The Danish newspapers

Re: The Dutch newspapers

Thank you for your sincere advice, brother...I v really raised above it...I just want to say that freedom of expression should be limited to truth, not to lies and prejudices...

Assalam u alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa baakatuhu,

That is awesome brother, because we are of a religion of love and peace.. Muhammad (Saws) wouldn't wish for us, for you to be in anger because of such events, in this world.... Like it says in the Qur'an and as Muhammad (saws) said, this is paradise for the wicked and greedy and the bad, but for those of love, those of peace, this is a place of sadness... Becuase we see it all around us, but to get angry with it, is to get anger towards the wind for blowing into you, we cannot fight the wind, it will continue to blow at us, all we can do is remain stood strong. I am so glad you have raised above.... Becuase if we do not raise above it, we fall into it... And merely become added numbers to that statistic....

One last thing my dear brother...... You wished to say that -freedom- should be limited?... Freedom has no limit. And every man has the right to speak, to express... But those with bent truths or hidden agendas... They will be seen for what they are. The proof is in the pudding... ;)

Ma salama.
Re: The Dutch newspapers

As I v written in my thread, I m not against the freedom of expression...I m against spreading lies and prejudices in the name of freedom, as well as I m against how to use this freedom...imagine with me this story: Sandra was a good girl, of high morals, chaste and did good.One day, a person wrote an article about Sandra, claiming she was unchaste, and that she did so bad acts.The person was criricized, but he said he is free to say whtever he wanted. ......can you imagine how much harm is done to Sandra and her family because of"this freedom of expression"?

But then.......someone else can also say.....this guy is a nutcase who doesn't know what he's talking about. This chauvinistic, woman-hating guy picked on some poor powerless girl and is trying to make her miserable.

and maybe.......we could start dismantling this guy's life. He was recently divorced. He was a bad husband......impotent.......his wife left him because there was a better man out there........ lol let the gossip come out and run free......wait till it all goes round and people start talking about it...........let everyone stamp their dirty smelly feet in it.........a definite slap in the face of a man who wants to ruin a poor girl's life.......:eek:

and the media will make a nice delicious meal destroying this man's life as retribution. .........and in the end his life will be miserable and he will commit suicide because the world has turned against him. What a big mistake that was for him to do it to that poor girl.....:eek:

Two can play at that game.:) More power to the persecuted and oppressed. Nobody is safe so everyone must behave themselves.
Re: The Dutch newspapers

salamo alaykom, cyberpi

As I v written in my thread, I m not against the freedom of expression...I m against spreading lies and prejudices in the name of freedom, as well as I m against how to use this freedom...imagine with me this story: Sandra was a good girl, of high morals, chaste and did good.One day, a person wrote an article about Sandra, claiming she was unchaste, and that she did so bad acts.The person was criricized, but he said he is free to say whtever he wanted. ......can you imagine how much harm is done to Sandra and her family because of"this freedom of expression"?

I m with the freedom of speech to support truth, and spread love,and not to support lies, and spread hatred....
In this story the greatest sinner that I see is the person who hears the blasphemer and then does evil to Sandra... claiming it as 'just' punishment if there were such a thing. Whether the person is telling the truth or a lie, it won't help Sandra to do evil to her. Rebuking her or confronting her with any evidence would give her information, but doing evil to her will not help her. Then the next greatest sinner I see is any person who lied or gossiped about someone rather than confronting the alleged sinner with the truth. God knows the truth and it will be brought to light... who in the story has faith in him?

In your story I also see opportunity everywhere. I see an opportunity for those who hear his words to become aware of the gossiper and alleged liar by it, rather than Sandra, and to rebuke him and anyone who does evil against Sandra as a result of it. I see an opportunity for the alleged liar and gossiper to repent. I see an opportunity for anyone who hears gossip and does evil against Sandra, to hear rebuke and repent. I see an opportunity for Sandra to forgive the blasphemer and those who do evil against her. I see an opportunity for Sandra to rebuke anyone and everyone who has blasphemed or done evil against her. If she is unchaste as alleged, then I see an opportunity for Sandra to repent. I see an opportunity for anyone and everyone to rebuke anyone who calls for censorship, or who does evil against the gossiper as a result of it. I see an opportunity for everyone to forgive.

By the word 'rebuke' I mean essentially showing the person the truth, that you think what they are doing to others is probably NOT what they would like others to do to them. Depending on the person that could go like this: "Do you like others to lie? Do you like others to gossip blasphemy about you? Do you like others to judge you without evidence? Do you like others to do evil to you just because they judge that there is disrespect, blasphemy, or lies in your words? Do you like others to censor you? No? Then stop being the hypocrite and doing it to others."

The word FREEDOM to me means that a person has the opportunity to do all manner of evil: to murder, to rape, to lie, to theive, to falsely accuse. Of course there will be consequences. Exchanging anything more than a Truth for a Lie is giving more than eye for an eye. Whether good or evil you can give more, but there will be consequences for it.

There was a prophet who said, "You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" Was he a blasphemer? Was he NOT LOVE-ing his enemy? I submit that he was loving. It reminds me of some people who would regularly call other people animals, yet only in gossip and not to their face. When confronted with being told they were also behaving like animals, they went ballistic crying "disrespect".