Bump a Thread


I think you may be right and I also think that bumping these old threads is a good way to get the best of both worlds. I think it gets people thinking more. One of the other things that effects it, however, is that we're selectively bumping threads. I'm only bumping the ones that interest me and so too I would think for other people.
This could be like looking at old unwashed underwear.:eek:

At least I now know why there are exhumed threads lying around all over the place!



er...I haven't got the hang of this have I?
To a button-pusher it must be like Paradise :p
Thought you'd never spot it.

:D hehehe!
From the bumped thread:
Two other great Rinzai masters were Takuan and Hakuin. Takuan (1573-1645) stressed that samsara is the same as nirvana, defilement the same as purity, and delusion the same as enlightenment. Their apparent difference is due to man's ignorance in mistaking phenomena for ultimate reality.