The Father—Superior to the Son
Jesus taught his disciples to pray: "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Our heavenly Father, whose name is Jehovah, is described in the Bible as being superior to his Son.
For example, Jehovah is "from everlasting to everlasting." But the Bible says that Jesus is "the firstborn of every creature." That Jehovah is greater than Jesus, Jesus himself taught when he said: "My Father is greater than I." (Matthew 6:9; Psalm 90:1, 2; Colossians 1:15; John 14:28, King James Version) Yet, the Trinity doctrine holds that the Father and the Son are "equally God."
The Father’s superiority over the Son, as well as the fact that the Father is a separate person, is highlighted also in the prayers of Jesus, such as the one before his execution: "Father, if you wish, remove this cup [that is, an ignominious death] from me. Nevertheless, let, not my will, but yours take place." (Luke 22:42) If God and Jesus are "one in essence," as the Trinity doctrine says, how could Jesus’ will, or wish, seem different from that of his Father?—Hebrews 5:7, 8; 9:24.
Furthermore, if Jehovah and Jesus were the same, how could one of them be aware of things of which the other was not? Jesus, for instance, said regarding the time of the world’s judgment: "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father."—Mark 13:32.
He did not. He never called the Father "Jehovah" He didn't even use the word "YHWH". So once again your information is in error.
Second of all Jesus put away His "God head" in order to experience first hand, what humans endure. That was the only we He could fathom us. He had to get personal, down and dirty. When He gave up His life for us, He did so knowing full well the human condition (from the inside).
Satan and his minoins may have taken human form for their own pleasure, but Jesus took on human weakness, in order to understand fully that which He created. He Loves us that much. Only God has that capacity to love mankind, enough to suffer and die on our behalf.
The Father is never superior to the Son. Indeed each father on earth prays that his son/daughter, supercede him. I do, and I love my sons beyond every other soul on earth. So your arguement is moot, since we learn how to live from our heavenly father, so we teach our children and hope they become better than us.
Third, the bible says Jesus is the word of God. Who the hell are we to argue that point? I am a "centurian". I say "do this" or "go here" and my word is carried out. My word, is me. Just as the Father's Word is Him. According to John 1 in the beginning was the "Word". The "Word" was God.
Not hard to extrapolate the fact that Jesus (the Word), is God.
I know you don't believe this, and frankly I do not care. I speak to all those reading this post. They do care.
Jesus is Lord and God of us all, and God help those who refuse to accept Him. He will have no choice but to refuse to accept you.