Why you believe that non-vegetarian

the idea is... all creatures have souls... even animals... therefore, to eat meat is murder... only God or the Gods can decide when a living thing dies, but eating meat doesn't allow for that to happen- instead, man decides when a creature dies, which is considered wrong... also... a lot of hindu's believe in reincarnation, so, in theory, you might be eating a beefburger or a bacon sandwhich that was once your mother...

Some hindu Gods have animals they have special consideration for; Lord Brahma likes swans, Siva likes bulls, Krsna likes cows, and some of these Gods have also been animals too- for instance, Lord Siva once appeared on earth as a large bull...

hope all that makes sense...
Humans are omnivores, not carnivores. Current world population about 8 billion and rising. Everyone eating meat is not an option. You need a very big field's worth of grass (ex-rainforest) to feed a medium sized cow to produce a small number of pieces of meat for a few people. Instead: Use the very big field to produce crops for humans to eat. And use contraception! (not when you're eating). And...oh never mind...

It won't be just Hindus running out of food...

I ask you that you know that a plant is also a living creature you know that it has been found that a plant also feels pain you know? plants also cry? but why we do not hear them is the frequency of our hearing of which we cannot hear.
a plant does not have a brain, nor does it have a mind, therefore, it may have life but it does not have a consciousness...
Namaste Islamis4u

It is my understanding that Jains don't eat food until nature offers it to them. They won't pick the apple, nor will they eat anything that kills the plant in order to eat it. They have taken that level of respect further, if you are concerned about the plants screaming maybe you could adapt their style of eating.

Native Americans and other native cultures I am sure gave thanx to to the creator and the animal for providing themselves for the nourishment of their people.

It is my understanding that Hindus first were presented with a problem. They were already having population and hunger issues and they were in danger of loosing oxen needed to haul carts, plow fields and provide milk, hence the sacred cow was born. Over time the realization that they were able to survive without meat, and as they raised the cow to a status of honor and religious respect that a realization of the sacredness of all life developed and they became vegetarian.
a plant does not have a brain, nor does it have a mind, therefore, it may have life but it does not have a consciousness...

Okay may be you are right, i ask you suppose you have a brother who is mentally retarded and some one kills him and if you go into court will you ask the judge give him lesser punishment because my brother was mentally retarded instead you will say give it more harmful punishment.
Okay may be you are right, i ask you suppose you have a brother who is mentally retarded and some one kills him and if you go into court will you ask the judge give him lesser punishment because my brother was mentally retarded instead you will say give it more harmful punishment.
Namaste Islamis4u

Let me get this right. Are you simply playing devils advocate with made up scenarios or are you a breatharian, or Jainist vegan trying to make a point?
I'm with 17th - what are we supposed to eat then? God gave mankind control over the animals; there exists a natural hierarchy in this world when it comes to survival. Plus, animals eat each other all the time - even some plants eat animals! It's called common sense.
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We can eat anything i must say it may be vegetarian or non-vegetarian we should not restrict other then pig and other things which are not allowed like carnivore animals.

When you say "we", do you mean Muslims or everyone? Because if you mean everyone, I'm going to have to disagree with you . . . .
When you say "we", do you mean Muslims or everyone? Because if you mean everyone, I'm going to have to disagree with you . . . .

The thing is that i said so because answering your first post we or to our Muslim brother we can eat everything excluding carnivore animal who eat other animals, we eat humble animals like cattle, goats, etc.
Namaste Islamis4u

Let me get this right. Are you simply playing devils advocate with made up scenarios or are you a breatharian, or Jainist vegan trying to make a point?

Im not anyone of which you are pointing but im just sharing info or just asking or telling my views.
It is especially cowardly to eat those poor carrots: they can't even see you sneaking up on them!
It is especially cowardly to eat those poor carrots: they can't even see you sneaking up on them!

Maybe not, but lordy make sure your kill them on the first shot. My cousin once tracked a wounded one into the bush. Never heard from him again...
It is especially cowardly to eat those poor carrots: they can't even see you sneaking up on them!
Hmm, how about ripping a piece of a potato plant's organism away (harvesting a root) and eating it just to make the plant produce more? Surely it would be uncompassionate to make the plant continue in its suffering without the release that death brings?
and if it turns out to be a sweet potato, you will have a guilty feeling for a long time.