chakra test ~ how open are yours?

Alex, I remember now about the long line! That is the one thing that they did mention. You probably have the 'Long life' line on the palm of your right hand. Also, if the two longest lines intersect its either good or bad, but I can't remember. :p

Venturing a guess.....
The article mentions that "the three-hour-a-week group had a substantial reduction in symptoms." What does substantial mean? Need estimate of effect sizes to make any sense of such a statement. Need much more detail about the sample, too.

Did she start this program because of your suggestion? Anything else she was doing that may have increased her sense of control and well-being? What about time of year as a possible confound in seasonal depression? Was she actually diagnosed with depression or did the doctor decide one day to prescribe something for emotional distress because the doctor couldn't think of what else to do?
It was late summer/early fall. Her oldest daughter was close to the cut-off age for starting kindergarten, so she had her tested to see if see was ready. The test results showed that her daughter was significantly delayed in her large motor development, and my neighbor asked me for some suggestions. I suggested that she start an exercise program for herself, and that her daughters would probably join in with her of their own accord.

Misdiagnosis of mood disorders is a pervasive problem. MDs are (notoriously) poor at it. It's no surprise to me that many people do not respond well to antidepressants: It's because they are not actually depressed in a clinical sense. They have other things going on. Did the neighbor lady have other things going on that may have mimicked depression -- like maybe a sleep disorder that would in fact respond to exercise?
She went to an HMO. She did complain to me that one of her medications was causing her to have nightmares. When I explained to her how the body produces endorphins in response to exercise, and that this might help her get off some of her medications, she really started to warm up to the idea of an exercise program.

Eating disorders with mood regulation issues are not uncommon. In one study, almost half of the subjects diagnosed with anorexia qualified on DSM-IV criteria for exercise dependence. These folks are dependent on exercise for mood regulation. However, it would appear that many anorexics use exercise mainly to control weight and don't necessarily seek out exercise because it improves their affect. Treatment of anorexia should include psychotherapy.

People with anorexia also have sleep problems that may benefit from exercise. I'm thinking that diagnostic criteria for depression requires that you rule out the eating disorder. Is this neighbor lady anorexic?
No eating disorders. Weight was not an issue for her. The only sleep disorder she mentioned to me was one of her medications giving her nightmares.

Real clinical depression is a fairly serious condition and sometimes requires hospitalization. I personally think exercise is worth trying. But in fairness to the patient, exercise should not be the only thing in the way of treatment. For one thing, depressed people often have motivational deficits known as "behavioral inertia" or "impaired executive functions." They may be too shut down to get dressed or brush their teeth, let alone keep going with a 45-minutes-a-day exercise program. Some depressives are near-catatonic.
I would have to agree. Depression can have many contributing factors, therefore, unless a specific cause can be identified, limiting treatment of depression to only drugs, or only exercise, or only counselling, is not the best approach, imo.

Umm, would you think the researcher is looking for a significant increase in depression as a result of exercise? ;)

Touché my dear. But from a statistical point of view, a sample size like this (N=1) is not convincing. There may be a thousand people who experience little or no relief at all for every one person who does benefit. Not knowing whether the person in question qualifies on diagnostic criteria for Depression makes the study even less compelling. Call me fussy. :)
However, even though my observations might not be convincing to you, it in no way invalidates my observations and experiences. :)
Root: underactive (-19%)
Sacral: overactive (63%)
Naval: underactive (-63%)
Heart: open (19%)
Throat: open (25%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: underactive (-31%)

It's strange that this "test" goes against the majority of the local pagan community's perceptions of me (they want to train me as a healer due to the dominance of my Heart chakra [what am I, a puppy?])

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Root: underactive (-19%)
Sacral: overactive (63%)
Naval: underactive (-63%)
Heart: open (19%)
Throat: open (25%)
Third Eye: open (31%)
Crown: underactive (-31%)

It's strange that this "test" goes against the majority of the local pagan community's perceptions of me (they want to train me as a healer due to the dominance of my Heart chakra [what am I, a puppy?])

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
You're a "cat wrangler." :D
When I explained to her how the body produces endorphins in response to exercise, and that this might help her get off some of her medications, she really started to warm up to the idea of an exercise program.
I'm a bit of a skeptic. I'm thinking perhaps you have provided here an impressive demonstration of experimenter effect - i.e., the impact of the experimenter's beliefs, expectancies, and/or wishes on the research findings.

....even though my observations might not be convincing to you, it in no way invalidates my observations and experiences.
I question their generalizability.

Thanks for your response, SG. Btw, that's a cool intervention you did. The neighbor is still exercising and doing ok?
I'm a bit of a skeptic. I'm thinking perhaps you have provided here an impressive demonstration of experimenter effect - i.e., the impact of the experimenter's beliefs, expectancies, and/or wishes on the research findings.
{Raises one eyebrow}

I question their generalizability.
Fair enough. Everyone is unique.

Thanks for your response, SG. Btw, that's a cool intervention you did.
All I did was offer some hope.
The neighbor is still exercising and doing ok?
Interestingly, it was the woman's younger daughter (who was three years old) who got into the exercise program and became an emotional support to her mother (and a source of competition for her older sister as far as large motor skills development was concerned.) The mom has since gotten remarried and has moved away. I've seen her since then, and she looked great. :)
Isn't it quite dangerous to open your crown chakra without having the grounding stability of a strong root chakra? :eek:
{I certainly would not recommend it!}
Greetings SG. In what way is it "quite dangerous"?

i am actually quite concerned about it. are there any hindu’s here who know a thing or two about it?
i am actually quite concerned about it.

Hello Z,

It's quite possible for someone to have some imbalances and not be aware of them, which would mean little conscious concern. On the other hand, I also wouldn't be surprised if minor energy blockages become a cause for undue concern for some people depending on their preoccupation with their physical well-being and how much they value the chakra functions they suspect they might be having a problem with. But this has little to do with whether they have any significant diagnosable chakra imbalances or with the extent of such blockages or their impact on their functional level.

My own exposure to energy work has been more along the lines of oriental medicine and acupuncture. If you feel like you want to go with a Hindu practitioner, nothing wrong with that. Maybe look for a doctor with training in Ayurveda medicine or an advanced Yoga practitioner with a specialty in Pranic healing.

If you think you might want spiritual advice from a Hindu perspective (possibly very worthwhile IMHO), I'd say go ahead and ask if they are available for that. In the US anyway, many Yoga practitioners seem to use Yoga mainly as a discipline that leads to developing skills that allow them to contort the body is interesting ways. I think training with someone who has spiritual aspirations and insight would serve the client's needs better in some cases - more "holistic."

I think our sedentary existence is creating all kinds of problems for us. In Japan companies make their office workers get up and stretch every 15 minutes. Maybe they're onto something. ;)
Would you agree that the holy men who go out to raise a bunch of money via their ministry just might be exhibiting a symptom of a root-heart-crown chakra problem?
thank you for the links pathless, i shall definitely check them out.

and thank you for your post netti-netti, i doubt if i will see an ayurvedic practitioner, but i am interested in any meditative techniques that may help. i think this chakra does affect my physical well-being or reflect it. i have always been quite a nervous and shy type at heart ~ even if i cover it up well on the outside.

thank you both!

The Muladhara
It is associated, in the body with the large intestine, feet and legs, with the element earth, and with the colors red and maroon.
this is interesting! i do have problems with my large intestine, mainly that it produces way to much acid ~ this is effectively an imbalance. i have been focusing on balance generally and over the last year the problem has been getting better.
makes a lot of sense actually.
Root: Under-active(19%)
Sacral: Over-active(75%)
Navel: Open(63%)
Heart: Over-active(81%)
Throat: Open(44%)
Third Eye: Open(69%)
Crown: Over-active(75%)

I think that I am doing well, except I need to plant my root a little deeper in the dirt and apply Miracle Grow spikes! :D That should pick up my root chakra! lol

I think this means I need to watch my mouth...:rolleyes::eek:

Root Open (25%)
Sacral Open (13%)
Navel Open (25%)
Heart Open (19%)
Throat Open (44%)
Third eye Open (38%)
Crown Open (13%)
I call major bull****. It said my naval chakra is only at 13% lol. It said my crown was at 50%. I have a ton of energy rushes everyday that come from my power chakra aka naval chakra to my crown. I've heard two theories, one that the energy flows up from kundalini yoga and another that says the crown chakra pulls the energy up from jnana yoga. They are both right, it does flow up but it feels like the crown chakra is what pulls it up.