothers does Jesus have? By what he said, it sounds like more than one.
A multitude. But most importantly, it's a fellowship. People connected to a nexus through the Spirit.
So you agree with me that Jesus is not part of the trinity?
Mee is a Jehovah's Witness: a non-Trinitarian.
Nah, understanding comes from God. One thing I understand from the Bible is this: There is one God, the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God.
some crazy three-in-one relationship is going on here it seems
Not necessarily. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all possess and are illuminated by the Phenomenon of God, the Logos, a concept introduced by a philosopher named Philo. That doesn't necessarily make any of them God. They are either projectors of the Phenomenon of God, or are the actual essence of God. The Spirit is a wind that blows. The Father is a source of authority and gives a sense of belonging. The Son is God's Ambassador to humanity, but carries the Phenomenon of God (Logos) as part of his mission to humanity.
We can't know for sure what the first-century Christians believed because what we get in the New Testament is a description and depiction of first-century Christian beliefs.
But Jesus wasn't the only human being who carried the Phenomenon of God (Logos). Many of the first-century Christians carried the Logos too. This is what I believe the author of John meant by the Logos becoming flesh. We are the flesh that now carries the Logos. Jesus has passed the Phenomenon of God onto us. Those who carry the Phenomenon of God are effectively part of a fellowship.
It is the fellowship of the Logos, and at the same time a fellowship of the
Spiritos. Whether we call it Logos, Spiritos or Shekinah, they are all just ways of expressing ideas about how the Phenomenon of God binds us together and leads us through the challenges in our lives. The Logos is our Reasoning, our mindset, our perspective, our attitude. The Spiritos is the wind that blows in our hearts and minds, it's our personal feelings and intuition. The Shekinah is the presence of God. But whatever word we use, it's about the invisible Phenomenon of God.
It's a phenomenon that we can only see if we look into the hearts and minds of people with the Logos and connect with them. Some people saw the Logos in Jesus. Some did not. It was not physically visible. It was only spiritually visible. It was like, as Jesus said, a wind that you couldn't see, but whose effects were visible if you paid attention. You would only have noticed what the wind was doing if you were distinctly looking for its effects. Jesus himself was not the Phenomenon, but a part of the Phenomenon. But it wasn't practical for him to be the sole carrier of the Phenomenon, so he gave it to his disciples. This group of people carrying the Phenomenon were to be an expanding fellowship, an expanding Phenomenon of the Logos, of people baptised by the Spiritos, the Divine Wind.
The Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the prophets, apostles and Jesus' disciples are part of a Phenomenon, and they are a fellowship that is being formed into a spiritual house, a spiritual temple, in which God lives in His people, and His people live in Himself. The fellowship and Phenomenon is like a spiritual bubble of space and time where people are connected to God. This spiritual bubble is the Spiritos, the Logos, the Shekinah. It is the air that people will breathe in the Kingdom. Home sweet home. It's a nexus of people and God.
I see the Trinity as a subjective concept, neither mandatory nor illegal. When people talk about the Trinity, I think what they really mean is the Phenomenon of God, the Logos. But the Phenomenon of God doesn't just consist of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit but is a nexus that includes the prophets, apostles and Jesus' disciples.