The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

they will kill the snake
ancient Aztec prophecy
as Cortés smelled blood
with burning behind
dark black sooty grasshoppers
ernest hemingway
keeping time always
the timex in the coffin
punctual excess

(thanks to dream & seattlegal...i was wondering who and how the purple poo would get resolved, and you both remind me why this thread can be so much fun...glad i brought the first one to the community)

p.s. - in some parts of the US 'idea' is 2 syllables...;p
punctual excess
so on-time that you are late
happens all the time

(thanks to dream & seattlegal...i was wondering who and how the purple poo would get resolved, and you both remind me why this thread can be so much fun...glad i brought the first one to the community)
ha ha. Redefines purple prose doesn't it?